It is the beginnings of a pleasant evening when the Crew of Raven walks down the cargo ramp and onto the dusty streets of the Eavesdown Docks.
Shen Jiutai asides to Rae, "Well, I think Kevin got that thermos for the sample all set up... and I think he was going to look for some liquid nitrogen while we're here.
Rae Overholt: Hope he finds it. I'd like to finally have an ace up my sleeve once.
Shen Jiutai nods
Gabriel Keats: "That still gives me the ruttin' creeps. Just sayin'."
Rae Overholt: Yeah well. I'll take what I can get. So, everyone on free time?
Xiao Li Marshall: For how long?
Rae Overholt steps aside with Li Mei as she heads towards town, "How long's it gone take Li?" She stops as an Alliance cruiser pulls up.
Gabriel Keats looks up, though it's hard to tell from behind his tinted glasses. He takes in the car and steals a glance at Rae.
Rae Overholt does her best to ignore the car and act inconspicuous.
Ceasar Otsuka walks up to the spacers.
Xiao Li Marshall eyes the Fed while doing her best to look like she *isn't* eying the Fed.
Ceasar Otsuka: Ni hao. May I talk to the captain of your ship?
Rae Overholt: There a problem?
Gabriel Keats gives an easy, friendly smile and nods towards Rae.
Rae Overholt: We just got here, ain't even had time to get any liquor in us.
Ceasar Otsuka: I hope not. We've reinstated port inspections here on Persephone
Rae Overholt: That so?
Ceasar Otsuka sees the Lieutenant and tries not to roll his eyes.
Xiao Li Marshall: Since when?
Lt Yoshikawa: Immediately
Ceasar Otsuka: It's a recent change. We have a new Alliance commander on Persephone now. If you have nothing to hide, then there's no problem.
Gabriel Keats stretches, hands behind his back.
Rae Overholt: You 'spectin everyone or just a lucky few?
Ceasar Otsuka: "We're inspecting everyone." He drops his voice to a whisper. "You should have heard Ms. Miles when she heard."
Shen Jiutai nudges Rae, "We ain't picking up or dropping any cargo... we're just here dropping our Companion off to take care of some Guild business."
Gabriel Keats: "'Course they are. Government's got to be fair, yeah?"
Rae Overholt: "Had problems here lately?" She tilts her head and looks up at him as if completely absorbed by his conversation.
Xiao Li Marshall: We at least get a chance to tidy up 'fore company comes round?
Ceasar Otsuka: There's been some interesting people popping up on world, so we're trying to beat any problems before they start.
Lt Yoshikawa: This here's a clean planet. Ain't no need for no ruttin' pirates.
Ceasar Otsuka takes a deep breath.
Shen: "You perhaps should talk to the Companions Guild before you molest a crew of one of their members."
Ceasar Otsuka: I'm Sgt. Otsuka, just to introduce myself
Rae Overholt: Cap'n Rae Overholt. Mind if my girls get a moment to clean up their delicates before your officer behind you barges in?
Ceasar Otsuka: If I can at least see your manifest, just to confirm things. He glances over at the Loo then back at Rae.
Rae Overholt: Xiao li? Got that manifest on you?
Lt Yoshikawa: Yeah let's see yer manifest there, missy.
Gabriel Keats: "Otsuka. . .Otsuka. . .y'didn't happen to go to Ohtori Academy, didya?"
Xiao Li Marshall pulls out a data pad and taps a few buttons to bring up the crew manifest. "Right here, Cap'n."
Ceasar Otsuka: I don't believe so. Where is that?
Rae Overholt looks back to Otsuka, "You must be a patient man." Her eyes moves quickly to Loo then back to Otsuka to indicate her meaning.
Shen: Hey, we ain't even doing business on Persephone...
Ceasar Otsuka: It helps in the job. Well, have you ever heard of Niska?
Rae Overholt takes the data pad and turns it towards Otsuka.
Shen: Like I said... our COMPANION will get upset if you delay her crew...
