Wednesday, December 19, 2007

“You are refreshingly different, Mr. Burnside. I like that in a man.”

Deacon Korhonen: evenin, folks.

Locum Tenens: Deacon!

Li Mei: Certainly, Mr. Burnside'

Elise Capalini helps herself to a glass of champagne, certain that will make the shindig smoother.

Tuo Li Burnside fusses with his tie and sash, nervous.

Li Mei looks around the ball room, "Oh .. this is very nice."

Rohan Wallace looks around, smiling. He ponders stepping outside, for some fresh air

Tuo Li Burnside: uh, i've never engaged a Companion before...

Li Mei looks at Tuo Li and smiles, "You look quite dashing tonight, Mr. Burnside."

Tuo Li Burnside blushes. "Thank you."

Li Mei: Treat me like you would any lady accompanying you to a dance.

Elise Capalini: Miss Mei, who made your lovely gown?

Tuo Li Burnside's face drains of color.

Rohan Wallace smiles, seeing the local law enforcement, content that security is as tight as it could be for tonight's event.

Li Mei smiles at Elise, "The gown was made by Miss Nicky Ree"

Tuo Li Burnside leans in to Li's ear. "Um, I've never done that either."

Elise Capalini smiles and takes notes.

Li Mei grins as she rolls her eyes just a little and whispers back, "Well then, just be yourself ."

Tuo Li Burnside whispers, "That's why Mother wanted me to hire a Companion. So I wouldn't be myself. But I'll do my best."

Cimorene Ronmark sighs at her boss. She likes him just the way he is.

Li Mei chuckles, "Your mother sounds like a wise woman ... just do your best and you'll be fine."

Tuo Li Burnside: Shall I get you some champagne?

Li Mei: Yes, I would love some champagne, Mr. Burnside.

Tuo Li Burnside: I'll be right back.

Li Mei examines her nails, appearing slightly bored

Tuo Li Burnside: “Here you are.” He hands Li Mei the glass

Li Mei takes the glass from Tuo Li and smiles, raising the glass in a toast, "To new friends."

Tuo Li Burnside smiles, a little less nervous. "To new friends."

Rohan Wallace nods, seeing his "associates” gather close to him, nodding to the six discreetly well-armed men in silence.

Elise Capalini: Mr. Sands, is it? Can I get you something to drink?

Tuo Li Burnside: I was actually surprised you accepted the offer for tonight, Ms. Mei.

CoolLuke Sands: I am good Ms. Capalini. I thank you kindly for the offer.

Li Mei: Oh? And why is that, Mr. Burnside?

Tuo Li Burnside: Well, Paquin isn't exactly Londinium.

Elise Capalini hears the word Londinium and glances at the man with the companion.

Tuo Li Burnside: We don't see too many Companions out this way.

Li Mei grins, "Well ... I haven't been to Londinium in a long time, I'm afraid."

CoolLuke Sands: I am new around these parts and word came around that this was the place to be and be seen.

Li Mei: I prefer life out here to the core these days.

Tuo Li Burnside: Really?

Elise Capalini nods at Mr. Sands. "They've called it the event of the season....I guess we'll see."

CoolLuke Sands: So do you frequent these social events Ms Capalini?

Li Mei nods, "Yes ... is that so surprising?"

Elise Capalini nods and smiles. "That's what a social editor does. I work for Cortex News."

Rohan Wallace smiles, glancing along the street. idly glancing at the time...

CoolLuke Sands: No. I am just making small talk.… just being polite so we can get to know each other.

Tuo Li Burnside: Well, the core is so rich. You have so many options there. I’ve had to do all my studies via Cortex. I could do research in the great libraries if I was on Londinium or Shinon.

Li Mei shrugs a little, hesitating before replying, “The options available to me in Londinium do not appeal to me these days.”

CoolLuke Sands: I just moved here about a week ago.

Elise Capalini looks at the cut of his suit. “You seem to be doing well for yourself.”

Tuo Li Burnside frowns a little. “I’m sorry to hear that, Ms. Mei.”

Li Mei nods, “You would love Sihnon, I’m sure. It is my home world.”

