Shen Jiutai rummages through the extra storage in the cargo bay, looking for more flame cubes.
Xioa Li pushes back from the pilot's console, stands, stretches, and walks down to the galley for a pick-me-up.
Li Mei is sitting in the galley, sipping tea and reading a book
Shen Jiutai finds the cubes and collects a handful to take upstairs to the Galley.
Li Mei looks up from her book as Xioa Li walks in
Xioa Li strides over to the cabinet where the Fruity Oaty Bars are stashed. "How was the harem?" she comments as she pulls out a bar and fumbles with the wrapper.
Rae Overholt sits on the work bench in the cargo bay, leaning back and thinking. Her eyes watch Shen as she rummages for fire cubes.
Li Mei laughs, "They were a bit .. inexperienced, I think."
Li Mei: But they'll be ok.
Shen Jiutai walks into the Galley, noticing Li Mei, she grins, "Yeah, they did seem that way, we all were young once."
Li Mei raises an eyebrow at Shen's comment, "Young once? I'm not old yet!"
Li Mei: How far are we from Hera?
Luke Hu: lays down and takes nap on couch
Xioa Li: 'nother day an' a half, so long as we don't run into any more girls what need rescuin'.
Shen Jiutai smirks and pulls the brazer pot from the cupboard and sets it in the middle of the table, seting a cube underneath.
Li Mei laughs
Li Mei takes a sip of her tea and goes back to reading her book
Xioa Li takes a big bite out of the Fruity Oaty Bar and chews pensively.
Li Mei's stomach growls, "Do we have anything to eat other than those disgusting fruit bars?"
Shen Jiutai checks the rice in the cooker and places a wok on the burner, bringing up the gas.
Shen Jiutai: "Dinner will be in about 15 minutes.
Li Mei: Oh, good. Do you need any help?
Shen Jiutai: Nah, I got it covered.
Rae Overholt slowly stands up and makes her way to her bunk, pressing the latch to open the door so she can climb down into it. She closes it once inside and goes to sit on her bunk a moment before leaning over and rummaging under it. She pulls out a small box, opening it and finding a few things inside, mostly rocks of various sizes, collected from all over. There is also a tiny envelope, resting safely atop the rocks, in it there is a chocolate wrapper and a few other scraps of paper. She smiles as she takes it out and holds it between her fingers a moment before sliding it back in. She takes stock of the various rocks, turning them and labeling them again in her head. This one came from, ah yes, and that one..hmm. She mumbles to herself as she works, face frowned in concentration.
Xioa Li: Whaf wrong wif fruit bars?
Li Mei looks up from her book at Xioa Li, "What's wrong with them? What's not wrong with them?"
Rae Overholt shoves her box back under the bunk and stands, stretching before heading to the galley to socialize.
Xioa Li: Hey, I *lived* on this stuff when I was startin' out on my own. Not all of us get a space whore's salary, y'know.
Li Mei: They taste like cardboard and have the consistency of Yak jerky
Li Mei shakes her head and mumbles, "not a whore"
Shen Jiutai pulls out some protein that is made to resemble tofu and throws it into the hot oil at the bottom of the wok.
Rae Overholt plops in a chair and stretches her legs out, "Hey folks, where's our passenger?"
Li Mei looks around and shrugs, "Good question."
Just as Dr. Hu gets comfortable and his eyes close, he feels like something light just -runs- up his leg and chest, and something whisks the air by his face a half-moment later.
Nigel meanders out towards the engine room, tail swishing.
Shen Jiutai: I think she's passed out again.
Rae Overholt: hope this whole thing works out.
Shen Jiutai: that one can sleep...
Li Mei nods, "I do too, captain. It would be nice for things to work out for a change."
Rae Overholt: Buddah wishes I could sleep that well.
Luke Hu looks around to see what it was
Luke Hu looks for the cat
Shen Jiutai pulls some freeze dried vegetables from the cupboard and sets about re-constituting them.
Luke Hu: looks in corridor and stairs
Rae Overholt watches the cat wander out, "hope that cat's smart enough not to get stuck in the engine. I'm not cleanin it if she does."
Luke Hu: leans into medbay looking for source of noise
Xioa Li takes another bite of her Fruity Oaty Bar... then makes a face and spits it out. "What the tian xiao de--?!"
Li Mei laughs, "I thought you liked those?"