Rae Overholt: I thought Niska was a myth.
Gabriel Keats: "'Bout twenty-five clicks outside the main docks here on 'Seph. Just outta town. Pretty prestigious. Knew an Otsuka what went there."
Lt Yoshikawa: Myth... psh..
Ceasar Otsuka reaches for the pad. "If i could see that... May have been a relative of mine... big family"
Rae Overholt shrugs a shoulder and hands it over.
Gabriel Keats shushes and raises his eyebrows at the name Niska.
Ceasar Otsuka: He has a business in the Minear Building downtown.
Rae Overholt: You're kidding.
Shen Jiutai mutters into her comm link, "Yes... he's right here… says his name is Sergeant Outskia or something..."
Rae Overholt: What's that got to do with us?
Ceasar Otsuka takes the pad. Looks it over. Just thought you'd like to know.
Rae Overholt: Should we avoid that section of town then?
Lt Yoshikawa: C'mon. we's talkin' too much. Let's get to the searchin' the cargo part!
Xiao Li Marshall shifts restlessly from foot to foot.
Ceasar Otsuka hands the pad back then put his hands at his pockets.
Rae Overholt takes the data pad and tosses it to Xiao Li, carefully.
Shen Jiutai continues into the Comm, "Absolutely not... we just show up and he's all in our face."
Gabriel Keats: "Y'know, I do think your junior officer might have a thing for women's unmentionables..."
Ceasar Otsuka: "Looks fine to me. Would like a quick look at the ship." He raises an eyebrow.
Lt Yoshikawa: Who don't?
Gabriel Keats chuckles quietly.
Rae Overholt: Guess it would depend officer, you got a thing for them on women, off women or on you?
Ceasar Otsuka mutters he doesn't get paid enough.
Shen Jiutai continues into the comm, "Seems to think he can re-write the law... are they aware of this?"
Ceasar Otsuka: Loo, could you do me a favor?
Gabriel Keats gives the sergeant a deeply sympathetic look.
Lt Yoshikawa: Sarge we don't have to take this go-se. They's disrespectin' our gorram authority!
Rae Overholt: Since when have we done that?
Ceasar Otsuka: Stand down, just for a second. They haven't invaded. Captain, can you join me for a quick inspection? Shouldn't take long.
Rae Overholt: Sure.
Xiao Li Marshall chuckles. "Man, we were disrespectin' your authority, you'd have that gun up your pi gu by now!"
Lt Yoshikawa: There doin' somethin'. They's shifty eyed.
Rae Overholt turns and heads into the cargo bay.
Shen Jiutai continues into the link, "Oh, they HAVE heard of him... I see... Yes... no... there's some goon with him brandishing weapons."
Rae Overholt: As you can see, nothing out of order.
Gabriel Keats: "Just makin' small talk. I know how it can get on these assignments. Not a gorram thing to do. Figure you could do with some levity."
Xiao Li Marshall mutters something under her breath about needing a drink.
Gabriel Keats: "Right there with ya. . . Course, ain't like that's unusual...."
Ceasar Otsuka looks to make sure they're out of earshot. "Sorry about this. With both Niska and Mais in town, the law is nervous these days."
Rae Overholt: Who is Mais? You telling me someone can compete with the myth and legend thats Niska?
Ceasar Otsuka: Local hood. Mostly transport. Has an office on your home moon.
Rae Overholt: Well good luck stomping him out. Won't hurt my feelings any.
Ceasar Otsuka chuckles. "No, but enough that the commander is worried. Plus him back there"
Rae Overholt: You mean your officer? I think he's a might, trigger happy.
Gabriel Keats looks at the sky and exhales slowly.
Ceasar Otsuka: A touch. Had a hard time at his last posting.
Rae Overholt: What was his last posting?
Ceasar Otsuka gives the ship a quick look over. "Burnet."
Rae Overholt frowns. "Hate to hear that."
Ceasar Otsuka: Just watch your back.