CoolLuke Sands: Well I do alright. I am a writer. I am well to do enough that I make my own way as I please.

Tuo Li Burnside gets a dreamy look in his eyes. “What’s it like there?”

Rohan Wallace nods slowly, a single time, to one of the men standing nearby, adjusting His tie once again.

CoolLuke Sands: I decided to move out here to the edge to experience humanity stripped down to its barest.

Deacon Korhonen: “Evenin, partner. Name’s Deacon, and I run Persephone Cargo over at the docks.”

Li Mei smiles, “It’s quite beautiful there. And very ... busy. Balls like this one happen nearly every week.”

Elise Capalini laughs. “’ll find that in abundance.”

Rohan Wallace smiles, nodding to the man. “Good evening. Rohan Wallace. Mine owner...”

CoolLuke Sands: I have secured some land in the Washtown area. Delightful little community. Some very interesting and … unique...characters that live there.

Elise Capalini can’t help but smile. “Washtown is my home as well, Mr. Sands.”

Tuo Li Burnside: “This is actually my first ball.”

Shana Meads meanders upstairs to lean against the railing. “Waooow...” A look over at the nearest other person, and she chirps up. “You know, I was almost expecting a floating chandelier, but it doesn’t really look like it’s needed!”

Sanpierre Juran looks around glumly. “No, it certainly doesn’t. It would be out of place with these dreary artificial floors.”

Deacon Korhonen: “Good evening, Mr. Burnside. How are you tonight?”

Rohan Wallace: Well, good evening, Miss Small.

CoolLuke Sands: They should provide me with...insight I guess is the word.… for the various walks of society that live out here

Li Mei: Your first? Well, there is nothing quite like your first time.

CoolLuke Sands: I mean no disrespect Ms Capalini. If I didn’t have the greatest admiration and affection for the place I would not have moved there.

Jenna Kasei enters and looks around the room, neither underly nor overly awed by the room. She’s the sort who feels at home at such events. She heads outside for a breath of fresh air.

Elise Capalini shakes her head. “None taken; it is a fine place for all manner of observations.”

Tuo Li Burnside: Is there anything in particular I should do?

Sanpierre Juran looks down at Mr. Sands. “If you’re so fond of the place, why’d you feel it necessary to pour snow on it rather than leaving it in its natural state?”

CoolLuke Sands: I moved in across the street from that general store on the edge of town....I forget its name. They have all those chickens running about the place.

Li Mei smiles at Tuo Li, “Well, if the music ever begins, a dance would be a perfect beginning.”

Cimorene Ronmark tries to start the dancing anyway!

Elise Capalini: The Big Red Button....a treasure trove, yes...

Sanpierre Juran sees Ms. Ronmark seeking a dance partner, and jumps in immediately.

Shana Meads, snubbed, makes a face at the retreating man’s back. “Nnnyeh!” Then a shrug, and a shoulder roll, and it’s back to wandering!

CoolLuke Sands: The work crews had a devil of a time getting the house setup. Luckily it was a pre-fab and was up in a day. So what career did fate lead you to in Washtown Ms Capalini?

Tuo Li Burnside: Can I ask you what brought you to the rim, Ms. Mei?

Li Mei smiles up at Tuo Li, “Shall we dance then, Mr. Burnside? I’ll tell you all about it while we dance.”

Tuo Li Burnside smiles. “Sure.”

Elise Capalini tilts her head at Mr. Sands. “I became a reporter, quite by accident, I assure you. But it’s a life that has treated me kindly.”

Deacon Korhonen: “Ms. Miles. How nice to see you again.”

Cimorene Ronmark smiles as she and Sanpierre glide gracefully across the dance floor.

Morganna Wynnitfrye: Good evening Deacon.

CoolLuke Sands: Ah. Another writer. No wonder we came together hear. The fates are wondrous with coincidences aren’t they?

Sanpierre Juran smiles back, lucky to be dancing with his favorite woman in the room.

Li Mei chukles, “Oh you are a wondefull dancer Mr. Burnside. Very light on your feet.”

Tuo Li Burnside: Mother paid for the best teachers they had out here.

