THE STORY SO FAR: Our fearless crew has returned to Washtown only to find a rather un-dead and agitated Jadi Goodnight who orders the removal of Raven's ultra-tech, and expresses disappointment with the way the last few missions have been handled...
1 Week Later:
Shen Jiutai walks up to Rae, "Thank Budda those Hu-dans are gone!!! they.... well.... anyways, I'm glad they're gone..."
Rae Overholt: Huh?
Shen Jiutai shakes her head, "Aww it's nothing... I mean I think they might have taken a little more than just the extra equipment..."
Rae Overholt: like?
Shen Jiutai looks away and suddenly finds a passing bird very interesting, "Nuthin'." She gestures over towards the hoban... "Buy ya a drink Cap?"
Rae Overholt nods
Li Mei joins the pair on their way to the Hoban, "Ah, there you are, Rae. Could I have a word with you?"
Jadi Goodnight is lurking, yes. Or maybe looming. But yeah, doing the bodyguard-thing.
Shen Jiutai digs into her pocket and places a wrinkled bill on the counter, "Two whiskies, please," She glances at Li Mei, "you drinkin'?'
Anastasia Christensen is looking utterly bored and checking her new manicure.
Li Mei smiles at Shen, "Thank you, no. I'm fine."
Shen Jiutai takes the two glasses, hands one to Rae, nods to Li Mei, and keeps the second for herself.
Li Mei has a seat at the bar.
Rae Overholt turns to Li, "Yeah? Sure. What can I do for you Li?"
Jadi Goodnight spares a glance down at the inside of one of her wrists before murmuring to Ana. "They're late."
Li Mei hesitates a moment and then says, "Well, it would seem that I have a client."
Rae Overholt: Thats good news. Glad someone's luck is looking up.
Li Mei: I have been asked to attend the End of Seasons Ball on Paquin.
Rae Overholt nods, "Needing a ride there or you got service? Not sure if Jadi's going to let us offworld anytime soon."
Li Mei hesitates again, then adds, "I hate to ask this ... but I was wondering if it might be possible to get me there a few days early."
Rae Overholt: I don't see why not, if Jadi lets us lift off.
Li Mei: "Unfortunately, I have not been able to acquire any new clothes in ages, and I can't show myself at that affair looking like this. I need to get there early to be fitted for a gown."
Rae Overholt: Understandable. ::she nods at Li.:: When would we need to leave?
Li Mei smiles, "Well, as soon as possible. The ball is in a week."
Rae Overholt looks thoughtful as she turns to Shen, "Well? Think thats possible? Are we able to fly yet?"
Shen Jiutai checks her drink, "Yeah, Rol says we'll be able to fly... ain't that far out, this time o year..."
Anastasia Christensen looks over at the sharply dressed man, "Well hello there."
Locum Tenens: “Greeting Madame,” he bows. “Allow me to introduce myself. The names Tenens. Locum Tenens”
Anastasia Christensen smiles, "Well it is a pleasure to meet you Mister Tenens."
Locum Tenens: The pleasure is mine most assuredly
Shen Jiutai notices the stranger talking to Miss Ana.
Jadi Goodnight keeps an eye on the new fellow, keeping a pace behind her boss-lady. Ah, the things a bodyguard must put up with... She smiles slightly once she hears the name, though, nodding, and adding: "We've been expecting you. Was there any trouble en route?"
Locum Tenens: No trouble we couldn't handle. What a charming world you have here.
Anastasia Christensen chuckles, "Oh and the most charming pleasures you have not even seen yet. I am sure you will though in time."
Rae Overholt: Well, how about we see if we can head out now?
Shen Jiutai goes quiet watching the exchange at the other end of the bar.
Li Mei glances over at the 3 on the other side of the Hoban before looking back at Shen, "Oh, that's great. I should be able to get there in plenty of time, then."
Jadi Goodnight “hmms,” faintly amused. "If anything else comes up, do tell my people, or myself. When you entered our space, your... welfare... became my responsibility."
