So, our valient crew takes one more job for Mr. Big, hoping to make it up their last botched run for him. The cargo this time is his niece being sent to an arranged marriage. Off they go, and all goes pretty well, if you ignore the spoiled niece and the oogly Anton. It goes well until Anton does something you cant ignore, and breaks the catalyzer. So, with Mr. Big's fatal warning floating in their ears, they drift in space waiting for a rescue. Surely to Buddah nothing else can go wrong......
Gabriel Keats roots through some of the cargo-bay compartments, muttering to himself in Mandarin.
Xiao Li Marshal sits in the corner, typing away, frowning at whatever she's seeing on her goggles.
Rae Overholt looks around, "Alright folks, we got things to do. Make sure everything we don’t want found is stowed private like, we don’t want anyone who comes to help getting in our business."
Tristan Pennell: I haven't found any replacements, were lost without it.
Sean M. Writer: Our friend here is going to be out a while...
Rae Overholt: How long will the patch to Life Support hold Tristan?
Xiao Li Marshal: Couple of ships in range of the signal, but no one's pickin' up...
Tristan Pennell: Well...I'm feeding raw fuel in a will power the grav and atmo for as long as we need it.… if the pilot is careful.
Sean M. Writer: His pupils are dilated and sluggish. I'd say his brain bounced of the back of his skull.
Rae Overholt: Well for Buddah's sake don’t let him die on us. Or go blind, If he does we're blaming Lena here.
Tristan Pennell: If he starts coming to let Xing Lee here know... save the drugs for us.
Sean M. Writer: Oh, it's just a concussion. He'll be throwing up when he comes to.
Lena Lei: Why are you blaming me? You guys beat him up.
Rae Overholt: We're not. She looks at her. “You only wopped him a few times eh?”
Gabriel Keats hauls a couple of boxes to each of the shuttles, stores them neatly and subtly.
Tristan Pennell: The raw fuel is causing a feed back on the Atmo-scrubbers.
Rae Overholt: Can you fix it?
Tristan Pennell: No...but I can keep it running like it is.
Rae Overholt: That's better than the alternative. Keep on it.
Xiao Li Marshal: I better head back up to the bridge, see what's what.
Tristan Pennell: But if Xiao Li hits her big red GO button in the cockpit.… we’re sunshine... you hear that Pilot??!!!
Lena Lei sighs, "Will all of this take very long?"
Rae Overholt: It'll take as long as it takes Lena.
Lena Lei growls and heads back to the galley.
Xiao Li Marshal yells back over her shoulder, "I ain't STUPID, Trish!"
Tristan Pennell follows her to the bridge... but quickly bumps into Lena. “Pardon.”
Lena Lei: I don't pardon anyone... that's up to Uncle.
Tristan Pennell shuffles and looks awkward...oh..i a h...oh"
* * *
Gabriel Keats: "Hey, Doc? You got a minute?"
Sean M. Writer: Yessir. Come on in. Or.. do you need me elsewhere? He's not going anywhere.
Gabriel Keats: "You mind if I borrow some of those there records?" He nods towards the drawers that has the crew's medical records.
Sean M. Writer: Uh.… Well, I think I get your drift. Go ahead. I didn't sign the custody log for them yet. Sean M. Writer grins
Gabriel Keats laughs. "Ain't that fortunate. " He filches most of his record, and a couple of pages from Rae and Xiao Li's.
Rae Overholt sneaks up behind Gabe and pokes him in the side, "What ya doing Gabe?"
Sean M. Writer: Anything I should know about in there before those meet the airlock?
Gabriel Keats: "Ain't goin’ in the airlock." He looks at Rae, face stony. "Yeah, Cap?"
Rae Overholt frowns at him, wondering at the bad mood, "What's wrong with you?"
Sean M. Writer looks at his patient's vitals again.
Gabriel Keats: "Just workin', Rae."
Rae Overholt frowns at him, "Never mind then." *she turns to wander off back to cargo bay and stare at the doors, waiting*
Sean M. Writer: "OK, I've got him stabilized. He's gonna hurt a lot when he comes to."
Gabriel Keats turns to the Doc. "You saying you ain't read these yet?" He sighs, lowers his voice.
Sean M. Writer: “Oh, I did... I just want to know what you're pulling out.” Sean M. Writer grins.