Li Mei: It shows.

Elise Capalini helps herself to another drink and nods at Mr. Sands.

Li Mei: Perhaps I will teach you a few other things before our time together is done.

CoolLuke Sands: I have considered opening a business here. Perhaps a small publishing house maybe. I could go back to the law but am tired of that part of my life.

Shana Meads -sighs- as most all the others have paired up. “Ai ya...” So! She helps hold up the wall.

Elise Capalini raises an eyebrow. “You were a lawman?”

Tuo Li Burnside: So why did you come to the rim, Ms. Mei? If I can ask.

CoolLuke Sands: Ha. No. I was a lawyer for the law firm of Wolfram law firm back on the home world....but that is behind me now and they say never look back but ahead.

Li Mei hesitates a monent before answering, “Well ... suffice it to say that it became better for me to be away from the core.”

Elise Capalini’s eyes narrow. “Wolfram and Hart, could it be?”

Deacon Korhonen: “Dearest, if they’ll let a worn out old pilot like me in, they’ll admit anyone.”

CoolLuke Sands briefly turns pale but quickly recomposes himself, “I see you have heard of them.”

Tuo Li Burnside: Well, I’m glad you came out here.

Elise Capalini snorts delicately. “They have a long reach, Mr. Sands, and an even longer reputation.”

Cimorene Ronmark appreciates the fact that the music is all waltz-friendly!

CoolLuke Sands: Yes, I did work with them for a brief time but we had a .... falling out of sorts. Luckily for us both we parted on...agreeable and mutually acceptable terms.

Elise Capalini nods. “Could have been nasty otherwise.”

CoolLuke Sands: But as I said, that is behind me and I have had a very successful 10 years as a writer.

Li Mei smiles at Tuo Li, “I’m glad I accepted your offer as well, Mr. Burnside. So tell me, what is it that you do here?”

Tuo Li Burnside: I study, mostly.

Li Mei nods, “And what do you study?”

Tuo Li Burnside: My family was one of the first on this world. They managed to get wealthy on land sales. A little bit of everything. Haven’t decided what to do yet.

CoolLuke Sands: I have heard they have inquired about opening a branch office out here on the rim, but fortunately all it is is rumor

Elise Capalini looks at Mr. Sands. “Have you considered a career in journalism, or is your craft strictly one of fictions? Not that journalism isn’t often fiction...” She clears her throat.

A voice drifts in from outside:
Jenna Kasei: "So, these folks have crossed you as well. Is there somebody in the system they haven't cheated or robbed yet?"

Li Mei seems distracted, but soon returns her attention to her escort, “And what is it that you want to do?”

Tuo Li Burnside: Study. I’m happiest when I’m with my books. Which is a bit of a disappointment to my family. Is something wrong?

Li Mei smiles as she shakes her head, “No, I’m fine ... I apologize, my attention was drawn away to the lovely decoration here.”

Tuo Li Burnside could have sworn she was looking away from the decorations and at the door. “All right then.”

Li Mei: You should not worry too much about disappointing your family ... if you are a success in something you enjoy doing, they will come around in time.

Morganna Wynnitfrye: So, Mr. Tenens. I understand you may have a lead on transport for my employer's cargo?

CoolLuke Sands: I have always felt that all good stories have a touch of fiction to excite the long as the general facts are true.

Tuo Li Burnside: I hope so. They were hoping I’d join the mining company as an executive.

CoolLuke Sands: I have thought of journalism, but as my frustrated Editor could tell you, I am horrible with deadlines.

Shana Meads looks a touch lost and self-conscious as she comes back in, with a look back outside and a shake of her head.

Elise Capalini smiles at Mr. Sands. “Yes, my boss is a sticker for deadlines.”

Locum Tenens: Hello miss Wynnitfrye. pleased to make your acquaintance.

Li Mei seems a bit taken aback at Tuo Li’s last comment, “A mining company? That does not seem to suit you.”

Tuo Li Burnside: I agree. But when your family owns a good chuck of a world, you at least get a seat at the table.