Rae Overholt: Pity I have to.
Ceasar Otsuka turns back to the crowd. "It's good, Loo."
Rae Overholt: Appreciate it.
Ceasar Otsuka whispers to Rae "And please don't get caught with anything."
Rae Overholt gives him a Nod, not intending to.
Ceasar Otsuka: Enjoy your time in Downing
Rae Overholt: Thank ya kindly.
Rae Overholt: I think we'll be off for some liquor while we wait for our companion.
Ceasar Otsuka: Shiny. Good day.
Xiao Li Marshall: ...the hell was that all about, Cap'n?
Rae Overholt: Mais, movin' in here as local thud, along with Niska. Has folks jumpy.
Gabriel Keats nods, silent again.
Rae Overholt: You pick up anything Gabe?
Shen: Niska? He's here?
Rae Overholt: Yes he is, so I say we avoid that end of town.
Gabriel Keats: "Can we just avoid the whole gorram town?"
Rae Overholt: You don't want to meet the closest thing I got to a papa Gabe? Get his blessins?
Xiao Li Marshall: Well, somebody's gotta make sure our passenger don't go nowhere....
Gabriel Keats: "That sounds infinitely better than anything else."
Rae Overholt: Which one does?
Gabriel Keats: "Goin' with you."
Shen: Last time I saw sleepin' beauty, that new Doc was mooning over her.
Rae Overholt: Alright then.
Shen: Should we head into town?
Rae Overholt: "You folks go throw on what you want so as not to be noticeable then we will." She looks to Shen and Xiao Li.
Xiao Li Marshall nods mutely.
Gabriel Keats: "Don't think it's exactly easy to be noticeable here. Don't shoot anyone should 'bout cover it..."
Shen Jiutai nods.
Rae Overholt: Alright then, off we go I guess.
They wander down the street towards town.
Rae Overholt looks at him, "A blessin' is always required as far as Estes is concerned."
Gabriel Keats: "That ain't what I meant." He gives a rare, full smile and reaches for her hand.
Dominance Paine quietly checks out the headlines, well aware of those around him, listening more than reading.
Rae Overholt smiles and lets him take her hand, not paying much mind to her surroundings for the moment.
Dominance Paine moves quietly, walking slowly towards the Guild Hall, his pace casual.
Gabriel Keats squeezes. He's making sure no one. . .well, he thinks he might notice if they're about to walk into a wall.
Rae Overholt: Been awhile since I've been here, hope the dojo is still up.
Rae Overholt: Looks a lot busier than it used to.
Gabriel Keats: "Things don't really change as much as y'think they would. Even here. Bet even if it's moved, we can find it."
Shen Jiutai nods towards the bar, "Buy you a shot, Cap'n?"
Dominance Paine listens, wihle looking towards the road leading to the port, seeming to not notice the group of people.
Rae Overholt: What do you think Li is doing?
Gabriel Keats: "Ain't sure." He laughs.
Tillery Goldberg watches Shen as he slowly works her way into the bar, "Hey there. need a drink?"
Shen Jiutai plops herself onto the stool, "Yeah... how about some 'Earth That Was'?
Tillery Goldberg: Don't have that in stock. How about a beer?
Shen: Any other whiskey?
Tillery Goldberg: "That I got. Don't know if I've seen you here before," He slides the whisky to Shen.
Shen Jiutai picks up the shot glass, and with a nod to Till, shoots the shot back.
Tillery Goldberg: Hey, Rae.
Rae Overholt: Hey, what's good on the menu?
Tillery Goldberg: Anything that'll get you drunk. What's your poison?
Shen Jiutai slides a piece of silver to the barkeep, "A whiskey for the lady."
Tillery Goldberg pushes the silver back. "She drinks for free here."
Rae Overholt: Why's that?
Tillery Goldberg: That's what friends do
Rae Overholt giggles, "Thought you might have forgotten me. So, what's the latest? Seen Estes?"
