Shen: I think Nigel's hungry...
Kevin Cliffe: Either that or something got away from him. What is Nigel wrestling with? I hope we didn't get ourselves a bipolar cat.
Shen: Has anybody found any half eaten rats yet?
Kevin Cliffe: Not until I checked the forgace. Whew, what a smell...
Xiao Li Marshal: He left me a 'present' under th' port console last week, too.
Kevin Cliffe: Thank buddha for duct bypass systems and ventilation, or I'd never have cleared out my machine shop.
Shen: Oh hey, Kevin or Roland, that reminds me, do you think one of you could make him a cat-box?
Roland Josephus: Sounds like he already has one...
Kevin Cliffe: Sure, it'll take me about fifteen and a piece of sheet metal.
Shen: I've already picked up some litter, I guess he can come and go for now, but in the black....
Kevin Cliffe sets to work...and there's the high whine of a capacitor charging as the laser smithy warms up... “Little canned air to clear the cat hair off of the plate...and...”
Shen Jiutai winks at Xio Li, "He don't fool around, does he?"
Kevin Cliffe: *buzz as he cuts the sheet metal down... “Hey Shen, what do you think? Powdercoat or anodized?”
Shen Jiutai thinks a minute, "Which is easer to clean?"
Kevin Cliffe: “Either one, really, but anodized looks shinier.” *sounds of hammering* “Ain't like making anything precise... Hell, give me a week and I could even make a self-cleaning job. Take me a while for parts, though...” *wham wham wham*
Shen Jiutai smirks, "Heck, next time you're bored on a long trip..."
Kevin Cliffe: “Maybe.” *wham wham wham* “Oh look, another dead rat.” He turns up the forgace and gets the forge part heated up, and does some more work on the metal to get it to shape...more to the point, to hammer down the sharp edges so Nigel doesn't cut himself
Shen: I guess he has been earning his room afterall.
Kevin Cliffe: “Yep. Making sure the rats...”*wham wham wham* “don't chew on something...”*wham wham wham* “we need...” He turns off the forgace and turns on the electrocoater, setting up an anodizing bath...adding a little reagent here, metal solution there, putting the clips on, and setting the timer. “It'll be a few to finish coating... It's coating as fast as it can, Nigel... Hey Shen, you ever wake up with the cat in your bunk?”
Shen: "On Whiteall we had a cat..." She stares at a spot on the wall, then looks down.
Kevin Cliffe: Oh...
Xiao Li Marshal: I never do. But cats ain't so good at climbin' ladders.
Kevin Cliffe: Guess it's a hazard for living in the machine shop. Usually he's got his paw up my nose to wake me up. Well better be careful, I think he's learning the ductwork really well. Welcome aboard Raven. In the event of a sudden change in cabin pressure...well we'll all be dead, since this is hard vacuum.
Sean M. Writer: Hey, all.
Xiao Li Marshal: Where the hell you been, Sean?
Kevin Cliffe: Sean...you've got a pet, I see?
Sean M. Writer: Yes....though I don't know how space-worthy he is.
Xiao Li Marshal: You might wanna keep an eye on that bird, seein' as how we just got a cat...
Kevin Cliffe: I think the cat's content to hunt the ductwork, and besides, that raven's too big.
Li Mei ducks as the bird flys near her head
Kevin Cliffe: Nice trick.
Sean M. Writer whistles and the bird returns to his shoulder.
Kevin Cliffe: Does he have a name?
Sean M. Writer: Poe. What else?
Kevin Cliffe: Nevermore, Edgar, Allan, or if it's a female, Lenore...
Sean M. Writer: Or Huginn or Munnin, or... Yeah. Well, he's monosyllabic.
Kevin Cliffe: Fortunado, amontillado, maelstrom...
Sean M. Writer facepalms.
Xiao Li Marshal: Well, we won't hold that against 'im.
Kevin Cliffe: *sounds of a sprayer...then...*
Sean M. Writer: I promise he won't leave droppings on anyone.
Kevin Cliffe: Does he eat dead rats?
Sean M. Writer: That he does.
Li Mei laughs, "I would't have expected to see an Edgar Allen Poe fan out here."
Kevin Cliffe: “I'm more into HP lovecraft, but Poe's a good read.” He returns with an anodized metallic red cat box... “Well that's done.”
Xiao Li Marshal: Lao tian ye, Kevin, why not get it monogrammed while yer at it?
Sean M. Writer: Me, I prefer Gogol myself. But I have an affinity for bad bird puns.
Shen Jiutai grins in approval, "Wow! First class!!!"
Kevin Cliffe: Hey, I wanted to make it easy to clean. The coating is as nonstick as I can make it. Plus I wanted to remove the sharp edges so the cat doesn't cut himself. Beyond that, it's just sheet metal and laserwork. I could monogram it though if you really want me to...though it's hard to monogram when we just have one initial.
