Tuesday, February 26, 2008

', regular transport inspections will be reinstated quite soon, Ms. Miles..."

Commander Chesnokov nods

Commander Chesnokov: Well, since it would appear our numbers are few, we should establish patrol routes, with coverage extending as much as we are able, to the port.

Sgt. Otsuka: yes, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov grins.

Commander Chesnokov: Right. Well, let's go take a look at the new office, then.

The two Alliance officers enter the new UAP sector office.

Commander Chesnokov: plenty of visual range, which is good.

Commander Chesnokov: Office is looking good.

Sgt. Otsuka: yes, Sir. I'm a bit surprised there's so few wanted posters.

Commander Chesnokov: May want another chair or two, now that I think of it. As well as one where we might... question.. suspects.

Commander Chesnokov: Oh, I have no doubt that will change.

Sgt. Otsuka: We may need cells at some point.

Commander Chesnokov: Yes. Which may call for a redesign, somewhat, of the office...
Sgt. Otsuka grins.

Commander Chesnokov: Not that the cells should have to be all that big...

Commander Chesnokov grins.

Sgt. Otsuka: just enough space to stand, I would think, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov smiles, nodding. "I like your way of thinking."

Sgt. Otsuka: I try, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov: Alright, Sergeant. While the orders are processed for potentially new cells, and whatnot, let's have a look at the downtown grid.

Sgt. Otsuka: Okay, Sir.

The officers exit the Whedon Tower in downtown Downing.

Commander Chesnokov: Sly Willie's, eh. Something tells me this place is going to cause us more than a little concern. Glad it will be easy to keep an eye on.

Sgt. Otsuka: I heard there could be some dancing.

Sgt. Otsuka: Have heard rumors that some who work there could have some...... connections.

Commander Chesnokov: Oh..? Would be interesting to find out what kinds of... connections they have. In the meantime, let's see if we have any of our regular moles who we can put to good use around here.

Sgt. Otsuka: I'll get on that, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov nods.

Commander Chesnokov: Ok. Blue Sun seems to have gotten themselves firmly established.

Sgt. Otsuka: Yes, Sir. An operative works out of the building.

Sgt. Otsuka: Blue hands.

Commander Chesnokov nods.

Commander Chesnokov: I see. Would be interesting to meet this Operative. Then again, not sure I want them that close to our business...

Sgt. Otsuka: It's a small planet.

Commander Chesnokov: This is all too true...

Commander Chesnokov: well, let's have a look, then.

They enter the Minear Building.

Commander Chesnokov scratches his chin thoughtfully as he reads the signs.

Commander Chesnokov: Eight floors... Lot of space...

Sgt. Otsuka: 10 if you count the roof helipad.

Commander Chesnokov: And no easy way to monitor that, because of how high up it is.

Sgt. Otsuka: we'll need at least one vehicle.

Commander Chesnokov: Agreed.

Commander Chesnokov: Good to know the hospital is here. How many on staff are Alliance?

Sgt. Otsuka: don't know yet, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov nods.

Commander Chesnokov: Knowledge is power, Sergeant. And I want us to be holding the upper hand when we need to be.

Sgt. Otsuka: Yes, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov nods.

Commander Chesnokov: We can better inspect this place in the next few days. Take our time with it. For now, I want to get a general layout of the area. Although, it is interesting to see that name... Niska...

Sgt. Otsuka: I've heard some things about him.

Commander Chesnokov: As have I. Unfortunately, while it is enough to raise suspicion, it's not enough to detain him for questioning.

Sgt. Otsuka: Usually, only other criminals seem to need to worry about him.

Commander Chesnokov chuckles softly. "So I have heard..."

Commander Chesnokov: Still, a potentially dangerous man. I prefer to keep an eye on the dangerous ones, even if it is only out of self-preservation.

Sgt. Otsuka: of course, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov: Well, may as well take a look at the medical facilities while we are here...

They enter a clinic with only a few beds.

Commander Chesnokov: They must be waiting for the rest of their equipment to be delivered. Coming along nicely, though.

Sgt. Otsuka: should we check the rest of the city, Sir?

Commander Chesnokov nods. "Aye, I think that is a good plan."

Sgt. Otsuka: Down market area, I believe, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov nods.

Commander Chesnokov: Going to become a haven of illicit activity...

Sgt. Otsuka: I heard the prominent business owner here does have a handle on a lot of that.

