Dana Maelstrom grumbles at being taken to the Clinic, "Really, I feel... I ... I'm fine."
Rae Overholt: Yeah, sure. We want to make sure the rest of us are.
Sean M looks to Dana, "Now we discussed this before, that story you gave me about 'coded DNA' doesn't make sense, I want to have you checked out." He nods to Rae, "I know this place, I'm pretty sure they will be able to tell us what's going on."
Rae Overholt nods. "What should we do first Doc?"
Shen Jiutai glances between Sean M, Dana and Rae, then back to Sean, "They better, I hope she ain't catching..."
Xiao Li Marshall hangs back, staying as far from Dana as possible.
Dana Maelstrom shoots Shen a dirty look, "I ain't catching!!"
Li Mei: We don't know that.
Sean M nods.
Dana Maelstrom pouts.
Sean M walks up to the counter, looking for any sign of life in the clinic.
Rae Overholt goes to lean against the wall, watching it all.
Sean M wanders to the hallway, "Hello? Is there anybody here?"
Rae Overholt: Don't reckon it's a good sign when a clinic's this quiet.
Xiao Li Marshall: Nobody breathe in too deep.
Shen Jiutai nods.
Rae Overholt can't help but give Xiao Li an amused look.
Dana Maelstrom fidgets.
Sean M reaches behind the counter and picks up a Datapad, "Well, at least I can register you..."
Li Mei looks around the room, "What kind of a clinic has no chairs in the waiting area?"
Xiao Li Marshall: One that can't afford 'em?
Sean M walks over to confer with Dana as he fills in the form.
Li Mei: I would think a clinic here could afford them.
Xiao Li Marshall: 'parantly they can't afford *doctors,* let alone chairs.
Rae Overholt: Unless 'n something has happened and we dont know it yet.
Shen: I've been in bus-stops with better accommodations.
Rae Overholt: Long as they got what we need I dont care. Might be Sean here can fix us up for free if'n nobody's here to object.
Li Mei shrugs, "Maybe they aren't used to having sick people on Beaumonde"
Shen Jiutai giggles.
Xiao Li Marshall: Or there could be a plague goin' through that killed off the doctors...
Dana Maelstrom looks worried. After some consultation she gives Sean M a dirty look, "I said my occupation was 'student'!"
Sean M: "Riiight,... Student it is."
Li Mei chuckles, "I was a student once."
Rae Overholt smiles at Li. "how'd you like your studies?"
Shen: Heck, ain't we all 'life students'?
Xiao Li Marshall snorts. "Ain't an occupation 'less *they're* payin' *you.*"
Shen: Perhaps her Pa is payin' her.
Li Mei smiles at Rae, "The studying was fine. Some of the exams I could have done without."
Shen Jiutai snorts.
Rae Overholt nods. "Maybe you could give us some manners classes."
Shen Jiutai grumbles, "My manners are jus' fine."
Rae Overholt: 'Bout as good as mine.
Li Mei laughs, "Most of you do just fine."
Rae Overholt straightens and kicks the wall, "Sean? You going to slip back in the back see if anyone's here? It's too quiet I dont think they are. Reckon they went to eat?"
Xiao Li Marshall: What, all at once?
Sean M nods to Rae and wanders over to, and down the hallway, "Heeeeeloooooooooo!"
Rae Overholt shrugs a shoulder, "Well some shop folks close stores to all eat."
Xiao Li Marshall flips down her goggles and runs a search to see if there are any alerts for plagues or Reaver attacks in the Beaumonde area
Dana Maelstrom wonders why the captain of a cargo ship would be running a finishing school.
Sean M knocks on a door, "Hello!!! We got someone here in need of medical attention!!!"
Rae Overholt figures she could always do with something to keep her busy.
Shen Jiutai walks up to Rae, "Cap'n, I know Sean kinda rushed us here, but shouldn't we unload those crates as quickly as possible?"
Dana Maelstrom watches as Shen calls Rae "Cap'n"
Rae Overholt sighs, "I dont guess we're going to die in the next three hours whatever it is. Sure Shen. Let's do that."
Shen: "I mean we don't know what's in 'um..."
Li Mei leans over and whispers to Rae, "Does this mean I can stop pretending to be you?"
Rae Overholt nods to Lena, "Guess so. My cover was blown. Too bad I was having fun."
Dana Maelstrom looks at Lena with a newly appraising eye, "I thought so."
Xiao Li Marshall: No offense, Cap'n, but you really should let us in on th' joke once in a while.
