Johanna Zerbino: Good day Captain
Shrio Takaaki: Good day, indeed
Sillery Motherhen: Hello, Captain.
Shrio Takaaki: Ahhh, evenin', Sillery.
Sillery Motherhen sniffs at the sight of the dirty mechanic.
Shrio Takaaki chuckles.
Vertigo Hawks: Captain, I got word, it looks like me ole' boat, Raven is nearby!
Sillery Motherhen: Remember your place, Johanna dear.
Johanna Zerbino: Sorry sir.
Shrio Takaaki: The Raven? Well, send them a wave, see if they have time to swing out here, and lend a hand. I will be in the back. Let me know what they say.
A curse emanates from the back of the boat, where Derek is having difficulty with the engines.
Sillery Motherhen: Watch your language! There are ladies present!
Vertigo Hawks: Already did, they're comin'.
Derek Nimian walks up to the doorway and sticks his grease-smeared face out into the hallway, "Hey! You wanna run this thing?"
Shrio Takaaki nods, smiling, relief in his eyes. "Good. How long before they arrive?
Sillery Motherhen: Just get us moving again.
Johanna Zerbino: Sir, I'm scarred!
Derek Nimian shakes his head irately and goes back to work on the ship's drive.
Johanna Zerbino: What about those Reaver stories?!
Shrio Takaaki: We are working on that. Now please, everyone who isn't part of my crew, kindly have a seat, and we will be able to get more done. I would offer drinks, but we don't have the best selection at the moment."
Sillery Motherhen pat's Johanna's shoulder. "Don't worry, dear. Everything will be fine."
Shrio Takaaki: And pay no never mind to them stories, miss. We'll be fine.
Vertigo Hawks coughs, then takes another puff of his cigar, blowing a billow of blue smoke throughout the closed life-support system.
Johanna Zerbino sits quietly but nervously.
Sillery Motherhen restrains the urge to cough, "Must you smoke that right now?"
Vertigo Hawks looks at Sillery, grunts and makes his way to the cockpit.
Shrio Takaaki: Right. Time to see how those engines look...
Sillery Motherhen sighs.
Shrio Takaaki: Well, how we looking?
Derek Nimian flies backwards as the part he is working on heats up rapidly and flies off with an enormous bang. Clunks and shudders emanate out of the engine room as he rubs his head and curses.
Shrio Takaaki ducks back into the doorway, a chunk of metal barely missing his head. "Gorram it! You ok?"
Derek Nimian rubs the back of his head and tilts it slightly as he looks at Shiro with something of disbelief, "That's it! I TOLD you this was going to happen!" He stands up and goes over to the now-smoldering piece of machinery, ignoring the smoke coming from his beanie.
Shrio Takaaki: Yes, fine. You told me. That doesn't mean you can blow my gorram ship up out here. At least have the decency to wait until we're closer to a port.
Sillery Motherhen: What kind of ship do you have here, Captain? I was thinking this was safe!
Johanna Zerbino pouts, " I don't know what my parents would make of this. Stuck in the middle of space."
Sillery Motherhen: Not only is my charge losing education time, she's being exposed to.... him.
Shrio Takaaki turns his head towards Sillery. "Listen, this is an unexpected delay. Think of it as a unique opportunity for a different sort of lesson. Now, please... Have a seat, have a drink, but trust in me and my crew."
Derek Nimian waves the smoke away as it dissipates and looks over the primary compression coil with great disdain, "I'm trying to keep the ruttin' thing from doing that..." He pounds his fist against the hull lightly and shakes his head, "Primary compression coil's out. And the S-Heat valve is shot to all manner of hells..."
Shrio Takaaki: Right. And that means what again, in Captain-talk?
Vertigo Hawks yells to the back of the boat, "Hey Derek, what's de trouble agin?"
Mei Ying sighs and sits down trying to be unobtrusive.
Derek Nimian whips around and shakes his hands, fighting the urge to strangle Shiro where he stands. He speaks slowly, keeping the built up anger from weeks of telling him the coil was going to break, "We...don't...move....no...more....!"
Sillery Motherhen fusses over Johanna's dress.
Derek Nimian shouts as loud as he can down the hallway, "PRIMARY S-HEAT VALVE IS DEAD, AND THE GORRAM COMP COIL JUST BLEW!"
Shrio Takaaki sighs, and slams his fist into the bulkhead beside him. "I figured that much out. Raven and her crew are comin'. You able to keep us straight till they get here?"
Johanna Zerbino tries to lean around the corner to look down at the engine room.
Derek Nimian waves his hands around slightly and digs in his bag, "The atmo is fine. Grav drive is solid too. Just. Don't....Do anything!"
Mei Ying stands up and heads to the back of the boat.
Shrio Takaaki turns, and starts making his way out of the engine room, wondering why they hadn't picked up spare parts.
Mei Ying: Hmm nothing there...
Sillery Motherhen: My girls aren't in any danger, are they?
Mei Ying: This boat is very small...
Sillery Motherhen: Darling, don't get involved with that.
Mei Ying shrugs and sits again.
Sillery Motherhen: Perhaps you girls can meditate on the lesson from our last stop.
Shrio Takaaki turns, chuckling softly. "Now, would I go and put such lovely ladies in danger? We are fine. Consider this a long stop. We have another ship coming to lend a hand. Friends."
Sillery Motherhen: "Are they like..?" he points at Derek.