Commander Chesnokov arches an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Sgt. Otsuka: she owns this building over here. She also has an office on some border moon.

Commander Chesnokov: Anyone we know?

Sgt. Otsuka: Name of Naismith Miles, I believe.

Commander Chesnokov nods.

Commander Chesnokov: Can't hurt to run her name through the Alliance database. See what we can learn about Ms. Miles...

Sgt. Otsuka: Yes, Sir.

Sgt. Otsuka: we can take the transport to the docks, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov: Of course.

The officers take the quick transport to the Eavesdown Docks.

Sgt. Otsuka: There used to be an abbey here.

Commander Chesnokov: I remember seeing one in the initial reports I read...

Sgt. Otsuka: We'll have to come here to check on ships coming in.

Commander Chesnokov: Aye.

Commander Chesnokov: Wonder what happened to it. People don't generally tear such places down...

Sgt. Otsuka: No idea.

Commander Chesnokov: Persephone Cargo, Incorporated, eh? What do we know about the owner?

Sgt. Otsuka: though, I heard that one Shepherd that was here was involved in the Miranda Wave.

Commander Chesnokov: What?

Sgt. Otsuka: The company? Solid sort. Seems above board.

Commander Chesnokov: Good. So, we had a Miranda-related Shepherd here...

Sgt. Otsuka: he never came back after he left. died on some backwater moon.

Commander Chesnokov: Interesting.

Commander Chesnokov nods.

Sgt. Otsuka: That's all the detail the record has.

Commander Chesnokov: No point, I suppose in making a fuss over it, if he's dead.

Sgt. Otsuka: No, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov: Right. Want to meet the owner of the cargo outfit, find out how often we get transports in.

Sgt. Otsuka: I'll check on that, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov: We definitely want to step up the patrols on those dates.

Commander Chesnokov: If traffic out here gets significant enough to warrant it, I may consider stationing a regular post out here. We will see what happens, however.

Sgt. Otsuka: The locals won't like that.

Commander Chesnokov: Well, what the locals like or dislike is secondary, when it comes to the security of these docks.

Sgt. Otsuka: Yes, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov: They will learn to live with it.

Sgt. Otsuka: Could be interesting, Sir. There’s a strong independent sympathy here.

Sgt. Otsuka: Yes, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov: Well, I suppose they need all the sympathy they can get, given how the War ended...

Sgt. Otsuka chuckles.

Commander Chesnokov: They pitted their views against the Alliance's strength. Now, they are scattered, and the Alliance is stronger than ever. That stands for something.

Sgt. Otsuka: Yes, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov: Alright, Sergeant. Anything we miss, that you can think of?

Sgt. Otsuka: No, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov: Right. Then let's head back to the office, make some calls, see what we can find out about a vehicle, and maybe look into those cells.

Sgt. Otsuka: Yes, Sir.

Sgt. Otsuka: I think there's someone else, here, Sir.

The officers head to Downside and see someone in one of the shops.

Commander Chesnokov: I had that feeling as well, Sergeant.

Sgt. Otsuka: That's business person I told you about, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov: Ahhhhhhhh, indeed.

Commander Chesnokov: And you would be Ms. Miles, I presume...?

Naismith Miles: That's me.

Naismith Miles: And what kind of connections do you require?

Sgt. Otsuka: We just moved into our office at the Whedon Tower. Getting the lay of the land.

Sgt. Otsuka: Making sure that everyone understands the law.

Commander Chesnokov smiles. "What kind of connections can you provide, Ms. Miles?

Naismith Miles: I understand the law, and how it can "facilitate" business.

Commander Chesnokov: Indeed.

Naismith Miles: I run a legitimate Transport company, registered on Persephone, and Osiris.
Sgt. Otsuka: Do you also have an office on Burnet?

Naismith Miles: Yes. I pick up a side trade in luxury goods from the border regions.

Naismith Miles: exotic foods inbound, industrial goods outbound. Everyone wins ((smiles))

Commander Chesnokov: I do not question the validity of your Transport business, Ms. Miles. Although I might be curious as to what you mean by way of "industrial goods"...

Sgt. Otsuka: and "exotic foods"

Commander Chesnokov nods.

Naismith Miles: The border worlds are in need of farm equipment, tools, source boxes.

Commander Chesnokov nods.

Naismith Miles: And they grow all multitude of foods that are hard to find on the core worlds. Spices, like Ginseng from Hera.

Sgt. Otsuka: They are indeed.