Sean M guides a doctor to the waiting area from the back hallway.
Rae Overholt: Aw Xiao li, that takes the fun out.
Xiao Li Marshall: For whom?
Li Mei: For her.
Rae Overholt: For me.
Sean M gestures to Dana, "This is the girl... She's had some pretty sophisticated things done to her."
Dana Maelstrom looks at Luke Hu, then blushes.
Luke Hu: What seems to be the problem here?
Sean M: I think we need to do a full spectrum anaylisis, I can help you... she left Osiris with something strange in her system...And she seems to be constantly passing out.
Luke Hu: Takes her sunglasses off and looks in her eyes. After a few seconds he shakes his head.
Dana Maelstrom squints as Luke Hu examines her.
Luke Hu: Lets get her in the back exam room.
Rae Overholt watches the exchange, taking a blade off her belt and beginning to clean her nails with it.
Dana Maelstrom nods and follows Luke Hu.
Sean M follows.
Rae Overholt: So, boxes.
Luke Hu: All right. Tell me everything form the beginning. When did you first notice something wrong
Shen: Yeah, do we know how to find those guys?
Rae Overholt whispers, "Think we could sneak them through a scanner find out what's in them?"
Dana Maelstrom: Well, I was transporting this thing in my blood... and I need to get it home to my dad.
Luke Hu: I see. You normally carry things in your blood?
Dana Maelstrom: Well... it was a special assignment...
Luke Hu: nods
Shen Jiutai eyes the newcomer.
Luke Hu: Alright. Take your clothes off and put on that robe there. and I'll go get the scanner ready.
Dana Maelstrom does as the doctor says.
Kaito Yoshikawa looks around the room searching for Dana Maelstrom
Luke Hu knocks on the door.
Rae Overholt looks to the stranger with the gloves. Her eyes then dart to the others near her. She whispers when he is out of range, "I think we got a problem"
Luke Hu: Are you ready?
Shen Jiutai edges to the hallway, "Uh, Sean... tell the Doc we got company."
Xiao Li Marshall has gone pale at the sight of the man in blue gloves.
Kaito Yoshikawa: You there. Have you seen a woman by the name of Dana Maelstrom?
Xiao Li Marshall: Gorram right we've got a problem...
Li Mei: Oh no, this is not good.
Dana Maelstrom, upon hearing Kaito's voice goes quiet.
Luke Hu: Sorry . No I haven't. And please check in with the nurse up front. This is the patient area.
Rae Overholt: Someone get out back and snatch her out a window.
Xiao Li Marshall: Not it.
Kaito Yoshikawa: I see.
Shen Jiutai edges over to watch.
Luke Hu: If you will excuse me please. We are very busy today and I would like to get home before midnight.
Rae Overholt: Hey. Can we get a doctor out here? I've been waitin' forever.
Luke Hu: Have a good day sir.
Kaito Yoshikawa: It's always a good day with Blue Sun.
Luke Hu nods and smiles
Shen Jiutai shudders.
Luke Hu knocks and steps into exam room and closes the door. "Alright lets see here...." He pulls out sedative hypo and eye flash light.
Rae Overholt watches the Blue Sun blue gloved feller wander around.
Li Mei moves back up front to see if he's leaving.
Luke Hu shines light in her eyes back and forth and watches pupils dilate.
Rae Overholt: "Don't guess we're going to get a doctor anytime soon," she says for affect and watches the others.
Xiao Li Marshall hissing under her breath: "Where the hell is Kevin? He's the one who knows about these hun dans..."
Luke Hu: "Alright... now, before I take you to the scanner room, do you have any metal implants? They can throw the harmonics off in resonation chamber."
Li Mei whispers to Xiao Li, "You think he's going to notice all of use staring at him?"
Rae Overholt's hand drifts idly to her pistol at her thigh.
Sean M.: "Look Doc, I've given her a bit of a checkout, the only thing puzzling me is this blood-work, I could only do so much onboard our Firefly."
Luke Hu nods. "Just going through the standard questions step by step. We dont want a metal rod to flash fry her muscle." He winks "Just kidding"
Sean M: "Yeah, I got ya... do you mind if I do some blood work in your lab? I'll tell you the whole story..."
Luke Hu: "Alright. I am going to give you just a little sedative so you can relax. The chamber takes about 5 minutes for a full scan and you have to be absolutely still. You'll be awake .... you just seem a bit tense." He adjusts lowest dosage in hypo.
Dana Maelstrom rolls over and sleepily looks at Luke Hu.