Tillery Goldberg: Not recently. A lot of people laying low.
Rae Overholt: What's this I hear about Mais and Niska? And the new rules of searchin ships?
Tillery Goldberg: They've set up office in town. New police commander, Paine Chesnokov.
Rae Overholt: Butting heads any?
Tillery Goldberg: Not yet. But the police have started to get smart. Keeping an eye on both.
Rae Overholt: That so. Caused you a boost in business, I'd imagine.
Tillery Goldberg: Some. More go to the Blue Sun club in the tower next door. Just above Niska's business. "Dry Good"
Gabriel Keats: "That just betrays an utter lack of taste, don't it?"
Tillery Goldberg: Money don't bring taste
Gabriel Keats: "Dry good, wet bad?"
Tillery Goldberg: That's my impression. These all friends of yours, Rae?
Rae Overholt: Yup, my crew. Made captain.
Tillery Goldberg: What'll you all have?
Xiao Li Marshall: Got any good bourbon?
Shen Jiutai nods and turns to Rae, "Did I see that guy we met on Paquin outside? The one that wanted us to transport slaves?... What was his name? Dom?"
Gabriel Keats: "Son of a. . ."
Tillery Goldberg looks sharp at Shen. "Uh, yeah. just a sec."
Rae Overholt: "No I was, distracted. He's out there???? Wonder if he found his transporter..." She sneers as she states this, not liking the connotation.
Tillery Goldberg: You ain't doing business with him, are you?
Rae Overholt: Naw.
Gabriel Keats laughs.
Tillery Goldberg: Good. He's been doing well too.
Gabriel Keats: "Ain't that nice."
Tillery Goldberg: Ain't it just.
Rae Overholt: That a fact. Slavin?
Tillery Goldberg: Well, three 'ladies' he's brought on-world have found 'employment' recently.
Rae Overholt takes a sip of her whiskey, "Well may buddah bite him on the butt."
Gabriel Keats examines his hands idly. "That'd be karma."
Rae Overholt: mmhmm
Gabriel Keats: "Don't think Buddha's teeth got anything t'do with it."
Tillery Goldberg: Planet's becoming a funnel for everything for everything going Core-ward and back.
Gabriel Keats: "Ain't it always been the way?'
Xiao Li Marshall: Handy for those of us who want to know what's goin' where.
Rae Overholt: Yeah? It would if it belonged to one of them fancy-dancy german shepherds them rich folks like to keep.
Tillery Goldberg: Yeah. But I like boredom.
Xiao Li Marshall: ...rather not picture the Buddha with dog teeth, thanks.
Tillery Goldberg: Lovely crowd you have, Rae.
Rae Overholt: Yeah what they lack in manners they make up for in smarts though. What's the biggest commodity lately Goldberg? Who should we avoid to work with?
Tillery Goldberg: Well, you already know to avoid Dom. As long you don't plan to do the black tie...
Rae Overholt: Nope, rather gouge my eyes out than be kept in one of those glass houses and forced to wear those scratchy clothes.
Tillery Goldberg: There is some scuttlebutt.
Rae Overholt: That so?
Tillery Goldberg: Marcus is doing very well these days.
Rae Overholt: That's nice to hear, I was hoping to see him. Got somethin' for him.
Gabriel Keats fixes his gaze--and his mind--on the floor.
Tillery Goldberg: Don't know where he is today. For that matter, don't know where Matthew is either. Just know he's off-world.
Rae Overholt: Thank Buddah for that. If I had to run into that pigu I might just shoot him again.
Tillery Goldberg: Don't know if its for good though, so don't get too relaxed.
Rae Overholt: Naw, way my luck's runnin' lately he'll show up with reinforcements.
Tillery Goldberg: Did you have any trouble getting through the Docks?
Rae Overholt: Nothing a few creds couldn't take care of. That fella he's got for backup's a real pigu.
Tillery Goldberg: Yoshikawa?
Rae Overholt: Guess that'd be him.
Tillery Goldberg: He avoids this place.