Rae Overholt reaches up and rubs her cheek, contemplating.
* * *
Xiao Li Marshal tries to power up the nav computer.
Lena Lei looks at Tristan, "You, bring me something to drink"
Tristan Pennell: I got a bottle of whiskey in the back.…???
Lena Lei: Perfect.
Tristan Pennell grins...I'll see if I can get a cuppa tea to you without the Captain noticin’. You just wait a sec there … I'll be just a second.
Lena Lei: uh huh
Xiao Li Marshal gets on the comm. "Okay, folks, there's good news and bad news. Good news is we *are* still movin', a bit, thanks to our friend momentum."
Tristan Pennell returns to the galley and starts to quietly pour the drinks into a couple of mugs.
Lena Lei looks at Tristan, "That better be good."
Gabriel Keats mutters. "Lemme guess--bad news is we ain't gonna stop...”
Xiao Li Marshal: “Bad news, even if life support holds, we're like ta starve ta death before we get anywhere.”
Gabriel Keats:“Ah hell."
Tristan Pennell: Here girl.
Lena Lei: Who you calling ‘girl’? I ain't your girl!
Tristan Pennell: “Hang on I gotta yell some stuff.” He shouts: “PILOT!!!! No engines!!!!… sorry.”
Xiao Li Marshal rolls her eyes. "I ain't turnin' the engines on, Trish," she snaps into the comm mic.
Lena Lei takes a sip from the mug, "Ugh, this tastes like luh-suh"
Xiao Li Marshal: “If we're lucky, 'nother ship will pass close at some point. If we're not lucky... well, I hope y'all like long pig.” She shuts the comm off and sighs.
Rae Overholt: What? You know we're lucky! How can you doubt my luck??
Gabriel Keats: "Bizh sway, you two, or I'm like to riddle both of you with holes." Gabriel Keats shouts at Tristan and Lena.
Lena Lei shouts at Gabriel, "I'll shut up when you get me where I'm supposed to be"
Xiao Li Marshal decides to sit in the cockpit for a while, rather than face the wrath of the rest of the crew.
Rae Overholt hollers up at Lena, "Well you can thank your boyfriend ANTON for that missy!!"
Gabriel Keats shudders at the mention of starving.
Sean M. Writer: Well, I never thought I'd envy a patient... but I'm starting to. Tristan, come knock me out.
Tristan Pennell: You didn't really mean that did you?
Sean M. Writer laughs, “Just a little doc humor.”
Tristan Pennell mutters a curse. “Look if he comes me back and I'll knock HIM out.”
Sean M. Writer: Thanks for that. He decides some restraints might be in order.
Lena Lei hollers back at the captain (in chinese), "Go screw yourself!"
Rae Overholt: "DONT you start with me girl, I got a spaceship and an airlock!"
Gabriel Keats: "You holdin' up okay, Lena?"
Lena Lei looks up in disbelief at Gabriel, "Are you serious!?"
Gabriel Keats snickers, "You got a better question to ask?"
Lena Lei: I'm stuck on this piece of junk, what do you think?
Gabriel Keats: "That you're scared." He says this simply.
Xiao Li Marshal shakes her head at the arguments drifting up from the cargo bay. “Next paycheck, I'm investin' in a hip flask.”
Gabriel Keats: "Already got one if you want it Xiao Li. You know I ain't allowed to have it."
Lena Lei glares at Gabriel, but says nothing.
Gabriel Keats: "You're scared ‘cause you think you might die. And this is probably the last place you wanna do it. Am I close to the mark?"
Lena Lei says quietly, "Not even close."
Gabriel Keats: "You wanna talk about it, kid?"
Lena Lei: Not really, you wouldn't understand anyway.
Gabriel Keats: "Guess where I was born."
* * *
Tristan Pennell: I got a bottle, pilot... while we drift may as well be happy a bit.
Xiao Li Marshal: Best thing I heard all day. Pass 'er here, Trish.
Tristan Pennell tosses a little bottle of whisky her way. “So... Trish Huh?”
Xiao Li Marshal unscrews the cap and takes a swig...that empties about a third of the bottle.
Tristan Pennell: I guess if you drink like that... you can call me anything you want.