Johanna Zerbino is transfixed by the grease and grime down the hall. She sighs "Yes, sir."
Mei Ying smiles a bit and nods.
Shrio Takaaki yells up towards the front of the ship. "Any word from the Raven?" Turning back to Sillery, he smiles. "They are all manner of decent folk. I vouch for them, same as I vouch for my own here."
Vertigo Hawks yells back, "I see dem now... we're gettin' ready to dock!"
Sillery Motherhen: No offense, Captain. That doesn't fill me with confidence right now.
Johanna Zerbino runs through the tea ceremony in her mind.
Shrio Takaaki: It's about gorram time! Listen, I don't mean to be rude, but remember, it could have been a lot worse. Now, please, take a seat.
Derek Nimian swaggers into the galley, his hat still smoking from the slow burn, "Hooo...damn coil nearly took my arm off." He looks at Shiro and motions down the hall, "Think I got the engine all stabilized and prettified..." He looks over the three other people in the galley and raises his head in something of an acknowledgement.
Sillery Motherhen tries to find a place to wedge himself in.
Johanna Zerbino looks shyly at the filthy man.
Shrio Takaaki eyes his mechanic carefully. "You ok? We're docking with the Raven finally."
Mei Ying nods to Derek as if she's seen dirtier people before.
Sillery Motherhen sees the look. "Johanna!"
Mei Ying almost snickers at Sillery and turns it into a mild cough.
Johanna Zerbino looks to the floor.
Derek Nimian forcibly grins, comically showing his oddly clean teeth, "Abso-gorram-lutely cap. Won't be goin' nowhere for sometime. 'least we ain't gonna cook from the heat and such..." He raises his eyebrow at Sillery's obvious disapproval and grips his jeans, pulling them up as if to say, 'wanna tell me somethin'?"
Sillery Motherhen sighs. "I should have know it was far too early in your training for this trip."
Shrio Takaaki glances towards the women and their chaperone, grinning. "Besides, Sillery. It's said that a Companion on a ship is supposed to be good luck. So we are doubly lucky today!"
Mei Ying: So this boat it is, dead, as they say?
Shrio Takaaki: Well, we had some minor mechanical issues, and are taking a slight... Yep, she's dead.
Sillery Motherhen: That doesn't sound too lucky to me.
Shrio Takaaki shoots a look towards Sillery, before yelling back towards the front. "How long until we're docked?"
Derek Nimian shrugs, "Could be loosin' grav-containment..."
Mei Ying smiles widely at Sillery, "Perhaps we were
Sillery Motherhen: You seem happy about that, Dear not meant to get there on time, sir. "
Derek Nimian tilts his head towards the Companions, grinning wryly, "You ever seen a super-compressed rat? Looks like a little suga' cube..."
Sillery Motherhen gasps. "Do you mind!"
Shrio Takaaki grins, eyes closing briefly as the ship shudders, contacting the Raven.
Mei Ying squeaks at the feeling of the ship docking.
Johanna Zerbino gulps.
Mei Ying shrugs. "It is as the gods will it. "
Shrio Takaaki only partially hopes his wrench turner doesn't have one of those rats to display.
Sillery Motherhen looks nervously around.
Mei Ying: it is not a companions place to question the verse.
Derek Nimian raises his eyebrows despite Sillery's speech, "Yeah...they don' show you that on Alliance shuttles..." He smiles, not understanding fully why anyone would be surprised by the thought.
Johanna Zerbino turns a little green. "Rats?"
Shrio Takaaki hides his chuckle, turning towards the front of the ship.
Mei Ying: "I hope we will not be matching gravity in another plane?" She looks at the furniture that isn't bolted down.
Sillery Motherhen starts to turn a shade of puce.
Shrio Takaaki: OK, people. We're bumping the Raven. Let's all play nice. It's been too long...
Sillery Motherhen: I won't argue with that.
Johanna Zerbino: Will we be floating, sir?
Shrio Takaaki: Nah, you feel that little bump? Another ship is docking with us, little miss. We're fine now.
Derek Nimian raises his eyebrows as the jolt of a ship docking refocuses his attention, "Oh....just fan-ruttin' tastic...more guests."
Johanna Zerbino giggles at the language.
Derek Nimian raises his goggles to rest them on his beanie, just now feeling the heat from a slow burn and slapping his head quickly to put out the flame. His face twists a little from hitting his own head.
Sillery Motherhen: You don't want a chance to show off your people skills?
Mei Ying smiles easily at Derek's words, "As long as they bring parts they are welcome, no?"
Shrio Takaaki: "You got a problem with the Raven and her crew, go wait back there with the engines. They're gorram good folk, and they are here to pull us out of this." He grins towards Sillery. "People skills? I was thinkin' of callin' him our new ambassador..." He chuckles, looking at his mechanic. "You, uh, missed a spot..."
Shen Jiutai: I think they're upstairs.
Derek Nimian looks down at his smoldering pant leg and shakes head, "Muh? Oh, that?" He reaches down and extinguishes it by gripping the fire patch with his heavy gloves
Rae Overholt: Don't tell me they're all up having tea while we dock and try to rescue them?
Shen Jiutai goes to the comm, Xiao Li, how far out are we?
Xiao Li Marshall: We'll be able to dock in ten minutes, give or take...
Rae Overholt presses the closest com switch to her, "Nothing odd showing up yet is it?"