Locum Tenens: I'm loking for some.."friends"... the crew of the Raven. might you perchance know where they are?
Shen Jiutai elbows Rae.
Rae Overholt turns in Shen's direction, "Yeah?"
Shen Jiutai says below her breath, "Looks like we got company."
Jadi Goodnight raises an eyebrow, and looks over at Ana. Amazing... Someone actually managed to surprise her!
Anastasia Christensen frowns slightly, "Well if you must be off already you will find some of them over there at the bar. I do hope you will come by the ranch for a drink later."
Rae Overholt: “Good or bad?” she whispers.
Shen Jiutai: Dunno.
Locum Tenens: Madame a platoon of Reavers couldn't keep me away from such a charming invitation.
Anastasia Christensen smiles, "Well then I shall be looking forward to your visit."
Locum Tenens bows to the charming lady.
Li Mei whispers to Rae and Shen, "Do you know him?"
Rae Overholt turns and leans her back against the bar, watching now.
Shen Jiutai whispers to Li Mei, "No, but I don't like the look of 'im."
Mayor of Downing approaches Ana.
Anastasia Christensen turns to smile at the Mayor of Downing, "Well what a pleasant surprise."
Mayor of Downing: Just visiting some properties.
Locum Tenens approaches the Ravenites at the end of the Bar “Greetings. Spectacular night isn't it?”
Rae Overholt: “Quite lovely.” She turns to face him, face pleasant.
Shen Jiutai moves to a position where she can easily reach her weapons.
Mayor of Downing: However, I could use some relaxation. Just got some rough news from my home office.
Anastasia Christensen: Oh relaxation? Now just what do you have in mind?
Mayor of Downing: Well, i'm open to possibilities.
Jadi Goodnight gives the mayor a once-over and a nod, stepping back to let him and Ana talk... And to keep an eye on the crew at the bar.
Locum Tenens: I'm looking for the crew of the firefly class ship Raven. Might you know where I can find them?
Anastasia Christensen smirks at Jadi, "I think the Mayor and I have some business to discuss over at the ranch house."
Mayor of Downing smiles, “Lead the way, Madam.”
Jadi Goodnight nods. "With your permission, Miss Christensen, it might be best if I remain here. In case of an incident."
Anastasia Christensen nods, "Very well I don't think anything is going to come up at the house that I can't handle very well on my own."
Jadi Goodnight suppresses a faint flicker of a smile. "I would imagine so, Miss Christensen." With a nod at the two Important Peoples, she moves closer to the bar, being conspicuous.
Rae Overholt: Well, What would you be needing of them?
Shen Jiutai's hand hovers over her sidearm.
Locum Tenens: I hear told they are an industrious crew. Word is they get the job done.
Rae Overholt: I hear they do their best.
Locum Tenens: Words are words. I'd like to find out for real.
Li Mei listens quietly to the discussion
Rae Overholt: “Well, suppose I could help you out maybe.” She leans her elbow on the bar, “I'm Rae.”
Locum Tenens: Excuse me... I'm being rude. The names Tenens... Locum Tenens
Anastasia Christensen looks at the Mayor, "Shall we make our way over to the house?"
Mayor of Downing: Absolutely.
Rae Overholt: Rae, Rae Overholt.
Locum Tenens: Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Rae Overholt nods.
Locum Tenens bows. “And you would be the captain of the Raven?”
Rae Overholt: For the current time I would.
Locum Tenens: Splendid! Shall we speak of business or can I buy you a drink first?
Rae Overholt: I prefer to talk business with a clear head. What can I do for you?
Locum Tenens: That's the real question isn't it? I'm looking for a crew that can handle anything and doesn’t fear The Alliance. I'm the new head of my families affairs on Meridian and Burnet. I need a crew I can rely on to handle certain jobs that come up from time to time.
Rae Overholt: Well I'm a cautious woman. You find a crew that says they ain’t afraid of The Alliance its my firm belief you found a crew of fools. I believe a little fear is healthy.