Xiao Li Marshal: “You can't be assed t' remember my name, so why should I remember yours?” She hands the bottle back.
Tristan Pennell drinks from it and puts it in his pocket, “I know your name.”
Xiao Li Marshal: Then why can't you call me by it?
Tristan Pennell: "p.i.l.o.t."
Xiao Li Marshal: Wrong.
Tristan Pennell: I used to have a girlfriend, you know.… long time back... nice girl
Xiao Li Marshal: *sarcastically* “Good for you.”
* * *
Gabriel Keats tilts his head as though paying attention to something far away.
Rae Overholt sighs and decides to go check on things in the cockpit.
Lena Lei finishes the drink Tristan gave her earlier. She hands the mug to Gabriel, "Get me some more."
Gabriel Keats makes an elaborate mock bow, giving her an edgy smile. "And what were ya drinkin'?"
Lena Lei: I don't know, whatever that guy poured in there.
Gabriel Keats sniffs the mug.
Lena Lei: ...tasted like garbage, but it's having an effect.
Gabriel Keats: ". . . oh hell no, I ain't getting you drunk."
Lena Lei growls, "I'll get drunk if I want to! Get . . . me . . . more"
Gabriel Keats: "Got a bottle hidden in my old bunk." He calls to the cockpit, "All right. How 'bout this."
* * *
Tristan Pennell: Her name was Xing... she was a redhead....
Xiao Li Marshal: Well, my name ain't Xing. It's Xiao Li.
Tristan Pennell: Xiao Li... yeah... I know... Xiao Li... got it... Xiao li.
Rae Overholt looks at Tristan and Xiao Li. "party in here?"
Tristan Pennell: Hey Cap.
Tristan Pennell: We're just getting to know each other's names.
Xiao Li Marshal: Ya want some whiskey 'fore it's gone, Cap'n?
Rae Overholt: Might be nice, thanks.
Tristan Pennell: uh...its sort of gone...Xiao li....
Rae Overholt: Ah well, hopefully there'll be a next time.
Tristan Pennell: Well...not gone really... gone you know. Want some Cap?
Rae Overholt: Reckon so.
Tristan Pennell slowly pulls his bottle out and pushes it to her, “Recon it'll be a long drift.”
* * *
Sean M. Writer pulls down a monitor, and slaps the side of it. "Lovely..." He breaks into a streak of gutter Spanish. "OK, now I gotta play dentist, too..." He pulls two broken teeth from the inert patient's mouth, and does a quick root canal and fill using the limited dental gear. Without anesthetic, obviously.Smells like laser-burnt teeth waft upstairs from the med-bay. “There, now he won't bleed to death out his teeth.…” He pulls the restraints tight on his ward, and locks them down. “OK, you're going nowhere, mister...whenever you do come to. OK, he owes me for dental now too.”
* * *
Xiao Li Marshal: So...
Rae Overholt: “Reckon it might, least wise with that girl on board and Anton down in the bay.” *she takes it and takes a couple of swallows and hands it back*
Xiao Li Marshal: Guess this is good a time as any ta tell us that Raven story, Tristan.
Rae Overholt: Yeah, forgot about that.
Tristan Pennell: Its a big bird...balck right?
Rae Overholt: How 'bout we gather in the cockpit for that story? Galley's too far from it for me. She slaps the com button , "Everyone to the nest for a story. Reckon we got nothin’ better to do"
Xiao Li Marshal gives Tristan a Look. "That all you got?"
Rae Overholt: Think up something better than that Tristan, I don’t care what it is.
Tristan Pennell: … uh... well yeah... who figured we'd get stuck out here??
Xiao Li Marshal: Man, have you ever BEEN on a gorram ship before? We're barely a day out an' you're already out of stuff to do?
Tristan Pennell: I been on real boats girl!!! I can tell you one or two stories!
* * *
Gabriel Keats: "I'll get ya more whiskey if you tell me what's got you so wound up."
Lena Lei stares at Gabriel, "Ok, whatever"
Gabriel Keats waits for Lena to speak, face smiling, patient.
Lena Lei looks at Gabriel, "Well, get me some whiskey! I ain't saying another word till I got a drink in my hand!"
Sean M. Writer takes out a scalpel and a piece of wood, and stars whittling.