Luke Hu: places on arm and injects, "There we go. Alright, lets go this way."
Shen Jiutai folds her arm, "I guess this could be a while."
Rae Overholt: So, two of you go unload that cargo? Li and I will stay here.
Xiao Li Marshall grumbles a little but heads out toward the ship.
Rae Overholt: We'll holler if we need you, and you too.
Shen Jiutai nods, "We contact the 'receivers' yet?"
Rae Overholt: You'll need to do that Shen. We got a bit sidetracked. Use the mule. Let Xiao li transfer.
Li Mei: I can stay for a while longer, Captain, but I will need to leave soon for an appointment.
Rae Overholt: Alright Li, if you need to go I'll cover it here.
Shen Jiutai nods and follows Xiao Li.
Luke Hu: notices how sluggish Dana is. He checks hypo and verifies it is lowest dosage. "Stay here on table. Let me get the portable unit."
Sean M: She's been passing out a lot.
Luke Hu: "Alright now." He sets portable scanner down. "Lets see what we got here." He begins scanning Dana and adjusting the settings on the main box. "What, may I ask, is she transporting in her blood?"
Dana Maelstrom looks suspicious, "None of your business."
Sean M: She says it's a code, in her DNA.
Luke Hu: "AH....DNA encoding. I see. I was scanning for nanite-particle residue. Hmmmmm....." He looks intently at scanner.
Rae Overholt paces back and forth between the waiting area and the room, listening when she gets close but not staying long so she can keep an eye out for the stranger.
Luke Hu adjusts a knob. "So how long have you been pregnant? Looks like 2-3 months now."
Dana Maelstrom's eyes go wide, "WHAT???!!!???"
Li Mei raises an eyebrow having overheard the doctor.
Luke Hu: "OH! Wait" He hits side of scanner box. "Never mind."
Rae Overholt lets out a giggle.
Luke Hu: Just a little gas built up in you.
Li Mei rolls her eyes
Dana Maelstrom looks to Sean M, "Who is this guy?"
Luke Hu: Well I see no viral loads in your blood....no bacterium traces..... Blood chemistry is......slightly odd......but nothing not with the range of near normal. Hmmmm..... Have you gone for a long stretch without a full nights sleep before or during the time you began 'carrying' your cargo?
Sean M: Yeah, I think if we took a closer look at...
Luke Hu: Closer look at ...?
Sean M. ...The blood ... here and... here, I'd like to isolate that... can I use your lab?
Dana Maelstrom: I seem to be sleeping all the time, actually...
Luke Hu: Let me go check some reference material and show your friend here the lab. Labs back here Doctor.
Sean M follows Luke Hu to the back...
Dana Maelstrom grumbles and starts to pull her clothes back on.
Luke Hu: I need to research some conditions in my office. Feel free to let me know if you need anything.
Dana Maelstrom calls down the hall, "Can I go now Doc?"
Luke Hu: Yes. I'll help you back to your ship
Rae Overholt: Mind if we double time it?
Dana Maelstrom pulls on her boots and tosses the robe away, buttoning her jacket, she emerges.
Luke Hu: Your friend is using the lab for a while and it will take two of us to get you back. Alright. He takes Dana's arm and walks her out
Rae Overholt: No, sorry, thanks for the help Li. Got a hot client?
Li Mei smirks, "Well, a wealthy one anyway." She smiles and nods, "I'll see you all back on the Raven tomorrow."
* * * * * * * * * * *
Rae manages to drag the sedated Dana back to the spaceport, and onboard Raven.
Shen Jiutai nods to the Captain and closes her data pad, "I just messaged our contacts, they should be here soon."
Xiao Li Marshall: First thing that's gone right all gorram week.
Shen Jiutai nods, and pulls a crate from it's hiding place.
Rae Overholt: What'd they say? You guys pulled it all out for them yet?
Dana Maelstrom quietly stands in the corner and observes.
Xiao Li Marshall sighs. "I gotta get me a hip flask."
Shen: "Well, it's just the address that Morganna Wynnitfrye gave us on Paquin, but there was somebody there. Said they'd be right down.
Dana Maelstrom's ears perk up at Morgana's name.
Rae Overholt spots the look on Dana's face, "what?"
Shen Jiutai glances at Dana, "You know her?"
Dana Maelstrom shuffles a bit, "Er, yeah... she's my cousin."
Shen: Greeeaaat! Glad to know we're working in a family business.
Xiao Li Marshall: An' maybe we can get Typhoid Mary here off our boat while we're at it.