Li Mei smiles.
Jadi Goodnight can't help but smirk a little at that.
Locum Tenens: Agreed. But nothing ventured, nothing gained. And you stand to gain a great deal.
Rae Overholt: Well, what do you need us to do?
Locum Tenens: Depends... ever rob a bank?
Rae Overholt: No.
Locum Tenens: No... well thats a shame. Smugglers then I'd wager from the looks of you. If you were bank robbers you'd be dressed better.
Shen Jiutai "Hunh"s
Li Mei glares at Tenes, "I'm not dressed well?"
Rae Overholt: This conversation is getting me nowhere. I have a drink I’d like to finish.
Locum Tenens: Pardon my bluntness but time is of the essence. So tell me then, mighty crew of the Raven, what is your speciality? Slave transport? Drug running? Black market beagles? Please enlighten me. It'll be more than worth your while. I can be a powerful powerful ally.
Rae Overholt’s gaze turns stony. "We don’t run slaves."
Locum Tenens: Yes, yes, I see... all the talk I hear about the Raven crew "getting the job done" is slowly evaporating like an Ice Planet in a child’s warm hand. So tell me... what IS your speciality. I'm dying to know.
Rae Overholt: Cargo.
Locum Tenens: A very vague word. Cargo can be many many things.
Rae Overholt nods.
Locum Tenens: Tell me, are you planning on a trip to the core anytime soon?
Rae Overholt: Might could make one.
Locum Tenens: You see, the people I represent are many. Linked together throughout the system. Controlling it. Guiding it. Mastering it. Like a Dragon one might say. We need to be many places at the same time. Do you catch my drift?
Rae Overholt: I do.
Shen Jiutai draws her katana and points it at Locum, "A Dragon!!!???!!!"
Jadi Goodnight ah-HEMs. "-Miss- Jiutai." Her hand is on her gun. "-Do- remember the rules of this world."
Rae Overholt: Weapons down.
Locum Tenens: Not polite to point such things mei-mei.
Rae Overholt keeps her back away from Locum.
Shen Jiutai grudgingly returns her sword to her scabbard.
Locum Tenens: I do admire a girl with... spirit... sure I can’t buy you a drink? Looks like you need one. No pun intended.
Shen Jiutai looks to Rae, "A Dragon, here?"
Rae Overholt nods, "Apparently Shen. I think I will pass for tonight."
Shen Jiutai holds herself back from saying anything too impolite, "What in the gorram hell is he doing here?"
Rae Overholt turns to jadi, "I reckon he's partners with someone here."
Jadi Goodnight gives Shen a Look, then spares a little of it to Rae. "Mister Tenens and his organization are the first of many invited guests of Miss Christensen. I would recommend remaining respectful."
Locum Tenens: Yes let us be friendly. Very well. Can we now speak of business? I have a load of cashy money just waiting waiting waiting for an industrious crew.
Shen Jiutai grunts.
Rae Overholt looks to Jadi, figuring there isn’t much choice. "Sure speak on."
Jadi Goodnight gives a slight nod and settles back, keeping a watchful eye on the tiny-yet-well-armed Ravenite.
Shen Jiutai walks over to Li Mei, "Mind if I borrow your shawl? the Cap'n looks cold." She takes Li Mei's wrap off without waiting for a response and places it over Rae's shoulders.
Rae Overholt secures the wrap, "Thanks Shen, I was freezing."
Li Mei looks taken aback at Shen's rudeness for a moment, then shrugs, "She does look a bit chilly."
Locum Tenens: What I want from you is very very simple. I have a need to be informed. Where you are going and the like. No need for details. Something may come up. Something lucrative.
Shen Jiutai looks to Rae with a serious 'we need to talk' expression in her eyes.
Locum Tenens: My dear, have you caught a chill?
Rae Overholt: “Seems so.” Rae Overholt holds the shawl tightly.
Locum Tenens: You are all goose bumped. I hope I have not frightened you.