Rae Overholt reaches out to tousles Gabe's hair. "How'd you get so lucky?"
Xiao Li Marshall: Good to know.
Tillery Goldberg: And a bit bitter about his last posting, it seems.
Rae Overholt: Yeah, I heard.
Tillery Goldberg: Well, for one thing, he isn't sly.
Rae Overholt laughs.
Rae Overholt: Yeah, seems to like women's underthings.
Ichiro Jiagu wanders into the bar and does a double take, "Rihannon?"
Rae Overholt jumps at the familiar voice and spins, "Marcus? You gone and got respectable on me??!"
Xiao Li Marshall raises an eyebrow and mouths 'Rihannon??' at Rae.
Rae Overholt gives Xiao Li a death glare.
Gabriel Keats's head snaps up, and he follows her gaze.
Ichiro Jiagu grins, "It IS you!!!"
Tillery Goldberg suddenly finds cleaning glasses interesting.
Ichiro Jiagu: "How has the 'Verse been treating you?"
Rae Overholt shrugs a shoulder and reaches into her pocket, pulling something out she tosses it in his direction. "Seems to be treating you pretty well though."
Tillery Goldberg leans toward Gabe. "Want a strong drink?"
Ichiro Jiagu deftly catches the object, and eyes it for a second before placing it in his pocket.
Rae Overholt: Don't let it mess up your pretty suit.
Ichiro Jiagu shurgs, "This old thing?"
Gabriel Keats gives the 'tender a look that's all practiced calm. "No, thank you. Maybe in a bit." His accent's gone pure Core; he smiles, turns back to watching Rae.
Ichiro Jiagu: "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?"
Rae Overholt eyes him up and down, uncertainty on her face, "You've changed so much. Oh, yeah sorry. This is my crew. Shen, Xiao li, and Gabe, my first mate. This is Marcus everyone. Old friend of mine."'
[Gabriel Keats gives Marcus a smile and a nod from across the room. "Pleasure to meet you, Marcus."
Xiao Li Marshall: "Any friend of *Rihannon's* is a friend of ours." Xiao Li Marshall smirks.
Ichiro Jiagu grins at Gabe, "And you too...", He nods to Xiao Li.
Shen Jiutai gives 'Marcus' a small wave and sips her whiskey.
Rae Overholt empties her glass and debates throwing it at Xiao Li and then figures she wont give Goldberg the extra mess to clean up, "Cap'n Rhiannon to you."
Ichiro Jiagu stops cold, "CAPTAIN RIANNON?"
Rae Overholt looks to Marcus, her back to everyone else and her facade slips a moment, "Yeah, ain't it a peach."
Ichiro Jiagu: You are captain of a boat?
Rae Overholt gives him a little nod.
Gabriel Keats picks a spot near the door and looks at it. His posture straightens, an almost unconscious standing at attention, listening.
Ichiro Jiagu: ... and this is your crew?
Rae Overholt: Yeah, this would be my motley crew.
Xiao Li Marshall turns to her drink, still sniggering over 'Rihannon'.
Ichiro Jiagu: My Buddah! Who would have suspected Lil' Sunshine would have her own boat!
Rae Overholt cuts her eyes at Xiao Li, "Somethin' you need help with Xiao Li?"
Xiao Li Marshall elbows the bartender, who seems to have dozed off. "Oh, nothin', Cap'n..."
Ichiro Jiagu: What do you fly?
Rae Overholt: A Firefly. What you selling thats got you that suit?
Ichiro Jiagu: Well, the antiques shop has been doing very well...
Rae Overholt: I'm glad to hear it, you still reading those books you're so fond of? Paper ones and all?
Tillery Goldberg: Anyone need refills?
Ichiro Jiagu nods, "Why would I ever stop...with these new goons in town, it pays to look respectable."
Rae Overholt: Figured you might have run out of space for all of them by now. Respectable? I've found goons think you're respectable they think you're an easy target. That ain't so for you?