Xiao Li Marshall: Negative, Cap'n. If there are any surprises they ain't showin' up on our scanners.
Rae Overholt presses the comm again, "Good to know. Well, guess we need to get ready for our guests. Everything squared away you guys know of? Nothing naughty out in site?" She gives Li a grin as she asks this question.
Li Mei smiles and shakes her head. "I understand the importance of discretion, Captain."
Vertigo Hawks pulls down the comm and waves Raven, "Red, is dat you I'm seein' on my screen?"
Xiao Li Marshall mutters quietly to herself "I better not have to share my bunk with some space hooker..."
Dr Luke Hu: I'll be in the sickbay prepping in case anyone needs medical attention.
Xiao Li Marshall responds in the comm "That's us, Hawks. We're 'bout five minutes away."
Vertigo Hawks: Dat's shiny! Deese here womin' folk is gettin' antsy!
Xiao Li Marshall: Well, tell 'em help is on the way. Anything we need to know 'fore we dock?
Kevin pulls down the comm, Xiao Li, did they give any indication as to what the problem is?
Xiao Li Marshall: "Like what exactly took your engines down, maybe?"... "Workin' on it. Got Vertigo on the line right now."
Vertigo Hawks: Hang on, I'll check...
Rae Overholt: Hope that girl decides to lay low and not give us away.
Over the open comm chanel, Vertigo's voice reverberates as he yells to the back of Hornet, "Hey Derek, what's de trouble agin?"
Rae Overholt heads up to the cockpit and steps in, leaning over Xiao Li's shoulder.
Xiao Li Marshall drums her fingers on the console as she waits for Vertigo to respond.
Vertigo Hawks mutters as he switches on the comm, "Heck Red, I dunno, and Derek is all ... wait... he says de Grav drive..."
Xiao Li Marshall: What about it? You'd ruttin' well *know* if the gravity wasn't workin'.
Vertigo Hawks: De drive you little... ah... never mind... I see ya now... looks like we should line ourselves up... I'll try an' hold her steay, but you gotta do most a de maneuvering...
Xiao Li Marshall: Not a problem. See you on the other side of the airlock.
Vertigo Hawks clicks off.
Xiao Li Marshall pulls down the ship's comm. "We're approaching the ship and preparing to dock. This could get a little bumpy..."
Shen Jiutai grabs hold of the railing near the airlock.
Rae Overholt looks to Xaio Li, "Whats all that grav boot business??"
Kevin, "Makes sense... it their Grav Drive is out... they'd be dead in the water."
Xiao Li Marshall: "Hell if I know. 'Somethin' wrong with the grav drive' could be a dozen different things that I know of. 'Course most of 'em would have the ship's gravity acting screwy too... You better strap in, Cap'n."
Rae Overholt nods and sits in the copilot seat, buckling up.
Xiao Li Marshall leans over the yoke, murmuring encouraging syllables to the console as she eases the Raven into docking position. "C'mon... just a little further... almost..."
*an echoing CLONG resounds through both ships as the hulls make contact*
Xiao Li Marshall: We're docked!
Rae Overholt: Anything you can walk away from I always say.
Shen Jiutai checks the airlock to confirm a proper seal.
Rae Overholt lets out a dramatic sigh and stands up to go tromp downstairs and greet their new guests. She slides down the stairs on the guard rail and lands loudly on the cargobay floor then faces the door, hands on her hips and an overly large smile plastered on her face.
Shen: OK, Looks good... should I open her up?
Rae Overholt: Go for it Shen. Stand aside when you do, make sure they don't feel we're trying to run them over.
Xiao Li Marshall looks over the gauges one last time, then jogs down the hall and down the stairs to the cargo bay. She'll never admit it, but she's looking forward to seeing Vertigo again.
Shen Jiutai presses the green button, and the cargo bay doors open onto the cargo bay of Hornet. She looks into the empty cargo bay... "Guess they're upstairs."
Rae Overholt: Don't tell me they're all up having tea while we dock and try to rescue them?
Sillery Motherhen: Are those our heros?
Shrio Takaaki grins. "That sounds like the Raven's crew, yes."
Mei Ying coughs a bit at the acrid smells coming form Derek's smoldering garments.
Derek Nimian leans over to get a look at the newcomers, jutting his jaw off to the side as he looks them over.
Shen Jiutai enters the Hornet common room, followed by Kevin, the Mechanic for Raven.
Rae Overholt crosses her arms, giving them all the once over and wondering where their manners are.
Shrio Takaaki: Well, well, well. Been a long time...
Dr Luke Hu: Does anyone need medical attention?
Shrio Takaaki: Might take a look at my mechanic, but otherwise, I think we're fine, Doc.
Mei Ying shakes her head as she eyes the crew of the Raven carefully.
Derek Nimian rolls his shoulders and shakes his head as a negative, "Ain't nothing what a few beer pints won't fix"
Kevin eyes the room of Companions, "Er... Perhaps I should help out with the engines..."
Sillery Motherhen: Except Captain for the shock of being trapped on this ship.
Shrio Takaaki smiles at the Raven's captain, his voice quiet. "Been a long time."
Sillery Motherhen: Hello, Captain... ?
Shrio Takaaki grins, "Good to see you again."
Rae Overholt blinks at Shrio. "Yeah, it has"
Shrio Takaaki: Playing tour guide for a Companion class. Had some mechanical troubles. What you doing this far out?
Rae Overholt shakes her head, "My job to be here Shiro."
