Dana Maelstrom huddles inside her bunk, curled up in a fetal possition as Shen noisyly sharpens her kitchen knives in the common room.
Rae Overholt walks into the guest quarters and plops down unceremoniously in a chair, waiting for Dana to wake up. She sits there and stares as she waits, wondering what she'll say.
Dana Maelstrom looks up at the Captain with wide eyes, she sits up at the foot of the bed.
Rae Overholt takes stock of her, sizing her up.
Dana: "Are you gonna let her throw me into the airlock?" She asks.
Rae Overholt moves to sit on the desk, "Well, hadn't planned on it. What are you plannin on?"
Dana Maelstrom stares at Rae for a moment. "I hadn't planned on anything... what do you mean?"
Rae Overholt: Meanin', you waltz around my ship taking liberties of a paid guest and spot things you aughtenta, things that could get folks killed or worse. And you call us property. You scared?
Dana Maelstrom swallows and nods, "She's got killing in her eyes, that one, " She nods towards the common room. "I'm sorry I busted into your ... well, visit with the Companion... but she was gonna kill me."
Rae Overholt: If she's got killin' in her eyes then she learned it from your folks. You're in with the wrong crowd, folks what treat people like nothin' more than spare parts. Its ingrained in you, otherwise you wouldn't have walked in called us property. You see the spot I'm in don't ya? What's to say you wont run home to your papa after we saved your hide and his, and rat us out?
Dana Maelstrom looks down, confused, thinking. "I'm sorry I said what I said, it's just kinda confusing, what with that tattoo you have, I mean... when I grew up... that's what I learned."
Rae Overholt: "What ya learned was wrong." She lashes a foot out to give the chair a kick, sending it over onto its side. "That, that's property. It has no feelin's, it has no hope, it don't feel pain, it can't think, it has only the future I give it. I look like a chair to you?"
Dana Maelstrom shakes her head, "No'm, you don't... I didn't mean... what I'm trying to say is... well it's kinda a shock, to find myself at the mercy of someone Dad would treat like that chair."
Rae Overholt nods. "What do you treat 'um like?"
Dana Maelstrom rubs the small Tattoo on her own forearm, "Well, I guess some of the cooks and maids in our house are marked, but they are really nice people... Actually I never wanted to think about what I'd do as their boss... that's why I ran away."
Rae Overholt: Ran away, and turnin' around and goin' back.
Dana: Well, I thought if I brought this gift to Dad, he might take back some of the things he said... I dunno, I guess it was pretty stupid. I mean, engineering better people? It sounds so silly now...." She lowers her head, "I guess I thought I knew what I was doing, but I just messed everything up, and now everyone in my family is in danger! Real bright, Dana! You fuck up!" She lowers her head and places her hands over her eyes.
Rae Overholt tilts her head, chewing on the inside of her cheek. "Reckon it wasn't the best move, folks make mistakes though. Right now I want to know what incentive I get for not letting Shen toss you out? Why would I want another one like your daddy floatin' around? What you going to do thats so special you should get free when your daddy keeps hundreds of others from it?"
Dana Maelstrom sniffles and wipes her nose with the back of her hand, a tear sliding down her cheek. "I guess I'm not special. That's why I went to Osiris, squatting in the Black-out Zone. Living hand to mouth. Heck I was giving blood when Dr Yokoshira first saw me, and then there he is on Beaumonde, killing Sean. Perhaps you should let her throw me in the airlock... Capt. Able, his crew, Sean, So many have died... perhaps I don't deserve to live." She buries her face and cries in earnest now.
Rae Overholt shifts and clears her throat, feelin' a might uncomfortable with a kid cryin' on her boat. "So, that's the past. What are you goin' ta do to make the future different? And, who is Dr. Yokoshira?"
Dana Maelstrom wipes her hand across her nose again, choking back the tears. "Dr Yokoshira was the head of the program at the medical academy, he's the one that found me, and after my first study, he asked me if I wanted to 'field test' the procedure, and they treated me and sent me to the Rim... that's when I escaped and found a way to get home. but that's prolly the last place I should be going right now if what Dr Miles says is true.