Gabriel Keats nods and pours her half a cup, looks at the Doc. "You want some? Seein' as your doctorin's at a pause."
Sean M. Writer: Yeah, sure. I'll take some.
Lena Lei downs the contents of the cup in one gulp and shudders.
Gabriel Keats hands him the bottle.
Sean M. Writer: Not like being sober 's gonna change his condition.
Lena Lei looks at the doctor, "You; leave. I ain't telling this to anyone else."
Sean M. Writer: “Uh... OK... I suppose I could do that.” He stands with his drink, somewhat pissed and mumbles something about manners camp.
Lena Lei leans over and whispers to Gabriel, "Ok, you know where I'm going, right?"
Gabriel Keats scowls, makes a note to scold her afterwards. "Yeah--you're off to get hitched."
Lena Lei looks down and nods.
Gabriel Keats: "That bad?"
Lena Lei: "Well, I don't even know the guy I'm marrying, how would you feel?"
* * *
Tristan Pennell: There was this time... back on Evenstown Drift... I got a spot fixing with a big Alliance she was shiny!! That was back before the war... and it was new and clean...
Xiao Li Marshal listens, looking unimpressed.
Tristan Pennell tosses her the bottle .… “come, sit and I’ll tell you how it ran in there...” He walks over and sits near her. “Xiao Li... it was so amazing! The hum of the compression blocks was just everywhere! and it pulsed with power! I had a little room near the bulkhead...hung my hammock there... there was a little bunk... but I loved the sound you know?
Sean M. Writer slams his drink and stretches out on the couch, irritated.
Tristan Pennell: The workin’ was great...I loved that whirly...but there was this lieutenant... smart ass little.... ended up giving him a poke... and I was back on the ground.
Sean M. Writer listens quietly from where he lies, smirking.
Xiao Li Marshal: ...well. I gotta hand it to ya. You know how to make a story boring as shit.
Tristan Pennell: I got a lot of boredom for you then... cause I like talkin'.
* * *
Lena Lei: "I'm just another one of my uncle's deals.”
Gabriel Keats: "Why don't you tell him to take a flyin' rut, then?"
Lena Lei: "I love my uncle, but nothing gets in the way of business, not even me. So, I'm off to someplace I don't know to marry someone I don't know. And that's why I'm scared."
Gabriel Keats: "Would you rather not go?"
Lena Lei pushes the cup back to Gabriel, "Doesn't matter what I want. Get me another drink."
Gabriel Keats: "Wo de ma, girl. . ." He gives her slightly less than half a cup, and also uses a different bottle. He hopes she doesn't notice this is a bit less strong than the bottle he handed off.
Lena Lei takes the cup from Gabriel, but just stares at it and says nothing.
Gabriel Keats: "It matters what you want. Don't let anyone tell you different."
Lena Lei looks at Gabriel, "Why are you being nice to me? No one else is"
Gabriel Keats: "I been in your shoes. Core kid in a group of roughnecks."
* * *
Sean M. Writer: Well, our patient is going nowhere... unless he's a contortionist too.
Rae Overholt snickers and turns and wanders out to find the rest of the crew. “What can you do to make him pretty again doc?” *she stops as he gives her the information*
Sean M. Writer sighs. "Well, I need to build him a few new teeth... The various hematoma, I can do some work on those...”
Rae Overholt: Can you do it here? I reckon, that boss man sees him we're in for serious trouble.
Sean M. Writer: Looks like he's got a cracked rib or two... I can do most of it. He'll look all pretty, and ache like a bastard.
Rae Overholt: Should you get started now so if we're found, wont raise no suspicion?
Sean M. Writer: I've already drilled his teeth, waiting for the cement to set and drain...
Rae Overholt: I'll stand down there and help you out as I can if you need me to doc.
Sean M. Writer nods. "It'll be no big deal. I'm not a dentist by trade, though... So these fab'd teeth are going to need a little extra polish. Anyhow...” He gets back to cosmetics, removing patches from the various bruises and performing some delicate work on his patient's damaged privates. "Thank god for restraints!”
* * *
Tristan Pennell:I was on the ground for most of the fightin'. The only machines I got to play with were transports. But I'll tell you ...there is some real adventure in all of it....I seen some things...I bet you have too... why not sit and swap?