Rae Overholt: Yeah Dana. What do you think about that?
Shen Jiutai moves out of earshot of Dana, "Cap'n, how long I gotta make nice with these Hu-Dons?"
Rae Overholt shakes her head at Shen, not sure she has an answer for her.
Dana Maelstrom: Actually, Rae... I guess since you're the Captain, I should ask you... can you hook me up with the Doctor from Osiris that said she had important information for me?"
Rae Overholt: Well Dana, can you pay me for it?
Dana Maelstrom: Can you get me a secure Wave link to an address I have?
Rae Overholt: It's possible.
Dana Maelstrom looks sheepish, "I don't suppose we can start a tab?"
Rae Overholt: Not good practice for us to do that.
Xiao Li Marshall: We ain't runnin' a charity here.
Shen Jiutai turns as the call-buzzer at the gangway hatch buzzes
Rae Overholt continues to watch Dana, sure Shen has this well in hand.
Morganna Wynnitfrye appears outside the hatch.
Shen: "Cap'n, I think this is them." She opens the hatch and lets Morganna Wynnitfrye inside.
Rae Overholt: Alright. You want to go say hi to your cousin Dana or do you want to fix some tea upstairs?
Dana Maelstrom beams as Morgana enters the ship. "Morgana!"
Morganna Wynnitfrye: "Dana? What are you doing on this boat?"
Rae Overholt crosses her arms, waiting to see how Dana handles this, a slight smile on her face.
Dana Maelstrom: "These nice folks here..." she says with a sideways glance at Rae, "are helping me get home!"
Morganna Wynnitfrye "Your father has been worried sick about you!"
Dana Maelstrom looks at her boots.
Rae Overholt: Then I guess he'll be happy as a pig when we get her home.
Morganna Wynnitfrye "Captain Overholt, ThankYou for looking after this cargo," she gestures to the crates, "Had I known you had such special passengers... well, what can I say..."
Rae Overholt nods at Morganna, "It's our job after all."
Morganna Wynnitfrye hands Rae 200 credits, "Here, this is for the crates. And I take it your next stop is Newhall?"
Dana Maelstrom clears her throat.
Rae Overholt: "Something like that," she takes the credits and puts it in her pocket. "Guess we should get moving though, what with a timeline and all. You let us know if'n we can do anything for you again."
Morganna Wynnitfrye: "You can be assured I will... but wait." She removes the necklace from her neck and hands it to Rae, "Here please give this to Mr. Maelstrom, as a sign of my honer."
Rae Overholt takes the necklace, her eyes darting to Dana, "Alright. Not like it takes up much space. Sure."
Morganna Wynnitfrye also hands Rae another 100 credits, "And this is to help keep Dana comfortable, with my regards,"
Rae Overholt walks to Xiao Li and holds out the necklace and then takes the creds from Morganna once again, "Sure do appreciate it. Thanks."
Morganna Wynnitfrye: "I shall leave you to your tight schedule, Dana, please remember me to your father."
Xiao Li Marshall takes the necklace hesitantly, wondering what the hell she's supposed to do with it.
Morganna Wynnitfrye gestures to six heavily muscled bodyguards that enter and remove the crates without a word. "Thank you again, Captain Overholt,"
Rae Overholt: Not a problem.
Morganna Wynnitfrye leaves.
Rae Overholt looks to Xiao Li as soon as Morganna has left with her musclemen and steps close to whisper.
Dana Maelstrom looks to Rae again, "Um, this is the cortex address.. about that wave?"
Rae Overholt: Xiao Li, can you set her up on a private line?
Xiao Li Marshall nods knowingly at Rae, then looks to Dana. "Come with me, I'll get you set up on the bridge."
Shen Jiutai gestures that we should listen in.
Rae Overholt nods at Shen.
Dana Maelstrom: It doesn't have to be private, I might forget something.
Rae Overholt: Alright then I'll come with you.
Xiao Li Marshall leads Dana up to the cockpit, careful not to actually touch her.
Dana Maelstrom follows the two to the cockpit. She hands Xiao Li a slip of wrinkled paper with an addy on it.
Xiao Li Marshall leans over the copilot's console and types out the address, along with a handful of other commands that flash by too quickly to see properly. She then steps back and gestures to the copilot's seat.
Sarah Miles responds to the wave, "Ni-How"
Dana Maelstrom grins at the screen "Dr Miles!!!"
Rae Overholt leans back against a cabinet on the bridge and listens, staying out of screenshot.