Paine Chesnokov pauses just inside the bar, looking around slowly, taking note of those inside the bar.
Xiao Li Marshall slams back her shot. "Keep 'em comin'."
Rae Overholt: You got anyone I'm needin' to get off your back?
Tillery Goldberg hands Xiao Li another whiskey.
Ichiro Jiagu: A Firefly, eh? That's a nice boat, you mostly haul cargo?
Rae Overholt: Yeah. Got us a companion on board though.
Ichiro Jiagu: Really?
Tillery Goldberg sees the lawman at the door.
Paine Chesnokov smiles, looking around, nodding to the bartender slowly.
Gabriel Keats's eyes catch Paine's movement near the door. He meets the other man's gaze and gives a sharp, polite nod.
Rae Overholt: Yeah, it's why we're here. She's got business.
Paine Chesnokov returns the other man's nod, stiffly.
Ichiro Jiagu chuckles, "Who ever would have thought little Sunshine cruising the 'Verse with a companion, no less!!"
Tillery Goldberg lightly touches Xiao Li's arm, nods to the door.
Rae Overholt blushes and leans to whisper, "You can call me Rae Marcus."
Xiao Li Marshall glances toward the door... and quickly looks away. *quietly* "Ta ma de..."
Ichiro Jiagu grins, "Ray it is, Sunshine."
Paine Chesnokov clears his throat lightly before speaking. "And who is the Captain of the Firefly in our fine port?"
Tillery Goldberg tries not to chuckle at Marcus.
Rae Overholt bites her bottom lip, knowing this is going to get her hell from Xiao Li later.
Ichiro Jiagu looks over his shoulder, "Best to ignore 'im."
Rae Overholt looks to Marcus, "Why is that?"
Tillery Goldberg whipsers to Xiao Li, "That's the new commander."
Ichiro Jiagu lowers his voice, "He's fishing, don't bite."
Rae Overholt nods and ignores the man.
Ichiro Jiagu turns to Paine, "Well good evening Mr Pain."
Paine Chesnokov nods slowly. "Very well. Then when the Captain of said Firefly wishes their ship to be released, they can contact me. Until then, it will be locked down."
Tillery Goldberg holds back a sigh.
Paine Chesnokov: Good evening
Rae Overholt: What'd they do?
Ichiro Jiagu: and why would they be in lockdown?
Tillery Goldberg: So much for ignoring.
Xiao Li Marshall 's fist clenches around her shot glass.
Paine Chesnokov: "I am afraid that is a matter I will take up with the Captain of that ship. Good evening." He smiles, turning slowly.
Rae Overholt: I'll tell him you're looking. I'll let the guild know too.
Paine Chesnokov: "Indeed." He heads out the door, followed by Marcus.
Tillery Goldberg speaks low. "You did get inspected, right?"
Rae Overholt: Yeah we got inspected.
Tillery Goldberg: He may be double checking.
Rae Overholt: Why??
Tillery Goldberg: You said there was some negotiating?
Gabriel Keats says, in a hushed undertone meant only for Rae. "You need me to do anything, -Captain-?"
Xiao Li Marshall: Don't tell me they went on board when we weren't there--didn't anybody remember to LOCK the gorram doors?!
Rae Overholt: I locked 'um!
Tillery Goldberg: Maybe the pigu.
Xiao Li Marshall: Were you the last one out?
Rae Overholt: Yeah.
Tillery Goldberg gives Rae another whiskey.
Rae Overholt takes it and downs it, already feeling a bit tipsy since she's a lightweight.
Gabriel Keats: "That ain't a good idea."
Rae Overholt puts the glass down and shrugs, "Too late."
Gabriel Keats: "Apparently."
Tillery Goldberg: You said some credits changed hands, right?
Rae Overholt nods at Till.
Gabriel Keats turns sharply and strides back to where he was standing.
Tillery Goldberg: How far away was Yoshikawa?
Rae Overholt: Behind 'im.