Xiao Li Marshal: “Yeah, well, why don't you try tellin' some of it?” She doesn't leave the pilot's chair.
Tristan Pennell: I'll tell you about a drift I was at... Reavers had been to it a while earlier...damn what a sight! I still get a bad dream from it now and then...and I’ll tell you about my old man.… how he showed me the way things work
Xiao Li Marshal is expressionless.
Tristan Pennell: “Pass the bottle back.”
Xiao Li Marshal hands it over.
Tristan Pennell takes a long drink...shakes the little bit at the bottom and passes it back to her. “I'll tell you I'm scared of floating out here till we die of no air or radiation poison.”
Xiao Li Marshal: Worse ways t' go. Trust me.
Tristan Pennell: I’ve seen bad ways, there are definitely worse ways. Why are you aboard this boat?
Xiao Li Marshal shrugs. "It's a job."
Tristan Pennell: Its not just a job.… I seen your type... its a place to hide for you.
Xiao Li Marshal: Came t' Burnet chasin' a lead, ended up stuck there flat broke. Someone came along offerin' a job and a way off-world, so I took it.
Tristan Pennell: Chasin’ a ya see that there.… that interests me....
Xiao Li Marshal: Eh, not so important anymore.
Tristan Pennell: No no...I told you a tale my dear.… tit for tat!!! There was a part to my tale on the big alliance barge... I was not a great follower, you know?
Xiao Li Marshal: Why am I not surprised?
* * *
Lena Lei looks at Gabriel with a look of surprise on her face, "You're from the core?
Gabriel Keats nods. "Bernadette."
Lena Lei: So what are you doing on this piece of go se?
Gabriel Keats: "Core's where I was born. I ain't lived there since I was fourteen. It isn't where you're born that determines who you are. . ." He goes quiet.
Lena Lei lifts her cup and downs the contents, shuddering a bit less than last time. She mutters to herself, "It is for me."
Xiao Li Marshal: Is for me.
Sean M. Writer shouts "It's an adventure!"
Gabriel Keats: "Tell him you don't wanna marry him." He nods.
Lena Lei looks at Gabriel, stunned, "And then what? Starve to death? Or worse? Do you know how pissed my uncle would be?" She stops in mid thought.
Gabriel Keats: "You wouldn't starve. There's work out there for honest folk--and I ain't talkin' that kind of work, either."
Lena Lei: "Wait a minute . . . that would seriously piss my uncle off"
Gabriel Keats: "Exceptionally?" He says that last bit in an imitation of her accent.
Lena Lei grins, "Oh, now this could be fun"
Gabriel Keats: "Now, when you say fun, you don't mean in the plottin'-our-grisly-demise way, do you? 'Cause I might think about taking exception to that."
Lena Lei smiles at Gabriel, "Your job was just to deliver me, right?"
Gabriel Keats: "So far as I understood, we were to deliver you safe and sound. And it ain't like we're not tryin'."
Lena Lei: "I don't know how hard your trying, and I honestly don't care about that right now." She smirks at Gabriel, "You just get me there in one piece. And your part of the deal will be done"
Gabriel Keats: "You gonna be this brave when you ain't liquored up?"
Lena Lei laughs, "Honey, you think I'm drunk? I drink more than this for breakfast"
Gabriel Keats looks a little taken aback. "Didn't know that's how it worked there. Guess things have changed, yeah?"
Lena Lei shrugs, "All I know is Uncle tells the servants to get me whatever I want . . . and they do."
Gabriel Keats: "You know, if you got some useful skills, ain't no reason you couldn't stay here. I mean, assumin' you don't drive the rest of the crew to killin' you first."
* * *
Sean M. Writer: Ok, could you hand me, in that drawer..there should be an anticoagulation agent in some pre-packaged injectors...
Rae Overholt hands sean the required instruments and the needed supplies from the drawer.
Sean M. Writer takes the pack and carefully injects each of the growing hematoma on his patient, then takes an instrument to start carefully drawing off the blood from the crushed vessels. "Working blunt-force vascular damage is a bitch"
Rae Overholt: Reckon so, wouldn't know myself, I just cause it.
Sean M. Writer continues to check for places where there might be hidden damage. He looks at the scan. "Ok, here's that cracked rib..."