Shen Jiutai grins, "OK, now where are we putting that thing? Engine room?"
Roland Josephus chuckles, "RIght... Not if you want to keep that cat for long.”
Kevin Cliffe: Yeah, the last thing we need is the cat caught in the induction rotor.
Xiao Li Marshal: I'm thinkin' the lounge by the infirmary maybe?
Kevin Cliffe: Actually in the corner on the cargo deck would probably do it. Out of the way, easy to clean, and the smell will get vented off easy. Plus there's the bomb bay for...easy disposal.
Xiao Li Marshal: Heh. So we can drop cat shit on the next folks who try to stiff us?
Roland Josephus: Cat's.. now birds.. Not tellin’ what we'll be breathin’ in before its all over.
Shen Jiutai laughs. “Remember that gorram parrot?”
Xiao Li Marshal: There's good money in black market beagles, I hear...
Sean M. Writer: Well, he's had all his avian flu shots.
Kevin Cliffe: Hey, it works all around. Ravens are usually scavengers. We have rats in the ductwork, the cat eats the rats and saves us from system failures. The raven eats the leavings from the cat.
Kevin Cliffe: Though I don't think one cat can accumulate enough excrement to stop a reaver. Maybe if we trained him to hock up hypervelocity hairballs...
Sean M. Writer: He also reduces the amount of medical waste I have to flush out the airlock.
Shen Jiutai makes a face, “Doc! that's gross!”
Gabriel Keats stalks onto the catwalk, wearing dark glasses, hair mussed.
Kevin Cliffe: Hey gabe.
Li Mei looks around at the crew, "I don't believe I've met all of you yet."
Xiao Li Marshal: Heh. Just thought of somethin'. We're on a Firefly, named "Raven." Oughta rename th' bird "Firefly."
Shen Jiutai giggles
Sean M. Writer: Not a bad idea.
Gabriel Keats mutters something incoherent at Kevin. It might be good morning. . .or it might be a Mandarin insult. It's a little hard to tell.
Shen Jiutai looks to Lena..."That's the Doc, and this is Kevin."
Firefly caws.
Kevin Cliffe: We met, actually, in town.
Sean M. Writer: A pleasure.
Li Mei nods, "Yes, we did. The doctor I haven't met yet. A pleasure, I'm Li Mei."
Firefly pecks at a piece of lint on the Doc's t-shirt.
Sean M. Writer head-bows respectfully toward Li Mei.
Shen Jiutai fidgets and mumbles something about this becoming an ark.
Li Mei smiles, then looks up at Gabriel, "And you are?"
Firefly mumbles something about this becoming an ark.
Gabriel Keats crosses his arms, attempts a smile. It's a little wan. "I'm Keats. Pleased t'meet ya."
Xiao Li Marshal resolves to teach the bird as many dirty words as possible.
Kevin Cliffe: Rough night, Gabe?
Gabriel Keats: "If'n my night concerns you, Kevin, I'll make sure to let ya know."
Kevin Cliffe: Didn't ask for details, sir, not going to.
Gabriel Keats: "Ruttin' hell." He glares at the mechanic, convinced that he's somehow adjusted the cargo bay lights. Were they always this gorram bright?
Roland Josephus shrugs, "Least you can see now."
Shen Jiutai looks up at the person standing on the cargo-bay ramp. “Looks like we got company.”
Miss Small stands at the door to the ship, looking curiously inside, "Excuse me but who owns this here ship?"
Xiao Li Marshal pops her gum noisily.
Sean M. Writer coughs into his hand something sounding like "the bank"
Shen Jiutai looks to the stranger, "I reckon you want to talk to the Cap'n. Cap'n ain't here."
Gabriel Keats: "Y'can talk to me. I ain't the Captain, but I'm good enough."
Miss Small gives a gentle shrug of her shoulders, "I need to talk to someone who has the ability to fly this boat and is interested in making some money."
Xiao Li Marshal: That d'pends on who ya ask, Gabe.
Sean M. Writer nods toward Keats. "New title : Good Enough.”
Shen Jiutai stifles a chuckle.
Sean M. Writer: I need to check some gear in the infirmary.
Gabriel Keats: "You got a job for us?"
Miss Small walks on into the ship,"I just might, that is if you have the ability that I need."
Gabriel Keats: "What do you need done, honey?"
Kevin Cliffe watches the client closely, trying to get the measure of her...always paid to be careful, of course.
Miss Small lets her eyes move up and down the man in front of her, "Well first off I need you to not call me honey. You can call me Miss Small."
Gabriel Keats: "Pardon. Miss Small." He sounds genuinely apologetic. "What can we do for ya?"
Miss Small gives the man a warm smile, "Well since you know my name don't you reckon it would only be polite for you to tell me yours?"