Tillery Goldberg: Maybe he saw
Rae Overholt: Maybe he did.
Rae Overholt licks a finger and reaches out to wipe down Xiao Li's goggles in retribution of her snickering.
Xiao Li Marshall: Come on, Cap'n, 'Rihannon'??
Rae Overholt: Can't help what my parents named me.
Tillery Goldberg or "Ray."
Xiao Li Marshall: Makes ya sound like someone out of a bad romance novel.
Rae Overholt: A someone who could still beat the tar out of you for mouthin' off.
Tillery Goldberg watches Marcus and the commander outside the club.
Ichiro Jiagu turns and approaches the Purple Belly outside the bar.
Paine Chesnokov: Can I help you?
Ichiro Jiagu: "From what I heard," He glances from side to side, "That Firefly is here on Companion Business."
Paine Chesnokov smiles, nodding. "And the Guild Hall is just up the street. Until I have met with the captain of that ship, she doesn't fly. I will speak to the Guild, if I must. I am certain they will understand."
Ichiro Jiagu: "I'm not sure the Guild would take lightly to locking down a ship for no stated reason... As it happens, I may know where the Captain is."
Paine Chesnokov stands firm, eyeing the man before him. "The Guild will understand that a ship's captain has many responsibilities. As for this captain, I am listening..."
Ichiro Jiagu: Now if there is a legitimate reason... I'm sure I can locate the Captain, Now what is the problem?
Paine Chesnokov: As I stated in there, I will discuss the matter with the Captain. However, it concerns the nature of the ship's cargo, and a routine inspection.
Ichiro Jiagu: I believe they were inspected when they landed... if you like, I can confirm this.
Paine Chesnokov: And they will be inspected before they take off. I already have a detail near the ship, keeping an eye on it, so as to prevent anyone from tampering with her cargo.
Ichiro Jiagu turns, "Thank you, I'll pass the message along."
Paine Chesnokov: Besides, it would be far more efficient if the captain were to register the crew roster with the port authority, so that there might be less hassle in the future...
Ichiro Jiagu: I'll let him know.
Paine Chesnokov nods. "Very well. I think I will go and take a closer look at this Firefly..."
Ichiro Jiagu turns muttering something about 'Gorram Fascists" and returns to the bar.
Paine Chesnokov chuckles softly, before turning.
Rae Overholt glances at Gabe, noting his change in demeanor. "you okay Gabe?"
Gabriel Keats: "Fine."
Ichiro Jiagu returns to the bar and motions to Goldberg for the usual. "This town has gone straight to hell."
Rae Overholt: What's he want?
Tillery Goldberg hands Marcus his whiskey.
Ichiro Jiagu: to throw his weight around.
Tillery Goldberg: He just transfered here from the Core. Wants to show he's boss.
Rae Overholt: "What did he do?" Her frustration level begins to rise and she rocks back and forth on her feet a little.
Gabriel Keats takes a half-step forward, towards Rae, then stops.
Xiao Li Marshall: Could 'ja be a little more specific, maybe?
Ichiro Jiagu: He was blowin' smoke 'bout inspectin' her before clearing her for take-off... I'll talk to Amanda at the Guild... we'll get him to back off.
Rae Overholt nods, "I'd appreciate it Marcus. Seems you've made a network of people since I've been gone."
Xiao Li Marshall: Think he'd let us go if we tell 'em we've got a sick passenger who's gotta get home right quick?
Rae Overholt: He'd probably quarantine us.
Ichiro Jiagu: "Well… Amanda likes old things, she comes into the shop," he flushes a little, "All the time."
Rae Overholt looks down at the dance floor and says simply, "Oh."
Shen Jiutai shoots Xiao Li a look and shakes her head.
Gabriel Keats can't help but look up at Marcus for a moment and glare. He suppresses it quickly, though.
Tillery Goldberg starts to really scrub the bar.
Ichiro Jiagu: Sick passenger?
Rae Overholt nods. "Nothin catchy."