Shen Jiutai tries to look casual.
Rae Overholt: I'm fine.
Li Mei hugs her arms tightly around herself, starting to feel chilled.
Locum Tenens: I...hope...so. So do we have and agreement yes?
Rae Overholt: What's the pay?
Locum Tenens: Enough to get you some more stylish "smuggling wear” hahaha... pardon... the pay is 10,000 per cycle for the information and your confidence. All else is negotiated at the proper time.
Shen Jiutai smiles "So, Mr Tenens, wasn't there an agreement with Mr Xeno and the Dragons?"
Locum Tenens: Xeno? ah yes... I'm tending the flock in the meantime. Speak only to me.
Rae Overholt: Alright.
Shen Jiutai: But... he was...
Locum Tenens: Was.. yes... someday maybe again... who can say. The wheel never stops turning.
Shen Jiutai frowns at the news, Xeno was a misogynistic bastard, but he was a known quantity.
Rae Overholt taps her ear and mumbles a moment before turning back to Locum.
Locum Tenens: 10,000. yes? no?
Shen Jiutai: You can't possibly mean 10K credits?
Locum Tenens smirks "Yes most definitely"
Shen Jiutai's jaw drops open at the figure.
Rae Overholt: Fine.
Locum Tenens: "fine" is neither yes nor no.
Rae Overholt: Yes..
Locum Tenens: “Splendid!” He offers his hand to seal the deal. “Shake on it. I insist.”
Rae Overholt holds out her hand.
Locum Tenens takes Raes hand and grasps it firmly, drawing her close.
Mayor of Downing straightens his clothing as he comes back in.
Li Mei notices the mayor straightening his clothes and smirks.
Locum Tenens: “My dear... you are shivering. This should be a happy occasion. You are about to become rich.”
Rae Overholt does her best to maintain some distance as she holds firmly on the shawl. She smiles, 'Cold night out, what can I say."
Mayor of Downing gets a scotch and bolts it.
Jadi Goodnight doesn't bother hiding a small, satisfied smile, and adds dryly: "Best of luck in your venture, Captain Overholt. I'm -sure- you won't disappoint."
Locum Tenens looks curiously at Raes shoulder and furrows his brow slightly... then smiles widely.
Rae Overholt shoots Jadi a veiled scathing look.
Shen Jiutai closes the distance between herself and Rae, "Perhaps we should check the ship then..."
Rae Overholt: “I agree.” She releases Locum's hand and darts off in the direction of the firefly.
Li Mei shivers, "If you will all excuse me, I'll go get my things from Ana's and get them back to the shuttle."
Locum Tenens: I expect a report on every move you make. Every move.
Shen Jiutai hustles Rae away from the place calling back, "We'll be in touch!"
Jadi Goodnight just smirks back at the captain, stepping out of the path of travel.
Locum Tenens bows low but never takes his eyes off the departing crew.
Mayor of Downing lights a cigar.

Shen Jiutai stomps into the cargo bay and sits on the catwalk. Looking down to a quiet Roland, she asks, "Did those hu-dons leave anything worth a damn?"
Roland Josephus: Well.. we can fly, and we don't have to hold our breath when we do it.
Xiao Li Marshall paces restlessly back and forth on the catwalk. “If we're not out of this gou-shi town in an hour I swear to God I'm stealing a gorram shuttle and going by myself.”
Shen Jiutai watches the fidgeting pilot as she passes by, "Nothing left? I bet they went through every nook and cranny..." her eyes go wide for a second and she jumps up and bolts up the catwalk and through the Port engine hatchway.
Roland Josephus shrugs, and goes back to work,
Xiao Li Marshall stops and watches Shen go. "What's gotten into her?"
Roland Josephus shrugs, "Sometimes it better if'n you don't know."
Shen Jiutai returns from the engine compartment with a slightly irritated look on her face muttering, "He chusheng zajiao de zanghuo!"
Xiao Li Marshall: What'd they take?