Gabriel Keats: "I'm Keats." He extends his hand, looks at her expectantly
Sean M. Writer busies himself having Firefly, as the raven has been dubbed, chase the laser pointer around the infirmary.
Roland Josephus stays quiet, and crosses his arms across his chest.
Miss Small lets her hand rest against his for just a moment, "It is a pleasure to meet you Mister Keats. So do you have the authority to point this ship where it may need to go?" She looks around at the others as she says this.
Gabriel Keats: "That'd be the pilot's job, physically speaking." He nods at Xiao Li. "But she ain't going anywhere 'less me or the Cap's says it's so"
Miss Small laughs, "Well then I guess it is you that I need to speak with. I have some items that were aboard a transport ship. However, this ship broke down before my items could reach their destination. You think this may be something you could help me with?"
Gabriel Keats: "You got cashy money?"
Shen Jiutai fidgets on the catwalk.
The Doc idly flips the laser pointer around the bay, giving the raven targets to fly at.
Li Mei watches the exchange between Miss Small and Gabriel with interest, wondering where the ship might be headed to.
Xiao Li Marshal eyes the bird. "He better not mess on any of th' bridge consoles or there'll be hell to pay."
Kevin Cliffe thinks this sounds like baiting pirates, only what's the bait? Still, he files the thought away...
Miss Small nods, "I have a small amount I can give you now to get to the transport ship. Though if you accomplish this job I assure you the pay off will be great. I am willing to give you a share of the money that will be gained by the sale of this equipment."
Xiao Li Marshal: What sorta equipment will we be pickin' up exactly?
Sean M. Writer looks at the potential customer and thinks about what kind of equipment a woman in a red strapless dress would need.
Miss Small: Oh just some scanning equipment and other high tech items. I assure you it is all worth a small fortune from the place it is to be delivered to.
Gabriel Keats: "Hmm. How small and how substantial we talking?"
Sean M. Writer bores of the sport with the laser pointer, and figures Firefly has gotten enough of a workout for the day. He whistles, and the bird returns.
Gabriel Keats winces at the whistle, mutters. "Yi fu de shan yang wu zhuo de zhuo lie er zi. . ."
Miss Small smiles at the man, "It will be well worth every bit of trouble for you and the rest of the crew here. More money then I am sure you have seen in some time. There are other items on the ship but I only want you to get the expensive machines."
Kevin Cliffe: Are we going to be making the delivery?
Miss Small: One dozen small crates, and it's worth 1000 credits, you and the crew can keep 30%.
Sean M. Writer: So I take it this is a salvage mission.,
Firefly loudly croaks.
Miss Small nods, "Yes you will be delivering the items and the location for the delivery is upon the crates. You would not only be doing me a service but the rim worlds as well. These are items that are in much need to them. I try to help out where I can."
Gabriel Keats: "Altruistic. 35%."
Kevin Cliffe still feels a little uneasy, but then again, complications happen. And uneasiness is better than complacency.
Sean M. Writer: "There's the small matter of where the crates are now... Is the ship, say, inside a breathable atmosphere at the moment?"
Firefly emits a series of caws, filling the silence.
Gabriel Keats puts a hand to his temples, growls at the noise.
Miss Small shrugs, "I am not sure of that. I don't know the condition of the ship or the exact location. I just know the general area you can find it at."
Kevin Cliffe: And that is?
Gabriel Keats: "You have a job, and you ain't even got a description of where it might be?" He arches his eyebrows.
Sean M. Writer laughs a dark laugh. "Fantastic. EVA."
Kevin Cliffe: How about course data? or the make of the ship?
Miss Small shrugs, "I know the general location. Isn't that good enough? The ship broke down about a month or so ago and has been drifting about for some time. I just want these items recovered. If you don't think you can do this job I can always try to find someone else."
Gabriel Keats: "Ain't a problem. Just need to know how much to ask for. 35."
Sean M. Writer: Ok, let me go check to see if we've got anyone not rated for an EVA... He raises his hand. "One."
Xiao Li Marshal: If ya give me th' course an' date of departure I can find it. Trust me.
Kevin Cliffe: If needs be I can handle an EVA.
Miss Small sighs softly, "Well since it would take me more time and trouble to hunt down another ship, "I'll give you 35 %. I however will not give any more details until I know you are going to take the job."
Sean M. Writer snorts.
Kevin Cliffe hopes he doesn't have to if someone's needed at the tac board...
Sean M. Writer wanders back to the infirmary muttering "certain death, certain death..."
Firefly croaks, "certain death"
Shen Jiutai looks at the new Doctor, "I been going out side for a long time, Mr."
Kevin Cliffe: Xiao, if we find it, you think you can handle a hard dock?