CoolLuke Sands: Most Bosses usually are. Thats why I enjoy being my own Boss. My Boss tells me to get up in the morning, I tell him to go to hell until after 9:00 AM. It is a very good working relationship.

Elise Capalini laughs at Mr. Sands. “I wish I could work for that one; he sounds like my kind of boss.”

A small group reenters the ballroom.
Rohan Wallace: Miss Small, the lovely Operatic, Miss Jenna Kasei. Miss Kasei, My associate, Miss Small...

Amelia Small: Oh no need to worry about me at all. I think I am able to see to myself just fine. I bet I can find a nice Alliance officer to spin me around the floor.

Rohan Wallace chuckles softly.

Jenna Kasei bows slightly to Miss Small. “It’s a pleasure.”

Morganna Wynnitfrye nods, “Mr. Tenens, you are known to my employers. and therefore to me as well..”

Locum Tenens: As I should be

Morganna Wynnitfrye: I understand you may know of someone with the capacity we require to deliver our materials to Beaumonde?

CoolLuke Sands chuckles, “Well ‘WE’ sometime get up for a morning constitutional to catch the sunrises. Nothing like watching 2 suns rising together.”

Rohan Wallace nods to one of the men nearby. “Ladies, do forgive Me. Miss Kasei, Miss Small here can help arrange transport to the Colony. Miss Small, I hope to catch up with you later...”

Jenna Kasei: Good evening, Mister Wallace. And good evening to you, Miss Small. I’m going to retire early tonight as well.

Rohan Wallace takes Jenna’s hand, and gently turns it, palm up, and lightly kisses the inside of her wrist. “The pleasure was Mine, I assure you...”

Amelia Small smiles at Jenna, “It is a pleasure to meet you.” She turns to nod to Wallace, “I am sure we will be meeting again soon.”

Rohan Wallace: I look forward to it, Miss Small...

Tuo Li Burnside: Do you have many clients out here?

Li Mei smiles, “At the moment, you are the only client that is important to me.”

Tuo Li Burnside blushes.

Li Mei laughs, “I do believe I can teach you a few things you mother is unable to.”

Tuo Li Burnside turns bright red. “Oh. Uh... shiny.” He get very sweaty palms.

CoolLuke Sands: I apologize. Where are my manners. Ms Capalini, would you care to dance with me?

Elise Capalini: that would be nice, Mr. Sands.

CoolLuke Sands: I would not be a gentlemen to allow someone as beautiful as your self become a wallflower as I babble on about writing.

Li Mei smiles, “You are refreshingly different, Mr. Burnside. I like that in a man.”

Elise Capalini: You dance quite well, Mr. Sands. Are you schooled in such things?

Locum Tenens: would you like to dance Miss Morgana?

Morganna Wynnitfrye: “Why not, Mr Tenens,” She offers her arm.

CoolLuke Sands: I have had lessons growing up as a child. Seasonal cotillions and all.

Locum Tenens takes her arm.

Elise Capalini nods. “Well they paid off.”

Tuo Li Burnside stutters a little. “I-I-I haven’t done much in that area I think you’re talking about, Ms. Mei.”

Locum Tenens: oh my!

CoolLuke Sands: Well thank you kindly Ms. Capalini. I fear I have not danced with a woman of your.… breeding and elegance in quite some time.

Anastasia Christensen walks in and looks around, “It looks a bit like this party is a little short on men.”

CoolLuke Sands: If I step on your toes I apologize profusely ahead of time

Li Mei grins, “You let me worry about that, Mr. Burnside. Let’s just enjoy the music and each other’s company for now.”

Shana Meads -sighs-, propping up the wall. “Tell me about it,” she adds to the complaint. And mutters something about ‘paid -how- much for this invite’ under her breath.

CoolLuke Sands: So where do you originally come from Ms Capalini?

Tuo Li Burnside wipes the sweat from his forehead.

Anastasia Christensen turns to look at the woman by the wall, “Well you know we could give these folks a show and dance together, miss.”

Morganna Wynnitfrye: Well, Mr Tenens, if you’ll excuse me, business awaits.