Sarah Miles: Dana, How are you feeling, is this a secure line?
Dana Maelstrom looks to Xiao Li questioningly.
Xiao Li Marshall: Secure as I c'n make it.
Sarah Miles: I heard that, I hope you're with friends.
Dana Maelstrom nods, "Yeah, I guess you could call them friends of the family."
Sarah Miles: Good, listen, you need to meet me on Hera, this is very important!
Dana Maelstrom nods slowly, grins, "Hera, that's right next to home..." She passes out in the co-pilot's chair.
Sarah Miles: Dana? Dana? Hello?
Rae Overholt leans over the out cold Dana and speaks to the doctor, coming into view the first time. "Doc, you mind telling us why she keeps blacking out?"
Sarah Miles: Well, yeah... I guess I should tell you... she said she trusted you. She can trust you, right?
Rae Overholt waits, fingers tapping absently on the back of the chair as she does.
Sarah Miles: What I have to say is important, but dangerous information... Dana is carrying a specially modified virus, that targets her family's DNA, in a short time, it will no longer be dormant, and eventually it will kill all of her relatives.
Rae Overholt: "Does she know this???? How do we get it out of her??" She asks thinking maybe it wouldn't be so bad to leave it in her. "How do I know we can trust you anyway?"
Sarah Miles: Since you are friends of her family, you must know how important it is that you bring her to me, I can save her, and keep her family safe.
Xiao Li Marshall 's mouth tightens into a firm line, but she has no other reaction.
Sarah Miles: I haven't had the chance to tell her this yet. You must tell her when she wakes.
Rae Overholt sighs, "Alright, Hera. What else do we need to know?"
Sarah Miles: nothing else, except that if you aren't related to her, there is no danger.
Xiao Li Marshall: How close of a relatives are we talkin' about here?
Rae Overholt: How easy can her family catch it?
Sarah Miles: The genetic string that the virus is targeted to is pretty narrow, I'd say, perhaps second cousins... Well, it is airborne once it becomes awake, so fairly easily.
Rae Overholt: How do we know when its awake?
Sarah Miles: Out of all the things I did for Blue Sun, I never thought I'd see my own work perverted into a weapon.
Xiao Li Marshall lifts her head. "Why the ruttin' hell were you *engineering viruses* for Blue Sun?"
Sarah Miles: She still has about 3 weeks left, so you need to come straight here.
Rae Overholt: Alright. Guess that's all we need to know then. Anything else we need to tell her?
Sarah Miles: "I'll tell you all of that when I see you... what?.. I must go." The wave goes blank.
Rae Overholt turns to look at everyone, "You guys believe that?"
Xiao Li Marshall: I believe that she's dyin'. The rest of it? Dunno.
Rae Overholt: Maybe Sean will have more information.
Dana Maelstrom snores
From the cargo-bay below, there is a pounding on the hatch. Leaving Dana in the cockpit, Rae, Xiao Li and Shen decend the catwalks again.
Shen Jiutai opens the cargo bay hatch to the incessant knocking. "Doctor? Where's Sean?"
Luke Hu: I'm afraid I have terrible news. Someone killed your friend in my offices, and I believe they are after me.
Shen Jiutai's jaw drops open.
Luke Hu: I dont know who they are or why they are doing this.
Rae Overholt: Dead??? How??
Xiao Li Marshall: Ta ma de...
Rae Overholt: Then why do you think they're after you?
Shen Jiutai closes her mouth, and quickly darts outside.
Luke Hu: I found him in my lab. He was dead. I didn't have time to see how. Someone jumped me and I ran. They tried to shoot me, but missed.
Rae Overholt: Did you get what he was working on?
Luke Hu: I lost them and came here
Rae Overholt: Did you get what he was working on before he was murdered?
Shen Jiutai quietly and quickly surveys the docks, looking for any followers.
Xiao Li Marshall: This guy... he wouldn't have been wearin' blue gloves, would he?
Luke Hu: Please. "I didn't get a look at him. I did grab what your friend was working on. Not sure I got all of it though." He holds it up and looks at them.
Rae Overholt: What can you tell us about it?
Luke Hu: First, take me off this world and I will look it over and tell you all that I know.
Rae Overholt nods, "Best we be leaving anyhow. Xiao Li, Take us out."
Xiao Li Marshall sprints for the stairs to the fore corridor
Shen Jiutai darts back inside, "Looks like he wasn't followed."
Xiao Li Marshall pilots Raven up into the smoggy sky of Beaumonde, and towards the safety of The Black.
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