* * * * * *
Xiao Li Marshall gets back to the bridge and goes over the gauges again. Nothing appears to be out of the ordinary... she frowns and taps in a code for an encrypted connection to the Hornet's cockpit. "Vertigo? You still there?"
Vertigo Hawks picks up the comm, "Yeah Red, What's up?"
Xiao Li Marshall: How come nobody was waitin' in the cargo bay?
Vertigo Hawks: Hey Red... sorry 'bout dat, we gots our hands full. I kin come over dere ta keep ya company if ya like.
Xiao Li Marshall: With *what*?? Thought you were eager to get those womenfolk outta your hair, so why didn't anybody come to meet us? Is there somethin' else goin' on over there that we might ougta know about?
Vertigo Hawks: S'all crazy here... sorry again Red, I can come over dere, 'wouldn't mind seen Raven again.
Xiao Li Marshall 's scowl is evident in her voice as she replies. "We ain't makin' a *social call,* cigar boy. I want to know *what* my Cap'n is walkin' into, and I wanna know NOW."
Vertigo Hawks is taken aback.... "Woah, calm down Mei Mei... Nothin' but a broken boat... we're all happy, well 'cept thems dat ain't"
Xiao Li Marshall is used to not trusting people, as you might have noticed by now. She stares at the comm silently for a long moment... maybe she *is* being too paranoid about this. She sighs. "Fine. But if anything happens to the rest o' the crew 'cuz you didn't tell me somethin', that's on *your* head, Hawks." She cuts off the transmission.
Vertigo Hawks scratches his head at Xiao Li's reaction, turns off the Comm, gets up and heads towards the common room.
* * * * * *
Dr Luke Hu looks the mechanic over. "Do you have pain anywhere?"
Derek Nimian raises his eyebrow, "A comp coil just blew up in my face." He pauses for a few seconds and points to his feet, "Foot hurts since it done landed on it"
Dr Luke Hu: pulls out scanner and checks Derek's foot.
Derek Nimian flexes his bruised toes as he examines the device.
Dr Luke Hu: Nothing broken. Looks like just bruised tissue.
Derek Nimian sighs slightly, thinking to himself, 'Could've told you that myself...'
Kevin takes a look at Derek's engine part, "This the problem?"
Dr Luke Hu: Toenail might fall off though, but it will re-grow.
Derek Nimian points to the pipe on his leg, "This? Nah...this is my Lucky Pipe..."
Johanna Zerbino wonders what makes a pipe lucky.
Sillery Motherhen: Li Mei?
Li Mei smiles at Sillery, "Hello Sillery. It's been a long time."
Sillery Motherhen: Li Mei, is that you?
Sillery Motherhen: My goodness! What are you dong out here?
Li Mei laughs, "That would be a very long story, Sillery. I'm renting a shuttle on the Raven."
Sillery Motherhen: Well, come meet our newest class.
Mei Ying looks at the woman Sillery is talking to.
Li Mei walks over to Sillery and gives him a big hug, then turns to the other companions.
Sillery Motherhen gives Li Mei a tight hug back.
Johanna Zerbino: Good day, my Lady.
Li Mei smiles at the girls and bows her head slightly, "My name is Li Mei. It's a pleasure to meet you all."
Johanna Zerbino curtsies.
Sillery Motherhen: Girls, this is one of the best graduates of your house.
Mei Ying bows her head with her palms together, "Namaste, Lady."
Paris Greenspan watches from where she is, a curtsy is given to Li Mei, bowing her head a moment longer. "I'm so pleased to meet you."
Derek Nimian rolls his eyes at the pleasantries, "Last time I checked, we WEREN'T MOVING..." He closes his mouth quickly at the increase in volume in his voice.
Li Mei looks at Sillery in disbelief, "Best graduates? Your memory must be failing you, Sillery."
Sillery Motherhen: Never, my dear. We all miss you back on Persephone.
Li Mei smiles brightly, "I miss you too, though I must admit I don't miss everything about the training house."
Johanna Zerbino glances at the mechanic behind Sillery's back.
Derek Nimian shrugs, "Don't know... Cap pays me to keep it runnin'"
Shrio Takaaki looks to the floor quietly for a moment, before raising his eyes again. "So, where you headed after pullin' us out of this bind?"
Rae Overholt looks over everyone present before turning back to him, "First place we can drop you people that has what you need."
Shrio Takaaki nods. "You OK? You look like you're ready to stare down a Reaver. C'mon, this is me you're talking to..."
Rae Overholt: Uh, huh. Well. Where were you headed?
Shrio Takaaki: Once we are moving again, we're headed to Persephone, so they can move on, and I can get paid.
Sillery Motherhen: Just seeing you makes this horrible situation so much better.
Li Mei looks back at the three young companions again, "Are you all OK?"
Johanna Zerbino: Yes ma'am.
Derek Nimian rolls his eyes at Sillery's melodrama, making note to put up a hammock in the engine room next time they're carrying companions.
Mei Ying smiles as she hears the conversation. "And where were you headed that you came upon us so fortuitously?"
Shrio Takaaki shakes his head.
Derek Nimian looks up at the ceiling and speaks very quietly, mostly to himself, "... Does it matter?"
Paris Greenspan was glancing at the other people around when she was addressed, her eyes snapping back to play on Li Mei, "Yes madam, thank you for your concern."