Shen Jiutai glances at the pilot, "Hunh? Oh, nothing..." She makes her way down to the Cargo Bay floor, "Is the Cap'n in town?"
Xiao Li Marshall shakes her head. "'s why I keep all my critical data on me 'stead of in my bunk. Fuckers tore out half my Cortex rig."
Roland Josephus shrugs, and flips his welding mask back down, "Couldn't say... She don't check in with me."
Xiao Li Marshall: Dunno where else she'd be...
Shen Jiutai figures it won't hurt to tell the alcoholic pilot about the booze that ain't there, "They took my 'extra rations' that what was left after springing you from Niska."
Xiao Li Marshall: ...ah hell. Didn't take any o' mine. Wonder why that is...
Shen Jiutai shakes her head, "3 cases of Blue Sun Grain... coulda’ got 30 creds for it, or better, if'n they're desperate..."
Xiao Li Marshall walks down to Shen. "For what it's worth, you c'n have some o' mine."
Roland Josephus flips up his mask for a moment or two, eyeballing the weld. He shakes his head, and nods once, flipping the mask closed, and bringing up the torch.
Shen Jiutai: That ain't the point... I traded , bargained and dealt for that stuff, it was like my security blanket... 'course mosta it went to Buck... for your release...
Xiao Li Marshall says nothing.
Shen Jiutai mutters some more unprintable Chinese and heads towards the hatchway, "I'm gonna go find the Cap'n."
Roland Josephus shuts of the torch, and grunts from under the mask.
Xiao Li Marshall resumes pacing again. She no longer likes Washburne. At all.
Roland Josephus: Easy there... We'll be back in black 'afore you know it.
Xiao Li Marshall: We'd better be.
Roland Josephus: Well you made it a week.. few more hours won't matter much... Sides worryin’ about it is like tryin’ to solve a math problem with bubble gum.
Xiao Li Marshall: ...that works better than you'd figure, actually.
Roland Josephus looks up at the catwalk silently.
Xiao Li Marshall shrugs. "A little Blue Sun ginseng chewin' gum on the circuit board in a public Cortex terminal... Stuff's surprisingly conductive."
Roland Josephus: What that got to do with you wearin’ a hole in the catwalk?
Xiao Li Marshall snaps testily, "Nothin'. Ain't you got weldin' to do still?"
Roland Josephus shrugs, "Nothen pressin’... I'd like to save the catwalks if'n I can though.. I need to walk on 'em ever once ,and again." He watches for a moment, "Calm down some, you'll do us both some good."
Xiao Li Marshall: How the RUTTING HELL am I s'posed to calm down?! Jadi all but said she'd sell us all out to Wallace if she got the chance! We're sittin' in the middle of a town that supports slavers, hell, we're *workin'* for someone who supports slavers! And you want me calm??
Roland Josephus: She's lose a ship.. Sides if she wanted you sold out.. You'd be sold out already.. Since you ain't, and since you're still Raven crew.. means you got a few folks at least that'd like to see you stay around a spell.... There’s always gonna be slavers... Calm pilot likely as not.. See a crew though.. Like a good ship."
Xiao Li Marshall shakes her head and marches up the stairs and out of the cargo bay, muttering curses under her breath.
Roland Josephus moves over to the coffee pot, and picks up the nearest cup. He peers inside it before sniffing it once, and filling it with the black brew, "Well... Its a heap better 'n pacin’... I'll give you that."
Xiao Li Marshall just grunts.
Roland Josephus chuckles, and lifts his cup to drink 'Fair enough." After a few minutes together in quiet, he set the empty mug down, and moves back towards the engine room without a word.
Xiao Li Marshall abruptly slams her drink down on the tabletop. "TA MA DE! What the hell is takin' them so long?!"
Roland Josephus sticks his head back into the galley, wiping his hands off on a rag, "Easy now."
Xiao Li Marshall: I. Want. To. Get. Off. This. Rock.
Roland Josephus nods, 'And you will. Soon as we're able."