Rae Overholt nods at Sean, "What are we gonna do about it?"
Sean M. Writer sighs. "I'm gonna have to do that one the old-fashioned way. We're gonna have to wrap him. At least his testicles didn't rupture."
Rae Overholt: “Thank god for small favors.” She looks sad for some reason despite her words.
Sean M. Writer: “Hey, I could rupture them if you want... hell, he's out cold, I could castrate him. Gender selection? I did a few of those... Back on...” he trails off. “Eh, never mind.” He smiles and pulls out a razor. “Well, ‘first do no harm’ can be interpreted in many ways...”
Rae Overholt watches Sean, wondering if she should help lift Anton so he can get wrapped.
Sean M. Writer puts the razor away. “Here, I'll loosen the restraints... if you can just turn him on his side for a moment, then we can return to our castration fantasy.”
Rae Overholt nods and tilts him so they can start the wrap.
Sean M. Writer prepares a chest bandage to immobilize his patient's rib, He wraps it around the side, then nods to Merasu to lower him again and gingerly lifts from the other side...
Rae Overholt lowers him and then as Sean lifts leans to grab the bandage and pull it tightly around him back to her side before dropping it and lifting again.
Sean M. Writer pulls the bandage back over the other side, and then fastens it. With the heat gun, he tightens it to the appropriate tension. "There, he can still breathe... but he won't be running anywhere fast. OK, now for the nose...”
Rae Overholt nods and watches again.
Sean M. Writer grits his teeth as he pops the lateral nasal cartilage back into place. "Whoa, another hit there and.." He makes a slicing motion across his throat. "Straight into the brain."
* * *
Tristan Pennell: and I knew this one guy...he was so different than the other posers aboard.… he had a way with the tools...and a handy bottle always near by... he was lookin’ for someone...
Xiao Li Marshal raises an eyebrow at Tristan.
Tristan Pennell: “Thought moving in the black would be a good way to look around... if you got a bottle to refill this dead soldier...I’ll tell you about Meagan...” He rises a bit unsteadily. “The bottle is Gone!” He lifts the empty up and salutes it.
Xiao Li Marshal shakes her head. “You really are somethin'.”
Tristan Pennell grins and plops back down...." I am you know"
Xiao Li Marshal: You want a story, Tristan?
Gabriel Keats calls down. "Please do."
Tristan Pennell smiles and looks at her openly, "yes"
Xiao Li Marshal: I'll tell y'a story.
Tristan Pennell: I'm all ears my love.
* * *
Lena Lei frowns, "Skills . . that could be a problem"
Gabriel Keats: "Can you shoot?"
Lena Lei chuckles, "I'm good at being bossy, but you already got a bossy bitch of a captain."
Gabriel Keats frowns. "I'm pretty easy-goin'. . but I'll thank you not to talk that way about the Captain."
Lena Lei grins, "Wasn't meant as an insult"
Gabriel Keats: "You do drive them to distraction. Don't supposed you'd wanna work on a farm with a couple of pretty boys? Course, I don't think they're so much into the womenfolk..."
Lena Lei leans back in her chair and sighs, "Work on a farm? Me?!"
Gabriel Keats is grinning.
* * *
Xiao Li Marshal: Once upon a time, there was a little girl in New Baltimore. Her ma useta’ be well off, but then got knocked up by some back-birth and her family disowned 'er.
Tristan Pennell leans close
Xiao Li Marshal: Then man ran off, leavin' the mama to raise the girl by herself in the slums.
Tristan Pennell: yeah...that's a story I heard more'n once
Xiao Li Marshal: 'Fore long the mama died, an' the girl was left t' fend for herself, sleepin' in dumpsters, pickin' pockets and stealin' from street vendors to get fed. Then when she was ten, a woman came along. Real nice, real personable. Took the girl an' a passle of other street urchins under her wing, bringing them food every day... She promised them a better life. A life of freedom an' opportunity in the new colonies on the Rim.
Tristan Pennell: oh
Xiao Li Marshal: And they believed her.
Tristan Pennell: sure...
Xiao Li Marshal: So the girl, and all the other street kids, went with her on a big shiny ship...
Tristan Pennell: Tight quarters, too I bet.