Rae Overholt looks to Derek, "No it doesn't. Just on our way is all."
Kevin takes the busted machine part from Derek, "I think we could find a spare part or two onboard Raven."
Derek Nimian nods, "Need to replace that S/H valve too..."
Paris Greenspan glances over at Derek when he speaks. She lowers her head as she smiles.
Shrio Takaaki nods, overhearing the conversation. "We'd sure appreciate anything you can do."
Li Mei nods, "I'm glad to hear you three are OK. And please, call me Li. I'm not one of your instructors."
Sillery Motherhen looks over at his charges. "Oh, my I believe it was too early to bring them out of the house."
Kevin grins and takes the part over to Raven, to make sure his spare will fit all proper-like.
Derek Nimian leans his head to the side to look at Sillery, "Yes...the real word is just so damn...grungy and such..."
Li Mei notices Paris's behavior and nods at Sillery, "Yes, I do believe they may not be ready for this."
Johanna Zerbino giggles.
Mei Ying shrugs, "Things happen for a reason, All things happen in time."
Shrio Takaaki: I tried tellin' 'em it was a different kind of learnin', out here, but, well, you know...
Paris Greenspan raises her head and looks towards Li again.
Rae Overholt: "Well, We'll do what we can, maybe we can borrow your mechanic for a bit ourselves, have him look things over before we go? We're without ourselves. Well, mostly without." She turns to eye Kevin.
Sillery Motherhen: "We just had this opportunity on Hera with one of the monks."
Li Mei chuckles, "Al things do happen in time, this is true. And some of them are bad."
Mei Ying blushes a bit.
Shrio Takaaki nods. "Sounds fair enough to me. After all, what are friends for?"
Rae Overholt nods.
Johanna Zerbino tries to stare at Derek under her lashes.
Rae Overholt notices all the Derek staring and snickers to herself, thinking the guy must have a fan club.
Li Mei notices the attention two of the girls are paying one of the crew, "You two... what are your names?"
Derek Nimian frowns again, as he steps over to Rae, speaking to himself, but loud enough for Sillery and the others to hear, "You're welcome for not allowing the ship to go supernova...."
Mei Ying smiles at Li Mei. "Well, circumstances have led us to meet you, This is a good thing, yes?"
Johanna Zerbino: Johanna, ma'am.
Vertigo Hawks stops by Shen on his way to the common room, "Hey Little One, how are ya?"
Shen Jiutai grins up at Vertigo, "Great to see ya V!"
Mei Ying: I am Mei Ying
Paris Greenspan: Paris, my lady.
Shrio Takaaki chuckles, reminded not for the first time, how "popular" his mechanic can be at times...
Rae Overholt turns her eyes to Derek and asks, "Think you could give our engine a once over? Eye her a bit tell me if anythings about to fall off?"
Li Mei smiles. "Well, Paris and Johanna … you need to remember your place. Please try not to flirt with the crew."
Johanna Zerbino: Sorry, ma'am.
Vertigo Hawks snorts, then coughs.
Shrio Takaaki looks to Rae. "So, after being big damn heroes out here with us, where ya headed?"
Paris Greenspan opens her mouth and then closes it. She nods her head, then goes on and says, "I was just laughing."
Derek Nimian raises his eyebrows and nods, glad to be anywhere but on a ship filled with fanciful people, "Yeah...no problem..."
Rae Overholt: Just a few moons over, make a stop, dump a crate or two. Then back home. Where were you going?
Shrio Takaaki: Persephone, where I can let these Companion trainees and their... chaperone... go about their business.
Johanna Zerbino whispers, "I've just never seen a man like that before."
Mei Ying eyes the small girl with the wild hair as if considering something then turns back to Li Mei.
Li Mei laughs, "Paris … I know that laugh. I've been guilty of it before. It's called flirting."
Derek Nimian looks to the door and to Rae, "Just...go over...or you wanna show me where it is...?"
Rae Overholt Turns her eyes to Derek, "My pilot is over there. Go to the cargo bay, hit the coms down there she'll escourt you"
Paris Greenspan smiles at Li Mei, "With all respect my lady, I know what flirting is."
Li Mei glares at Paris, "Then do not tell me you were just laughing."
Mei Ying listens quietly to the conversation.
Derek Nimian nods as he begins to stride out of the room, "Awesome..."
Johanna Zerbino says under her breath, " I wonder if he sleeps in all that grease?"
Paris Greenspan's smile increases at the glare. "As you wish, I will not tell you things you already know."
Vertigo Hawks enters the common room, "Wei, Rae."
Rae Overholt: Wei Vertigo. Hard times?
Vertigo Hawks: "Not bad, takin' on deese here ladies," he gestures with his cigar, "tings are good."
Shrio Takaaki: So, what news you bring? Anything going on with Reavers in these parts we should know about? Or the Alliance?
Rae Overholt shakes her head, "Nothing but Dragons and Niskas maybe a few others like that. No Reavers though at least, though I hear Niska comes close." She gives Vertigo a smirk, "Thought you were tired of all the women folks surrounding you."
Dr Luke Hu: Well if no one here needs any medical attention I'll be heading back to the Raven.
Shrio Takaaki chuckles quietly. "I sometimes think Niska IS a Reaver... But then again, I reckon it could always be worse."
Rae Overholt: Could be. Could be better too.
Shrio Takaaki nods. "Yeah. I suspect you're right on that."