Elise Capalini wonders how much she should tell him. “Londinium,” is all she says, with a small frown.

Morganna Wynnitfrye: Thank you for the dance.

Locum Tenens: “The pleasure was all mine m’ lady.” He bows

Morganna Wynnitfrye curtseys.

CoolLuke Sands: I passed through there a few years back. I was only there on a layover for a few hours. There was a nice park next to the spaceport...… Churros cart there too if I remember right.

Elise Capalini laughs, having no memory of such a cart, but nodding anyhow. “I remember the parks...”

Shana Meads looks a bit taken aback at the offer. “Well, umm-” Blink, cough. She looks around. Then smiles weakly back. “Well, it beats just standing around.”

Li Mei looks into Tuo Li’s eyes and smiles, “This is lovely music, isn’t it?”

Tuo Li Burnside looks away nervously. “Uh, yes.”

Locum Tenens: Ah yes, the classics of Earth That Was.

Anastasia Christensen walks over towards the girl and takes her by the hand. She leads her out into the dance floor, “I promise not to step on your toes. I have plenty of... uh practice.”

Li Mei chuckles at Tuo Li’s bashfulness, “How about another glass of champagne, Mr. Burnside?”

CoolLuke Sands: I have not heard this song since I was a child.

Tuo Li Burnside: That sounds like a great idea. I’ll get get it.

Elise Capalini shakes her head; “I don’t think I’ve ever heard this song.”

Tuo Li Burnside runs off to the champagne fountain.

Li Mei laughs at Tuo Li’s eagerness

CoolLuke Sands: An old historical recording if I remember right. The Chuck Brown Singers.… or some such nonsense.

Shana Meads looks a bit nervous, but covers it up with a wry smile. “So, ah- What’s your name anyway, Miss?”

Locum Tenens: The Charles Brown Orchestra.

CoolLuke Sands: Grand parents always played it at Christmas time. Not certain of the significance.....But it is soothing.

Elise Capalini glances at Locum, surprised he knows the music.

Deacon Korhonen: “Excuse me, Mr. Sands. May I cut in and have a dance with this lovely young woman?”

Li Mei smiles at Mr. Burnside, “Let’s go to my shuttle, Mr. Burnside. I have some things to show you. She leaves the ball arm in arm with Tuo Li.

Tuo Li Burnside sweats as he leaves with the companion.

CoolLuke Sands: But of course sir. If that is alright with you Ms. Capalini.

Anastasia Christensen wraps her arms around the woman and begins to move them both to the sound of the music, “My name is Anastasia, but you can call me simply Ana. What might your name be?”

Deacon Korhonen: “Thank you, Sir. You don’t mind, do you, Miss?”

Elise Capalini shakes her head. “No, no...Mr. Sands, it was a pleasure.”

CoolLuke Sands kisses her hand, “No. The pleasure was all mine. Good evening Ma’am.”

Shana Meads suppresses a little jump(!), but lets herself be lead. Swaaaay, swaaaay. “Well, I’m Shana, but you can call me... Shana.” Nervous laugh. Someone’s not on her game tonight! “Are you from around these parts, Ana?”

CoolLuke Sands: I noticed that your dancing companion has left. Would it too forward of me to ask you to dance

Lena Lei: Not at all, Mr Sands.

Anastasia Christensen shakes her head, “Naw not really. I just feel like slumming every now and again.” She gives a laugh as her arms wrap tighter around the woman.

Roshelle Gustafson: uh huh

Elise Capalini looks at her dance partner. “Did I hear you say you were a pilot?”

Deacon Korhonen: “Yes, Ms. Capalini, I was. I still fly from time to time, but now I spend my days running one of the cargo companies at the Eavesdown docks.”

Cimorene Ronmark feels a buzzing on her wrist. Looking down, she sees an emergency code. “Oh no. I’ve got a comms breakdown. I need to get back to see what’s wrong. It’s been a pleasure dancing, Sanpieere.”

Elise Capalini glances at Cim. “I hope it doesn’t hurt the transmission of my next article for the paper...”

Sanpierre Juran looks concerned. “A problem, Ms. Ronmark? I would be happy to offer you the use of my private transport.”