Xiao Li Marshal: An' when they got to their destination, they were put in a big dark room with a buncha other kids... And they were led off, one by one, and branded with a hot iron. "Nu." "Slave."
Tristan Pennell: Sold to the mines.. I seen that comin'. Were's your brand?
Xiao Li Marshal, without a word, pulls off her jacket and gloves, revealing the brand on her left forearm.
Tristan Pennell: Ai Ya...thats a bad one! I broke rock for a bit...but I was a prisoner.… not a kid in the pits.
Xiao Li Marshal: Wasn't always in the pits.
Tristan Pennell: Yeah...pretty young girls...
Xiao Li Marshal: Me an' one other girl got sent up to the owner's manor house, housekeeping an' such.
Tristan Pennell: That don't sound so bad.
Xiao Li Marshal: Wouldn't be if that's what they really brought us for.…
* * *
Sean M. Writer: He's gonna need some anti-inflammatory...and probably some other painkillers too, just so he doesn't wake up screaming...
Rae Overholt: huh. Poor him
Sean M. Writer pulls out an IV drip of morphine. “This way, we can say he was using, too.” He grins widely. Sean M. Writer injects the drip.
Rae Overholt snickers at the doc, "Crafty fellow aint ya?"
Sean M. Writer: Hey, he fell down a passageway wasted. I'm betting the way his brain hit the brainpan, he's not going to be very coherent anyway. He probably won't see straight for three, four days. Might as well keep him quiet 'till we get rid of him.
* * *
Lena Lei is staring ahead, lost in thought
Gabriel Keats: "So. . .what kinda business does your uncle run?"
Lena Lei shrugs, "I haven't a clue. Whatever business crime lords are usually in I suppose"
Gabriel Keats: "He got any dealins’ with the dragons?"
Lena Lei: "I don't know. I try not to pay attention to who he does business with. Maybe I should have paid more attention, I might know what I'm getting in to... Who am I kidding?”
Gabriel Keats: "You ain't gettin' into anything, remember? You're gonna tell him what for.
Lena Lei:“I'm going to have to marry this guy."
Gabriel Keats: "If you don't want to marry him, then you ain't gonna marry him." He has a stubborn, idealistic look that would probably piss Rae off if she could see it.
Lena Lei: “Ok, but you have to deliver me there, or Uncle will have you all drawn and quartered, or worse. What am I supposed to do after I tell this guy I'm not going to marry him?"
Gabriel Keats: Well, you could always meet up with us, have us take you somewhere.
* * *
Sean M. Writer hears the fabricator *ding*. "Ah, his teeth are ready." He pulls a set of partial crowns out of a fabricator, and grins, looking at his victim, er, patient. He puts the cement on the teeth, and forces them onto the broken teeth by hand, for maximum post-operative discomfort. “There, that should make chewing solids interesting for a while, asshole. Get your teeth broken on this ship, will you...” His work done, his patient sedated for the foreseeable future, and his prospects for anything better to do for the next month or so, pulls out a bottle from the Pharma’ Locker labeled "For Medicinal Use Only"
* * *
Rae Overholt: Xiao Li, what's our position??
Tristan Pennell: Yeah.… that's long were you there?
Xiao Li Marshal looks at the consoles. "Ain't moved much, Cap'n. … 'Bout six months."
Rae Overholt: So, what's the position, got a wave from Washtown sayin’ they might can help us.
Xiao Li Marshal: Fella was interested in Karin more'n me. She was a couple years older, real shuai...
Tristan Pennell: hmmm.....but you have more to this're searching for someone
Xiao Li Marshal shakes her head. "That's different. Not important anymore."
Tristan Pennell: ah....I will have to fix this boat then..... I need to hear all of it... and I won't do that by sucking vacuum
Xiao Li Marshal shakes her head again. "What I was doin' when I joined this crew is a different story, dong ma?"
Tristan Pennell: Ya...but its a good story I recon... and I’ll trade you for it... we all got tales.… I got a few...and I listen to others....
Xiao Li Marshal: Hmm.
Tristan Pennell: In the end it makes floating out here worth doing.
Xiao Li Marshal smiles a little. "That it does."
Tristan Pennell: We can relate them to each other... and it gets us past that black... that and the whisky.
Xiao Li Marshal smirks.