Li Mei laughs, shaking her head, "Oh to be young and impertinent. Was I that bad, Sillery?"
Mei Ying sighs at the minor tiff around her and stands up.
Vertigo Hawks: Dese guys wer sayin' you was dere when Ole Xavier Able bit it, Dat true?
Rae Overholt nods, "Unfortunately. We happened to be passing."
Shrio Takaaki lowers his eyes to the floor, at the mention of an old friend.
Vertigo Hawks shakes his head, "Dat's raw!"
Rae Overholt nods, "Looked pretty bad"
Shrio Takaaki: Never got details of that mess... Wouldn't mind hearin' it from you, if'n you be willin' to tell it.
Rae Overholt eyes them, a veiled look in her eyes, "Rumor had it, tigers did it."
Mei Ying: "Li, might I enquire as to wher you are headed? Maybe one day we shall bump into one another?"
Shen Jiutai looks sideways and kicks the floor, not making eye contact with anyone.
Li Mei smiles at Mei Ying, "At the moment, I am headed where the Raven is headed."
Shrio Takaaki clenches his fists, his eyes smoldering. "Tigers...? Doesn't make sense. Looks like I might have to look into this. He was a friend."
Rae Overholt: Where the Dragons and Tigers are concerned, best to stay out of it. Too many of them controlling too much.
Mei Ying: It must be a fascinating life, not to be living in one place all the time.
Li Mei: "I do get to Persephone on occasion... I'm sure our paths will cross again." She chuckles, "Fascinating … yes, I suppose you could call it fascinating... or terrifying... either would be accurate at times."
Mei Ying: "Terrifying?" She looks at the crew of Raven. She almost whispers, "Are they really that bad?"
Li Mei shakes her head. "No, the crew of the Raven are good people. Unfortunately, the rest of the universe is not full of good people."
Mei Ying: Ah, that can be true. Though even bad people can teach us something. Mostly to stay away from them I think.
Johanna Zerbino sits in awe of Li Mei. "Have you traveled to the rim?"
Li Mei nods, "I have travelled many places. I lived on a remote moon for a couple of years." She nods at Mei Ying, "Yes, sometimes avoidance is best." She sighs, suddenly lost in thought. She lowers her head
Shrio Takaaki nods, pensively. "Yeah, but he was a good man. Heard you all picked up a passenger, bound for Newhall."
Vertigo Hawks looks up at the mention of his home-world.
Rae Overholt tilts her head, "Why you ask?"
Mei Ying coughs a little, "Umm well on to happier thoughts. Let's see... Is the place you hare headed to nicer than the last? "
Rae Overholt shuffles from foot to foot, playing the poker game of 'don't let them guess what you're thinking' as she tries to hide her nervousness at them questioning her route so much with such delicate cargo and the troubles she has lately.
Shrio Takaaki: Just that I overheard, is all. Water's been calm around Newhall, but that can change in the wink of an eye, as you know. You need any help, spare hands, more guns, for the drop?"
Rae Overholt reaches up to run her fingers through her hair, moving it from her eyes, "We should be okay. What kind of guns you got on this space bullet?"
Li Mei finally hears Mei's question and smiles at her, "You are the inquisitive one, I see."
Mei Ying shrugs, "I am stuck in a tin can in the middle of a vacuum with no telly... Stories are all I have."
Li Mei laughs.
Shrio Takaaki grins, with a wink. "Well, it's been enough to keep us out of sticky situations so far. You helping us, least I can do is offer."
Li Mei: Well, I'm afraid the story of our next destination would bore you, most likely.
Johanna Zerbino is fascinated with the thought of travel. "I would love to hear stories, ma'am."
Mei Ying laughs, "Oh headed to some rock with a load of pachinko balls?" She leans against the table and smiles. "It is better than sitting and going to school most likely."
Li Mei smiles and shakes her head. "You girls remind me of myself when I was younger. The universe seemed like such an exciting place. And parts of it are."
Kevin begins to return from Raven with a spare part machined to match the specs for Hornet. He meets Derek in the Cargo bay, "Here, I think this might do it."
Derek Nimian points his finger accusingly at Kevin as if he has murdered someone, "Are you *trying* to bleed fuel? Your Cap wanted me to look over your engine, and dear sweetness did I need to. Your drive timer is all manner of..." He shudders and shakes his hands, "Ok...right, I went ahead and retimed it. Better tach, fuel expenditure. You can thank me later." He snatches up the two parts and heads upstairs.
Shrio Takaaki chuckles, shaking his head, as his mechanic makes his way aft.
Rae Overholt: Place to speak in private Captain?
Shrio Takaaki nods. "Of course."
Derek Nimian sticks his head out of the hallway door, "Hey Vert. Go ahead and close off the Gas Pump to the Drive...Don't wanna go fryin' nothin' 'til supper"
Li Mei: But be careful, the temptation of that excitement can lead to heartache.
Johanna Zerbino: Oh sir, Lady Li Mei has such amazing stories she was going to tell us.

Shrio Takaaki leads Rae into his quarters, just off of the common room, "Have a seat."
Vertigo Hawks nods and heads forward.
Shrio Takaaki: Ok, I am listening. What's on your mind, Captain?
Rae Overholt speaks quietly, "You don't want our troubles. I'll stand"
Derek Nimian bangs on the bulkhead and shouts down the hall, "Let's kick this pig back int'a gear..."