In the medbay, a bottle of painkillers, the lid popped off, rolls across the floor, scattering the lil' goodies in a trail behind it.
Luke Hu: closes med bay doors and locks it from outside
Rae Overholt lets out a disgusted sound and reaches back to touch the back of her head, "UGH XIAO LI YOU SPIT ON ME??"
Luke Hu: mumbles that the cat needs to be locked up. Now have proof that it is a hazard
Xioa Li: Sorry, Cap'n, but looks like SOMEbody 'sides me has been eatin' on this...
Luke Hu: Turns from med bay and begins to walk to stairs
Rae Overholt: That's just, gorramit, what does that cat eat??????
Li Mei looks perplexed, "Another good question. Does anyone feed it?"
Xioa Li grimaces at the marks on the other end of the bar. "Not sure it *was* the cat."
There's a low feline growl from the engine room. Followed by a clatter, a YOWL!, and the beastie -bolting- out, down the stairs past Dr. Hu, and to the cargo bay.
Luke Hu: reaches stairs and heads up them to talk to others for someone to get the cat and decide where to lock it up at
Rae Overholt: What the di yu??
Luke Hu jumps as cat flies by
Luke Hu: "What the..."
Xioa Li: ...the hell was that?
Luke Hu: heads up stairs
Li Mei sits up straight, sets down her tea and looks over towards the engine room
Rae Overholt: We got RATS??? WE GOT RATS?? What the hell use is that cat if we got rats?????
Luke Hu: OK. When did we get 2 cats?
Xioa Li raises an eyebrow. "Musta been one ruttin' big rat..."
A socket wrench skitters across the floor of the engine room, spinning with a little grating sound before clunking into the other side.
Li Mei laughs, "Ok, is it another cat? Or big rats?"
Rae Overholt: Someone go check that noise, I'm not going in there, rats disgust me. Li, you do it! ::she grins widely::
Luke Hu: I thought the cat was in the med bay and I closed door and locked it but then the cat came down the stairs
Luke Hu: Rats?
Xioa Li: *I* ain't goin' in there.
Li Mei shakes her head, "Oh hell no, No way am I going in there!"
Luke Hu: If we have rats or even cats rummaging through the medical supplies then THAT has to be addressed immediately
Li Mei stares at Dr. Hu, "Well then, address it!"
The lights flicker for a brief moment, following a soft *FZZT* sound.
Rae Overholt nods, "I'd go check Dr. Hu, and hope they ate some sedatives and not antibiotics"
Rae Overholt: Ohh hell.
Rae Overholt: I'm going to shoot that cat.
Luke Hu: sighs
Rae Overholt: Worthless as tits on a boar hog.
Luke Hu: turns to head back down to med bay
Rae Overholt pulls her gun and heads back towards the engine, not planning on firing it but, having a vague hope it'll make her look intimidating.
The pressure warning goes off, sealing the doors out of the galley. Good ol' safety measures!*
Rae Overholt: Aw hell.
Xioa Li: SON of a--
Rae Overholt looks to Xiao li, "Would that lock Dana in?"
Luke Hu: turns to head through front of galley and through cargo bay to get back to med bay
Li Mei sighs, "This is beginning to get tiresome"
Rae Overholt: Yeah. You want first dibs on the cat?
Xioa Li: If she's still in her room, then yeah. *turns to the doc* IS she still in her room?
Luke Hu: heads to back table and sits
Luke Hu: Last I saw
Rae Overholt: Well, suggestions on how we get out of this? After we eat of course.
Rae Overholt reaches out to stir at whatever Shen was cooking.
Li Mei: I suggest someone get the doors open.
*Flicker. *FZZT* The warning stops, though the doors are still closed. ... Something scritches about in a cabinet under the wok.
Xioa Li: GorRAM it. I better not have to redo all the wiring again.
Rae Overholt kicks the cabinet, not about to open it and reach for a rat.
Rae Overholt: HEY, good news is we got plenty of fresh meat probably.
Rae Overholt kicks the cabinet again, peering nervously down at it.
Li Mei turns around, hearing the noises from the cabinets, "What's in there?"
Xioa Li: It's not THERE anymore, Cap'n!
Rae Overholt: It's not WHERE?
There's a mournful kitty yowl from down in the cargo bay.
Rae Overholt watches the last spot she heard skittering from, still and tense, mumbling to herself about it not being a big rat.
Li Mei looks up, "Oh that doesn't sound good."