Naismith Miles: All QUITE legitimate I assure you.

Commander Chesnokov: I see. And these industrial items all come from legitimate sources, I am certain...

Naismith Miles: I also broker transportation, I have connections with a variety of ship owners.

Naismith Miles: Of course, all due bills of sale and export fees on file in the Cortex.

Commander Chesnokov: A woman of such diverse talent... I am surprised you don't employ any security personnel.

Commander Chesnokov: Of course.

Sgt. Otsuka: Then you won't have a problem when we reinstate regular inspections.

Naismith Miles: Who says I don't employ security, Officer Chesnokov.

Commander Chesnokov smiles. "That would be Commander Chesnokov, Ms. Miles. And I see no one else here with you now..."

Naismith Miles: I have little need of it here on Persephone, you fine gents doing such a good job and all.

Sgt. Otsuka resists the urge to look down to see how deep it's getting.

Naismith Miles: Sorry Commander. I contract the muscle when I go to the rim.

Commander Chesnokov smiles, glancing around the room. "Of course. Well, regular transport inspections will be reinstated quite soon, Ms. Miles, although I am afraid I cannot specify when. Until then, you seem to be doing well for yourself. I do hope this continues."

Naismith Miles: Well officers, I don't know about deep, I don't usually carry fresh fertilizer.

Naismith Miles: That's fine, gentlemen, please stop by my office, in the building next door any time.

Sgt. Otsuka: We may be doing that. You'll be seeing more of us in the neighborhood.

Naismith Miles: I look forward to it.

Commander Chesnokov: We will, Ms. Miles. You can continue to count on our presence.

Naismith Miles: Shiny.

Commander Chesnokov: Good day, Ms. Miles. Sergeant...

Naismith Miles nods.

The officers leave the small shop.

Naismith Miles mutters.

Naismith Miles: Mei gatshu nai-ing mu

Naismith Miles: tiang mu

Naismith Miles: shaun nai mu

Commander Chesnokov: Interesting woman.

Sgt. Otsuka: Very, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov: Think I will want to keep an eye on her as well. If nothing else, something tells me it won't be boring...

Sgt. Otsuka: I don't like being bored, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov chuckles.

Commander Chesnokov: Nor do I, Sergeant.

Commander Chesnokov: Companion Training Hall, eh? Least we know we won't have any problems there.

Sgt. Otsuka grins.

Commander Chesnokov chuckles. "Alright, so we have at least two in the downtown grid who are worth keeping tabs on."

Sgt. Otsuka: Yes, Sir.

Sgt. Otsuka: I volunteer to inspect the House, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov chuckles. "Authority granted, Sergeant. Try not to have too good of a time at it..."

Sgt. Otsuka: Aw, Sir.....

Commander Chesnokov: Ah, hell. Guess they are in training for a reason there. Likely they could use the practice...

Sgt. Otsuka tries not to smile too much.

Commander Chesnokov: Be thorough, and give it all you've got, Sergeant.

Sgt. Otsuka: I will, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov grins.

Commander Chesnokov: Carry on then, Sergeant. I am going to wander a bit, before I head back upstairs.

Sgt. Otsuka: Yes, Sir.

Commander Chesnokov: And yes, if you have time and inclination, conduct that sweep of the Training Hall at your leisure.

* * *

The commander leaves his office and sees his civilian boss.

Paine Chesnokov: Governor! Always a pleasure to see you.

Gov. Woodhen: What's going on, Commander.

Commander Chesnokov: Took a tour of the downtown grid, as well as the docks with my Sergeant. So far, things look easily manageable. May have some requisition orders to process, however.

Gov. Woodhen: Not a problem. Just let me know what you need.

Gov. Woodhen: It's good to have some real law getting established here again.

Commander Chesnokov: Of course. Aside from a vehicle, and perhaps some cells, I was considering a small arms store, for emergencies. Otherwise, I will let you know as we encounter a need. And it feels good to get established.

Gov. Woodhen: I'll see what I can do on those, Commander.

Commander Chesnokov nods. "Of course, Governor. And should you need anything, we are here, at your disposal."

Gov. Woodhen smiles. "Very good to know, Commander."

Commander Chesnokov: Well, I will let you continue with your business, Sir. Should you need an escort, send me a wave, and I will come, personally.

Gov. Woodhen: I'll probably need that on any state visits to other moons. But I may be taking you up on that.

Commander Chesnokov smiles, nodding. "Of course, Governor."

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