Rae Overholt shakes her head, "We got us a passenger all right, might bring us Tigers and Dragons on our tail. We're the pearl stuck between them. Tiger wants her crushed into dust, the dragon wants to swallow her whole."
Shrio Takaaki nods quietly, listening, thinking this "passenger" must be some piece of work, to be in between those two groups.
Mei Ying smiles and nods as she goes to sit on the sofa next to the open door to the Captain's quarters. "Life is like that sometimes. I am towering here, let me find someplace to sit quietly."
Li Mei looks over at Sillery, "I don't think I should be telling any of my stories to these girls."
Sillery Motherhen: At least not yet.
Paris Greenspan smiles over at Li Mei "wouldn't want to spoil your reputation."
Sillery Motherhen: Well, Li Mei, if they have learned something from you, then this voyage was not in vain.
Li Mei grins at Paris, "Yes, a reputation is everything to a companion. Do try to remember that when you're flirting with the crew."
Paris Greenspan curtsy's again to Li Mei, "IF I flirt with the crew," her eyes meet level with the companion. "I never admitted that I did such a thing."
Sillery Motherhen gives Paris the "Look."
Johanna Zerbino pouts, "Was just looking, not flirting, honest."
Mei Ying giggles a little at Paris' denial.
Paris Greenspan glances at Sillery, and lowers her head smiling.
Sillery Motherhen: Don't try to deny what was obvious.
Li Mei stares at Paris a moment, then laughs, shaking her head. "Girl, Sillery's right. Denying something that obvious just makes you look silly."
Paris Greenspan lifts her head to Sillery, looks almost exasperated. "Honest Sir, I was not flirting. I was merely lushing at a comment he made. I can almost be sure that most of the room did not her it."
Li Mei turns her attention back to Sillery, "Is she serious?"
Sillery Motherhen: Considering the man she's referring to, it's very possible. That's been another trial on this trip.
Rae Overholt shifts, crossing her arms and watching Shiro for a reaction.
Shrio Takaaki just nods quietly.
Rae Overholt: Already cost one ship its life. You don't want to be in that.
Shrio Takaaki: How in the hells does a girl get both of them groups comin' down on her? She a Companion who step on someone's manicured toes? And hearing what they did to a friend, I figure I owe him that much."
Rae Overholt shakes her head again, "Tigers and Dragons dont have manacured toes, what they got is offspring and folks what want that offspring dead."

Li Mei nods, "It sounds like it's been an educational experience for everyone."
Sillery Motherhen: Oh yes.
Johanna Zerbino is still wondering about if he sleeps in that grease.
Paris Greenspan sighs, wanting badly to glare but hold the urge back. Instead she folds her hands together and stands silent.
Johanna Zerbino is trying to keep her eyes to the floor.
Sillery Motherhen: But when an opportunity like the monastery comes along.
Li Mei nods, "Was it at least a worthwhile trip?"
Sillery Motherhen glares down the hall at the mechanic. "For the most part."
Shrio Takaaki: What? She is either a Dragon or a Tiger? Gorram it. I don't envy you, Captain. But envy or not, my offer stands. Where y'all headed, in case you need help?
Rae Overholt: Hera, to get her patched up and then Newhall to take her to her daddy.
Shrio Takaaki: Hera, to get her patched up? Your Doc can't help her?
Rae Overholt: No, we don't have that kind of technology.
Shen Jiutai looks at all of the companions, eyes lingering on their finery, thinking of an old friend.
Sillery Motherhen: That mechanic has been especially trying.
Shrio Takaaki nods slowly. "I ain't even gonna ask. Air feels, well, funny, somehow, around Hera. And you are just going to drop her off, with her kin? Must be one hell of a price tag..."
Rae Overholt: "The air feels funny? What the diyu does that mean?" She scoffs, "Price tag is my crew's life."
Li Mei cocks her head to the side, looking at Sillery, "Oh? What's he done?"
Sillery Motherhen: "You know how these... people on the rim can be." He rolls his eyes.
Derek Nimian smiles widely as the coil stabilizes and reaches out with his hand to signal a 'high five' to Vertigo, "Lay some skin on me, bro!"
Johanna Zerbino: He does have a funny way of talking.
Vertigo Hawks looks at the part Kevin fabricated... "Whew! Dat Kevin does nice work!!" he slaps Derek's hand.
Li Mei nods her head, "I do, Sillery. I did live out on the rim for a while. But he looks harmless enough. Has he done anything to be worried about?"
Shrio Takaaki shrugs slightly, lowering his voice. "Like, I don't know. Like something is wrong. Could be Alliance, could be Reavers. Or it could be Dragons and Tigers. I don't know. Just a weird feelin' I got while we passed the region." He nods, wondering about a lot of things. "Hell of a price tag..."
Rae Overholt: Ain't it just.
Derek Nimian takes his hand back and bites his lower lip, laughing to himself as he swaggers back to the commons area, his pipe laying over his shoulder.
Sillery Motherhen: using foul language, leering at the girls.
Johanna Zerbino: He seems nice enough, sir?
Shen Jiutai chuckles at Till.
Shrio Takaaki thinks for a moment, before leveling his gaze towards Rae. "Tell ya what. Me and mine are here, to help you and yours. I'm about to gag that chaperone, but if you need hands, we're here. I'd rather dump these passengers, but I can't just pitch them out here, now can I? How can I help?"
Li Mei rolls her eyes, "Well they need to learn how to deal with that."