Rae Overholt nods, "I suggest you get to this doctor you trust, see if'n she can fix you up. Then I suggest you make a new life for yourself. Do something better than slavin' and all the other things your daddy does."
Dana Maelstrom nods, and pulls off her glasses to wipe at her eyes, "You still going to take me to her on Hera? Look, Dad runs the business... you've met him, it isn't like anybody can tell him how to run things, but that doesn't mean I approve..."
Rae Overholt: "I was gonna, till you burst in on me callin' me property. Suppose if we come to an agreement I can." She shakes her head, "No, you can't help the family you're born into, but you can help who's footsteps you follow in."
Dana: I'm sorry about that comment... I mean... well how did you end up the Captain of a boat if you have a mark like that on you anyway?
Rae Overholt: Told ya, got on a job. Savin' someone's ass.
Dana Maelstrom looks slightly confused, "On a job? You were saving someone you didn't know for money, and allowed someone to put that mark on you?" She considers this like it's a completely forign concept.
Rae Overholt: Yeah, savin' someone for money. No, I didn't allow it, I didn't much have a choice. Not like I thought it'd be pretty.
Dana Maelstrom chuckles, "Yeah, something I would do if I ever did end up running the family business... hire a proper artist to design these things, " She looks at her own arm, flushes then looks back at Rae, "Not like we have to force people into slavery... what I mean is... perhaps that wouldn't be such a good idea after all..."
Rae Overholt: No, it wouldn't. So what's it going to be Dana?
Dana Maelstrom places her glasses back on and looks Rae in the eye, "Look, the way I was raised, on an island in Newhall, we did things a certain way, it's not like I was exposed to a lot of different people, that's part of why I ran away, to See the 'Verse, and find out who I really am. And the people I've met, simple people, real people, doing real work for hardly any pay, but still willing to help out someone worse off than they are... Like Captain Able as an example... Well I mean, is seems like you don't have to beat people with a stick to make them work..." She looks to Rae, "What?"
Rae Overholt: No, I don't. What are you going to take from this? What you goin' to learn?
Dana Maelstrom nods, "Well, I already owe you my life more than once over, perhaps my whole family should thank you for saving me from my stupidity. I admire the way you watch out for each other, and when you were watching out for me too, but I don't know if Shen is going to simply let this go... I guess Dad's really gotten her angry. Look Captain, if you're worried I'll tell about your Marks, I won't. I couldn't bear the notion of seeing a strong woman like you forced to do.... well things... but what about the cook?"
Rae Overholt: Shen'll do what's right.
Dana: "Can you trust her? Can I trust her? I mean, she's making my food... something could accidentally fall in there..."
Rae Overholt: She's been known to use poison. Not her preference though and I don't think you gotta worry.
Dana Maelstrom shudders.
Dana Maelstrom looks at Rae with an uncertain look in her eyes, "Perhaps I can just eat Oaty Bars... You're really not going to space me?"
Rae Overholt shakes her head, "I'm not your daddy."
Dana Maelstrom sighs, relieved, "Neither am I."
Xiao Li's voice comes over the comm, "Cap'n, we're within visual of the Hornet, should be arriving in 10 minutes."
Dana Maelstrom looks at the comm, "We're meeting someone?"
Rae Overholt reaches up to press the comms "Alright, easy does it and watch for anything odd." She nods, "yeah, old crew, helping them out."
Dana: I guess I should stay in here for a bit...
Rae Overholt: Might be good.
Dana: Can I ask one last question?
Rae Overholt: Depends on what it is.
Dana: Can you ask Shen to let me pee without running me through?
Rae Overholt sighs, "She ain't gone run you through without my say so. Go pee."
Dana Maelstrom sighs, relieved and stands, "Thanks."
Rae Overholt nods and heads out herself.
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