Xiao Li Marshall: And when is that, Mister Genius Mechanic?
Roland Josephus: Well still need to run a few engine tests... Thirty minutes a piece.. and I reckon we'll need the rest of th’ crew.. Less'n you're a mind to strand 'em."
Xiao Li Marshall: An' that's the other thing. Where the tian xiao de is Kevin? He gets the holes from the guns patched up and then galavants off to who-knows-where!
Roland Josephus shrugs, "Couldn't say... Ain't really my week to keep up with 'im.. He'll be back I reckon."
Xiao Li Marshall snorts. "Wouldn't mind strandin' *him.*"
Roland Josephus chuckles, "He kinda sticks in a person's craw don't 'e?"
Xiao Li Marshall: An' when we could actually *use* his help he's nowhere to be found.
Roland Josephus: Well I reckon we can get along without 'im for a few days.. Sides.. He's prolly tryin’ to scrounge up a new gun to mount on 'er... He was mighty proud of it."
Xiao Li Marshall: Think we're gonna actually be able to *keep* 'em this time?
Roland Josephus shrugs, "I couldn't tell ya.. I jest don't want to patch 'er into the core coolant again.. No tellin’ how that will end up."
Xiao Li Marshall cringes.
Roland Josephus: But I reckon you can fire up 'er to say... 25%.. make sure she don't cough.
Xiao Li Marshall nods and gets up. It's something to kill time, anyway... Xiao Li Marshall hops into the pilot's seat and pulls down the comm. "Okay, Rol, get your mitts out of the engine, I'm startin' the test run..."
Roland Josephus punches the com button, "I'm clear.. just take her to a quarter.. Make sure the seals hold on the core."
Xiao Li Marshall: “On it. Starting up in 3...2...1...” She slowly powers up the engine... “Ten percent... how we doin' back there?”
Roland Josephus's voice comes through the com, "She's lookin’ good... Real good."
Xiao Li Marshall: 15%.... 16.... 17.... 20... 21... 22...
Roland Josephus: "You got any red lights on your board?”
You: Nothin' so far... 23.... 24.... 25% and holding steady!
Roland Josephus: Looks good from this end.. You might com the Cap'n and tell 'er we got a heartbeat.
Xiao Li Marshall: Powering down... And we're out.
Roland Josephus: Be another hour or so.. We'll run another.
:::::on comm system to Rae:::::
:::Xiao Li Marshall: Captain Overholt's comm unit buzzes at her.:::
:::Rae Overholt reaches up and taps it, "mmm?":::
:::Xiao Li Marshall: Cap'n? Rol an' I just ran a test on the engines. Runnin' smooth as silk at 25% power. Just thought you should know.:::
:::Rae Overholt: 'kay.:::
:::Xiao Li Marshall: What's the word on your end?:::
:::Rae Overholt: moment.:::
:::Xiao Li Marshall drums her fingers on the console as she waits.:::
:::Rae Overholt: *quietly into coms as she rushes away from the bar* “Dragons at the bar.”:::
:::Xiao Li Marshall: ...fuck.:::
Xiao Li Marshall quickly switches from the external to internal comm system. "Rol? We got Dragons."
Roland Josephus pause, and clicks, the com, "You say Dragons?"
Xiao Li Marshall: No, I said 'kumquats.' WHAT DO YOU THINK I SAID??
Roland Josephus: How much you had to drink there?
Xiao Li Marshall hisses into the comm, "The Dragons are a *crime syndicate,* you idiot! An' they got a claim on the Cap'n!
Roland Josephus clicks on the comm, "Nobody told me about that when I signed on.. Where are they?"
Xiao Li Marshall: At the Hoban, Rae's on her way back here...
Rae Overholt stomps into the firefly cursing.
Xiao Li Marshall slides out of her seat and fairly gallops down the corridor to the cargo bay. “Cap'n?”