Mei Ying sighs a little at the dirty mechanic.
Derek Nimian steps down from the hallway and into the galley, playing air guitar on the pipe, "Da da dada da...." He raises his eyebrows at everybody, his face bright from the renewed energy, "Oh snap! Didn't see action like *that* on Osiris...." He shouts out to the captain from the galley, "Hey cap, boats all fixed!"
Sillery Motherhen looks at the filthy mechanic then looks back at Johanna.
Paris Greenspan purposely avoids any sort of eye turn or looking or... anything at Derek, afraid she'll be titles to the 'flirt' forever.
Sillery Motherhen: Yes, but normally they've been further in their studies before they're put into this situation.
Shrio Takaaki nods to no one, thankful the ship is back online.
Vertigo Hawks makes his way up to the cockpit, exhaling blue smoke as he passes the Companions.
Mei Ying smiles, "Back to civilization and soap operas."
Li Mei: Well, the sooner they learn how to handle men leering at them, the better... even if it isn't the sort of men who will be their clients.
Sillery Motherhen coughs.
Derek Nimian stuffs the pipe back into it's holster and continues to smile through his pitch black glasses, "And you were all worried..."
Sillery Motherhen looks at Derek. "Yes, thanks to them."
Vertigo Hawks takes down the comm, "Red? Looks like we're all patched up."
Rae Overholt: Guess this is where we leave you folks.
Shrio Takaaki: Guess so. Need anything before you go?
Li Mei smiles at the three students, "You girls listen to Sillery. And good luck with your studies."
Xiao Li Marshall, who had been half-dozing in her seat on the bridge, snaps awake and grabs the comm. "Wha--you're done? Oh. Okay. Good to know."
Kevin just smiles, "We're happy to be doin' good works."
Johanna Zerbino will dream of the smell of engine grease.
Rae Overholt: Can't think of anything unless you got the urge to give them girls a tour of Hera, might be a bit distracting, if you know what I mean?
Paris Greenspan murmurs under her breath… something about only being worried about being stuck with certain people... but keeps her eyes lowered to the ground.
Mei Ying curtsies to Li Mei.
Derek Nimian pops his hip out, and leans forward, "Oh? I don't see them fixin' the engine..."
Sillery Motherhen: Gods, it will take weeks to get them past this.
Johanna Zerbino: Yes, ma'am!
Li Mei walks up to Sillery and gives him a big hug and a peck on the cheek, "You take care of yourself. It was great to see you again."
Sillery Motherhen hugs Li Mei. "Absolutley. Visit us sometime soon. We can always use more instructors"
Li Mei laughs, "Me? An instructor? Right."
Sillery Motherhen: Your experience is without price, mei mei.
Shrio Takaaki grins. "Be tempting, though. Keep your comm open, and send a wave, if'n you need us. You send a wave, and we'll be there."
Rae Overholt nods at Shiro, "Appreciate it, you shoot us any info you might find out about Hera. Let us know if you see any black unmarked ships flyin' near her. Any alliance too."
Shrio Takaaki: Consider it done. I'll run interference where I am able. Once we drop these girls, we'll double back out this way, just in case.
Rae Overholt leans closer to him and says quietly, "You also watch out for any folks you see has blue gloves on, you vacate the area immediately."
Shrio Takaaki nods, knowing those people better than he cared to admit.
Rae Overholt nods and steps back, leaving his quarters and gathering her crew. "C'mon folks we got business to run."
Derek Nimian sighs audibly, a little hurt that no one seems to care about the fact that he fixed the engine and leans against the wall.
Vertigo Hawks fires up the engines to see that they're nominal, He comms back to the common room, "She's lookin' good deere Cap'n."
Derek Nimian raises his fist in pride, "You know it, Vert!"
Shrio Takaaki walks back towards the front of the ship, and speaks quietly to the pilot.
Li Mei smiles and bows her head slightly, then follows the crew of the Raven back to the ship.
Shen Jiutai runs up to the cockpit to slap Vertigo on the back before heading down to the cargo bay with a quick, "Good to see ya V!"
Shrio Takaaki: Vertigo. Once the Raven is clear, I want us on Persephone, so these good folks can get off. Once we are paid, I want us back out here... We got business.
Sillery Motherhen mutters a long line of Mandarin.
Vertigo Hawks responds, "Roja Dat!":
Shrio Takaaki nods, and moves quickly back to the galley.
Derek Nimian turns to head back into the engine room, shouting over his shoulder as he heads down the hallway, "You're WELCOME!" He shakes his head as he looks over the engine, "No manners...what is the 'Verse comin' to..."
Shrio Takaaki shakes his head, chuckling softly, as he turns to follow his mechanic. "Thank you again, Raven. We'll be in touch."
Sillery Motherhen: How soon are we getting back to Persephone?
Shrio Takaaki: As fast as this old boat will get us there, rest assured of that.
Johanna Zerbino: Thank you kind folks for your rescue.
Rae Overholt nods at Shiro, "Glad to have been of service, safe voyage"
Shrio Takaaki: You too...
Vertigo Hawks gently eases Hornet away from Raven, and sets course for Persephone.
Shrio Takaaki: Derek. Thank you. Can we go full brurn to Persephone and back here, without causing too much trouble?
Derek Nimian nods, his mood much sunnier than before, now that the new parts are working, "Green an' shiny, Cap. Let's grip it and rip it"