Miss Small looks the man over in front of her, "So am I wasting my time or do we have a deal?"
Sean M. Writer: "Not the EVA..." He laughs.
Xiao Li Marshal: Did it when we were goin' after Blaze, didn't I?
Sean M. Writer: "Taking a job not knowing what you're picking up...that's the certain death."
Gabriel Keats: "You got a deal."
Kevin Cliffe: And with me damn near in the way on Gaia's Hope, too. I don't doubt it.
Sean M. Writer: "Just so happens I like certain death. Keeps me busy"
Kevin Cliffe: Well, hopefully we'll be able to make the dock. Or else we'll need to make a hard seal.
Roland Josephus: If we find it, and if it aint' been salvaged already.
Miss Small breaks into a smile, "Well good Mister Keats." She reaches into the top of her dress and produces a sheet of paper to hand to Gabe, "This here is the general location of the ship and also the combinations to the locks. All the equipment is secured and you will need these combinations to release the tie downs."
Gabriel Keats takes the information. "Thank you, ma'am." He nods once, sharply.
Miss Small laughs and reaches in for a small pouch, "Here is some money to get you where you need to go as I promised. Inside the bag you will also find the instructions of where to deposit my portion of the money once you have completed the delivery."
Gabriel Keats: "Got it."
Shen Jiutai mutters, "Hope there ain't no Unified Reclamation in that part of the sky..."
Xiao Li Marshal leans over Gabe's shoulder, trying to get a look at the information on the ship.
Gabriel Keats passes it to Xiao Li without turning around.
Xiao Li Marshal frowns as she looks the sheet over.
Miss Small looks over at Shen, "I hope not either. I hope you can get this equipment before scavengers."
Xiao Li Marshal pulls her goggles down and starts typing, calculating a flight path
Kevin Cliffe takes a look at the page...trying to get an idea of a course track. He thinks a bit...where would they be drifting to, and what kind of hazards would they possibly run into? At least of the Alliance or Reaver variety...
Miss Small looks around the ship once more,"Is there any more? If not I do have some other business matters that need to be seen to."
Gabriel Keats: "I think we're shiny, Miss Small."
Kevin Cliffe: So Xiao, what do you think? Anything particularly nasty on the way?
Miss Small turns to head out of the ship, but stops before she is all the way out. She turns around and looks at the crew member in the orange shirt (Roland), "You ever kick that one off the boat you be sure and let me know." Without waiting for a reply she walks on out.
Xiao Li Marshal: Well, it sure ain't Purplebelly territory, I can tell ya that...
Kevin Cliffe: True, but around the fringes, we'd best keep an eye out for a lone cruiser. Damn things are worse than roaches. Hmmm...how about scavengers?
Xiao Li Marshal: Nothing *particularly* nasty there, anyway. Nowhere near Reaver space, no known crime syndicates or the like.
Xiao Li Marshal: This might actually be easy money for once.
Kevin Cliffe: Never such thing when I was on Hope. All I can say is gao se happens, but we can hope that you're right. Um...is Ms Mei okay to know about the ship's special hardware?
Xiao Li Marshal: Plus, she only wants the expensive stuff back. Might be able to make some coin on th' rest of it.
Kevin Cliffe: True.
Li Mei sighs, "This doesn't sound like a trip that will bring me closer to any new clients."
Xiao Li Marshal: Not 'less you like sexin' dead folk, no.
Li Mei grimaces, "The deceased are definitely not on my client's list"
Shen Jiutai grimaces, "You are one morbid girl, Xiao Li!"
Kevin Cliffe: Yeeeeah...um...right.
Roland Josephus shrugs, "Its liable to be picked over anyway...Least we got travelin’ money... "
Kevin Cliffe: We might get lucky. There is a lot of black out there. But still...I'll run a check on Raven's teeth and tricks in case we need 'em.
Xiao Li Marshal gives Shen a Look. "Death's a part o' life. You were an assassin, you oughta know that."
Shen Jiutai grins, "Heck sounds like our luck might be turning!" She knocks on wood. "Yeah, but I don't just go thinking about nekophilia... or whatever that fancy word is.”
Li Mei frowns, "Well at least your luck is turning."
Kevin Cliffe: Think of this as an investment, Li Mei. If we pull this off, it'll give us some breathing room and room to range.
Shen: Ya never know, there might be a rich guy on that moon waiting for his new toys...
Li Mei: It may give you breathing room, but if I am not able to meet with clients, I may not be able to pay my rent on this shuttle.
Shen: Ya payin' it anyway, ain't ya?
Kevin Cliffe: Speaking of which has Nigel been bugging you at all?
Li Mei: Bugging who?
Kevin Cliffe: Oh our cat gets all over the place, just be careful, we don't want him shedding where it's really not welcome.
Li Mei smiles, "It's quite allright. I love cats."
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