Luke Hu: Alright. Everyone into the suits. Draw the breathing air back into the tanks, then break open the airlocks and suck out what ever is running around. It has to breath...right?
Luke Hu: looks ate everyones stunned reaction
Rae Overholt: What could it be? its too small for terrible space monkeys and if it ate everything else I bet it ate holes in our suits.
Luke Hu: Joking!.....
Xioa Li: Yeah, an' so do WE. Suit tanks ain't gonna last a day an'd a half!
Li Mei stares at the doctor in disbelief and shakes her head
*MEEEER! MEER MEER MEER!* - Followed by a scratching at the door leading to the cargo bay.
Xioa Li peers out the window, then looks back. "We got anythin' might be used for a crowbar?"
Rae Overholt holds up a ladle.
Li Mei: I have a crowbar .. but it's in my shuttle
Luke Hu: Do we still have any of that Tack Bread Sticks that we couldn't eat
Xioa Li: ...cap'n, next time we get paid, c'n we budget some money t' get crowbars put in every room?
Li Mei looks at the captain, "And don't ask"
Luke Hu: hard enough to break a frying pan
Rae Overholt: sure, crowbars, grenades and some pop rocks.
Xioa Li: Thought we used the tack bread as ammo.
Luke Hu: Ahh....Well I know we put it to some good use
Xioa Li 's eyes drift toward the paneling next to the door...
... Meeer! Scratch, scratch.
Xioa Li: Hang on. I *might* be able to get that open.
Xioa Li pulls a screwdriver out of her belt and starts to work on opening a panel next to the door
Rae Overholt: Leave that cat's pigu out here till it eats some rats anyway!
Li Mei's brow furrows, "Are we sure it's rats?"
Rae Overholt: Well, what could it be? small hairy children?
Xioa Li manages to get all of the screws loose (ha!) and lifts the panel off to reveal a mess of wires
A tiny little face, with cream-and-gold fur peers -right- at Xiao Li once she gets the panel off. All out of proportion to its size, the critter goes 'WHEEK!'. - Like a very, very loud hamster, really.
Rae Overholt crinkles her nose, then raises her eyebrows, "HEY lets put it in a tank and keep it for a pet!"
Xioa Li yells in surprise, jumps back about six feet, and chucks her screwdriver at the furry thing, all at the same time.
Li Mei: What is it, Xioa Li?
'Wheek!' Skitterskitter. The fuzzy lil' intruder skitters back down in the paneling until it's out of sight.
Rae Overholt contrarily darts forward, belaying her earlier comment about rats freaking her out.
Rae Overholt: Is it a guinea pig?
Rae Overholt: I've heard tell of them?
Rae Overholt: Thought they'd have less hair though.
Xioa Li presses herself against the pillar next to the stove until her heart rate gets back to something approaching normal.
Rae Overholt leans over, peering into the open hatch.
Luke Hu: Theres something by the Wok
Li Mei squeals and jumps up on the table, "Where?!"
Rae Overholt looks at the wiring, making sure there aren't any breaks or spots she can get electrocuted on. She then leans further in, trying to slide the wires away so she can peer in.
Xioa Li jumps back away from the stove
Sitting right in the middle of the cooking rice? Another gold-colored rodent, though it has a black 'mask' of fur covering half its face. And it's holding a glob of your dinner between two paws. Smugly: 'Wheek!'*
Rae Overholt lets out a screech that would shame a banshee before she reaches up, trying to grab whats on her head.
Li Mei looks around the room, rapidly glancing from the wok, to the floor, over to the paneling, and back, "How many are there?"
This one was actually pure black, that landed on Cap'n's head- And -runs- down her back before making a -leap- for the table. ... And running right for that floral-print cover it sees. Which, unfortunately, belongs to Li.*
Xioa Li picks up the ladle from earlier and FLINGS it at the black hamster as hard as she can
Li Mei screams and begins jumping up and down, swatting at the furry black thing
Li Mei: "Get it off!! Get it off!! Get it off!!"
Li Mei's eyes roll back in her head as she faints, falling down onto the table
The black one dodges! It skitters! - It wheeks in panic, before Li Mei faints on top of it. - It doesn't wheek, after that.
Xioa Li scrambles over to the opened panel and yanks on a wire at random, hoping to disengage the door lock...
The lights go out. And the wok topples over with a loud clatter.
Xioa Li: Daxiang baozhashi de laduzi...
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