Rae Overholt stands on the catwalk, cursing and glaring. "I wish that Jadi'd died. She’s gonna get us all killed.. The dragons are moving in by their invitation. Ana's just as bad as Jadi."
Xiao Li Marshall: ...Ta ma DE. Slavers AND gangsters? Cap'n, we gotta get out of there.
Rae Overholt: Got any ideas how?
Roland Josephus follows Xiao Li out, "You all know some really bad folks..."
Xiao Li Marshall: Well, we *are* kinda on a spaceship...
Rae Overholt: Yeah that she could trace in a heartbeat if she didn’t shoot us out of the sky. Locum wants info on every move we make.
Xiao Li Marshall shakes her head. "An' the guy who might be able to get us *off* their radar has gone off to god-knows-where again..."
Rae Overholt: Are we surprised?
Roland Josephus crosses his arms across his chest, and listens.
Li Mei returns from Ana's, carrying her bag and heads for her shuttle.
Rae Overholt takes the shawl off her shoulders and takes it to Li, "Thanks Li. Guess I gotta get a new wardrobe, or a tattoo removed'
Li Mei stops and the door to the shuttle and puts her bag down, listening to the conversation. She smiles, "Anytime Rae. I'm glad to be of some use around here finally."
Xiao Li Marshall: That makes two of us who are wanted in this town. Is it really worth the risk to keep comin' back here?
Rae Overholt: Three of us if we count Kevin.
Shen Jiutai looks grim, "Uh, Rae, these things are burned in at the molecular level, we can't just take 'um off."
Rae Overholt: Rio said...
Shen Jiutai: “Look, this is something I kinda did some research on...” She removes her jacket.
Rae Overholt looks.
Shen Jiutai pulls off her Raven tee shirt and turns her back, showing a tattoo similar to Rae's.
Roland Josephus blinks a bit in surprise, "All the women on this boat got those?"
Li Mei shakes her head, "No ... I don't"
Xiao Li Marshall: Hey now, I ain't got any tattoos. Just a slave brand and a shitload of whip-scars.
Rae Overholt: Great. We're both done for.
Xiao Li Marshall: See? I told you, we need to get OUT of here!
Rae Overholt: Well, they spread through the whole system. Don't know we can.
Shen Jiutai turns around, "Gorram Dragons deposed my family's 'business'…”
Roland Josephus looks down at the deck, and shakes his head.
Shen Jiutai: I was just a girl at the time, we all got them.
Xiao Li Marshall: There's gotta be something better than having our home base in a town that's RUN by them.
Rae Overholt: Seems this one is the only one here for now. Let's hope they think he does the job good enough they don’t send others.
Shen Jiutai: The impression I got was that he was just standing in for Xeno until... what did happen to Xeno anyways?
Rae Overholt: I imagine he ran.
Shen Jiutai: He seemed to be in charge when I had my... er... accident.
Rae Overholt shakes her head, "I imagine he crossed the wrong person."
Shen Jiutai nods and reaches to the floor and picks up her tee shirt.
Xiao Li Marshall sags. "I need a drink."
Roland Josephus: How soon we want to be up?
Shen Jiutai looks to Xiao Li, "Got any to spare? or are you drivin'?"
Rae Overholt: I say we get out of here now.
Xiao Li Marshall: We've only tested for 25% power...
Rae Overholt: Then test for the rest.
Shen Jiutai: 25%? Let's get outa here!
Roland Josephus nods, "Long as she tests alright... Cap'n.. I don't recommend it."
Rae Overholt: what do you mean?
Shen Jiutai grabs her jacket, "I'm gonna go find that lo se Kevin, and check Ana's place for the Doc, let him know he needs to pull his pants on, we're leavin'."
Rae Overholt nods.
Li Mei picks up her bag and heads for her shuttle
Roland Josephus: We need at lest three more tests....
Rae Overholt sits on the stairs and puts her head in her hands.
Shen Jiutai heads out of the cargo bay and up the hill muttering "Ni ta ma de. Tianxia suoyoude ren dou gai si."
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