Cimorene Ronmark: I’ll make sure it doesn’t, Elise. Thank you, that would be wonderful.

Elise Capalini grins. “That’s what I like about you.”

Cimorene Ronmark grins at Elise.

Sanpierre Juran beckons to Cimorene. “It’s this way. A bit hidden. Follow me.”

Shana Meads erps, giving a look down at Ana’s hands. “Umm-” She not-totally-casually nudges them a bit lower, into an area a little less awkward! “-This- is slumming?” The young woman takes a look at the material her dance partner’s wearing, and blanches.

Cimorene Ronmark: Good night, all!

Elise Capalini: The Eavesdown docks, you say... I may have been there in passing...

Deacon Korhonen: “Anyone who has been to Persephone has been to the docks. Have you done much traveling, Ms. Capalini?”

Elise Capalini nods slightly. “I used to travel extensively. These days, not quite as much, though reporting for the paper keeps me busy.”

Anastasia Christensen laughs as she leans closer to the Shana’s ear, “Not you my dear but these balls are always so terribly boring. I just come to them for a little amusement.” She looks the woman over casually, “Sometimes the amusement can be much better then others.”

Deacon Korhonen: “You’re a reporter? That’s wonderful! It must be a fascinating line of work.”

Elise Capalini’s lips curl in a smile and perhaps she snorts a bit--but delicately. “You have no idea...the things people will tell you...” She sighs, thinking of work. “My boss... I should log my report on the ball tonight...” She glances up at the room and sees how many people have left.

Deacon Korhonen: “I’ve seen and heard many odd things on my ships over the years, Miss. You wouldn’t believe what people do when they travel and think no one is watching.”

Shana Meads’s cheeks color a teensy bit. “I think we must be entirely different classes, Ana- This is the fanciest place I’ve been in years.” Her tone’s rather wry and self-deprecating.

Elise Capalini laughs. “Oh I propbably would.”

Anastasia Christensen smirks, “Well now, maybe we will just have to change that hmmm?” Her hands slide back upward on the woman.

Elise Capalini slips out of the pilot’s arms. “Thank you for the dance.” She glances behind her. “You too, Mr. Sands. It was a lovely evening.”

CoolLuke Sands: My pleasure Ms Capalini

Deacon Korhonen: “Have a lovely evening, Ms. Capalini. Feel free to drop by and say hello if you’re ever on Persephone.”

Elise Capalini smiles at those who remain. “My article will only be kind to all of you...”

Shana Meads -jumps- back, semi-stumbling to try and not step on anything breakable. “I’m, not, ah, entirely comfortable in this sort of setting-”

Anastasia Christensen looks down at the woman, “Well I am finding this party pretty lame myself. If I recall on my way in there was a nice little place down the street. Shall we go there and see what they have to offer?”

Deacon Korhonen: “Excuse me, Ms Meads. May I cut in and have a dance with Ms Christensen?”

Shana Meads erks- So much for the backup plan- Wait! Yes! She’s all a-flurry as she hears Deacon’s offer. “OhI’mcertainshewon’tmindwillyouAna-” It might be insulting how she’s accepting so quickly, but near-panic is kinda cute, isn’t it?

Deacon Korhonen: “Why, thank you, Ms. Meads. Very kind of you.”

Anastasia Christensen smiles at the woman and then the man, “I suppose it is alright. Miss Shana, I expect to be dancing with you again.”

Shana Meads stammers something unintelligible out, before slipping out towards the door. Safety!

Anastasia Christensen mutters under her breath, “We shall meet again Miss Shana.”

Deacon Korhonen: "So, Ms. Christensen, how are you this evening?"

Anastasia Christensen smiles over her shoulder, "Oh I am doing well and how are you Mister Korhonen?"

Deacon Korhonen: "Doing well. I simply must travel more often. This has been an enjoyable evening."

Anastasia Christensen laughs, "Oh yes it has been a very pleasant evening. Though this place has nothing decent to drink. You would think they would with all the money they spent."

Deacon Korhonen: "Anything is better than Mudder's Milk." He grimaces.

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