Ichiro Jiagu: Yeah, He'd find any excuse to be a jerk... 'long as she stays out of sight.
Tillery Goldberg: He'd probably ask why not stay here. The only way to get better care is to go to Osiris or Sinhon.
Rae Overholt: She has her own personal doctor.
Ichiro Jiagu looks to his drink and quietly murmurs, "So, it is a she..."
Rae Overholt ' brow furrows, "What does that matter?"
Shen Jiutai kicks Xiao Li.
Xiao Li Marshall whirls to glare at Shen. "What?!"
Tillery Goldberg pours himself a shot. "Oy vey."
Ichiro Jiagu looks all innocent-like, "Oh nothing... just rumors going about..." He takes Rae's elbow and leads her a few steps away.
Rae Overholt crosses her arms but follows him.
Tillery Goldberg looks to Gabe. "That offer of a drink still stands."
Gabriel Keats: "I'll take it. Whatever's strong."
Ichiro Jiagu lowers his voice, "Listen, there's word going around about a young girl..."
Gabriel Keats looks at the two of them, gaze intense, and takes the drink. He brings it to his mouth, though he doesn't really sip.
Ichiro Jiagu looks into Rae's eyes, "She has a...Dragon Tattoo on her left fore-arm..."
Rae Overholt whispers back, "What about her? Marcus, who are you? "
Tillery Goldberg looks to Shen and Xiao Li. "You guys this much fun everywhere you go?"
Ichiro Jiagu: Look, I just hear things, is all... I always have, and if I can help you out, I will...
Xiao Li Marshall: What's that s'posed to mean?
Rae Overholt smiles up at him, "Did you miss me?"
Ichiro Jiagu shuffles his feet and glances at Gabe, "Well... yeah."
Tillery Goldberg gestures to the triangle on the dance floor. "And should I bring up the ship?"
Ichiro Jiagu goes all serious for a moment. "Listen... This girl is being targeted by the Tigers... for death. They're searching the 'Verse for her…"
Rae Overholt nods. She whispers to him, "Who are the Tigers?" She continues in her hushed tones, "Why would they want her dead? Don't make no sense. She's just a kid."
Ichiro Jiagu looks over his glasses at Rae, with a 'you can't be serious' look, "They are a powerful Triad, People you should know about if you're hauling cargo. I don't know the reason, but the Tigers are paying good money for intel about her."
Xiao Li Marshall smirks at Goldberg. "Nah, it ain't always like this. Some time's there's *real* drama."
Rae Overholt frowns, looking frustrated, "Ain't like I signed on to be captain, got it thrown at me. Not so happy 'bout it myself, I can't know everything."
Tillery Goldberg: Well, it wouldn't be boring.
Ichiro Jiagu goes soft at Rae's sensitivity, "I'm sorry... I... well I'm worried about you if..."
Rae Overholt shakes her head, "Used to be me keepin' an eye on you."
Ichiro Jiagu: "Look, these guys will stop at nothing... word is, they already blasted one ship out of the sky."
Tillery Goldberg answers his screen as it pings under the bar.
Ichiro Jiagu: If you really are carrying this girl, I'd keep it quiet.
Xiao Li Marshall sits bolt upright in her seat when she catches Marcus's last statement. "...shit."
Tillery Goldberg: Uh, the Purple-belly is calling here about the ship.
Rae Overholt nods to Marcus. "Thanks."
Ichiro Jiagu: Look, it's a blood feud between two Triads, You sure you want to be in the middle of this Rihannon?
Rae Overholt: No, don't got a choice though.
Tillery Goldberg: Marcus, did you tell Paine that Rae was the captain?
Ichiro Jiagu looks to Till and shakes his head.
Tillery Goldberg: He's insisting that the captain of that firefly meet him at the ship. And he keeps calling here. He knows.
Shen asks, "What makes him think we're here? What? did we leave the lights on?"
Rae Overholt: DAMMIT! Mighta's well get this over with.
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