Tristan Pennell: Is that why your so good looking for news? Looking is a habit now?
Xiao Li Marshal: More'n a habit. S'my job.
Tristan Pennell looks at her..."yeah a keep saying that. My job is making a bug fly...yours is point her at places."
Xiao Li Marshal gives Tristan a Look. "Hackin' is what got me out of that minin' colony. It's what I *do.*"
Tristan Pennell: So you dig for intel? S'a good thing to be good at.
Xiao Li Marshal: Piloting's just my day job.
Tristan Pennell grins. “Whats your night job? ...ya I heard it”
Xiao Li Marshal: ...I just *told* you.
* * *
Lena Lei squints, thinking hard, "Uncle can't find out about that. He'll consider the deal broken."
Gabriel Keats frowns. "See. . .I'm not really the type to make these elaborate plans. I act as I see them, maybe try to stay a few steps ahead. . ." He muses to himself. "You ever met this guy before?"
Lena Lei shakes her head, "No. And from the looks of things around here, no one on this ship is very good with plans."
Gabriel Keats: "If he ain't seen you. . ."
Lena Lei's jaw drops, "He doesn't know what I look like!" She looks Gabriel up and down, "You can't pass for me, though."
* * *
Sean M. Writer locks down his patient's restraints again.
Rae Overholt: Good job doc, you think he really needs restraining though?
Sean M. Writer packs ice on a few of the soft tissue wounds on the patient, particularly around his testes. “Uh... well, you tell me...You want him getting up all caca en la cabeza and doing something else wrong? He pulls the cork out of the bottle, and swigs from it.
Rae Overholt: True, he didn’t need to be that bad off to do it before, don't reckon he'd be any safer now.
Sean M. Writer: “He's of diminished mental ability for at least the next two days.”
Rae Overholt: Guess thats good for us.
Sean M. Writer: “I'd rather have him stuck where he is. Besides, if we *do* decide to do that gender selection on him...” He cackles.
Rae Overholt: True.
Sean M. Writer: I just had a very non-doctorly idea.
Rae Overholt: oh? what's that doc?
Sean M. Writer: Oh, that our patient here could be married off to someone before he regained his faculties... as a woman...
Rae Overholt laughs.
* * *
Tristan Pennell: Lets talk about the Hacks... where'd you learn that trick?
Xiao Li Marshal is distracted by a flashing light on the console. “Hold up a sec..” She frowns at the readouts.
Tristan Pennell: Don't you touch the red go button!
Xiao Li Marshal: “....laotian ye.” She pulls down the comm. "Cap'n? We got incoming!"
Rae Overholt turns to the com and presses it, "Rescue?"
Tristan Pennell looks at Xioa Li inquiringly.
Xiao Li Marshal: We should be so lucky... it's Alliance.
Gabriel Keats: "Ta ma de. . ."
Tristan Pennell: I'll be in the engine room leaking radiation at them...
Rae Overholt sputters out several words in chinese, none of them friendly, "Gorramit who went and messed with my luck! Get that girl hid! Get this one hid too!!"
Tristan Pennell: I told the captain to let me build 'em a cage down there.
Gabriel Keats shouts back down to the medbay. "You really think you could do that?"
Sean M. Writer curses.
Rae Overholt: Don't matter now does it?? Get her hid!
Lena Lei stands up, "Where can I hide?"
Rae Overholt releases the com. “Well Doc, good thing he's sedated, we gotta hide him quick like.”
Sean M. Writer: Where am I going to put him with a morphine drip going on him?
Rae Overholt slaps the com again, "Make sure whatever else we don’t want noticed is hid too!"
Xiao Li Marshal: Cap'n, they're hailing us... do I stall by talking or pretend we're still outta range?
Tristan Pennell: I'd say don't talk to them.
Gabriel Keats: "Lena? Come with me. We gotta get you stowed away."
Lena Lei follows Gabriel.
Gabriel Keats leads her into the hallway with the shuttles.
Rae Overholt: Don't know doc, how high that thing gotta be to work?
Sean M. Writer clamps off the drip, and disconnects it. "Get his legs. Screw it, he's out for a while yet."
Rae Overholt hits the coms , "Talk Xiao Li, play us up as we are, wounded and in need of rescue."
Sean M. Writer: Where to?
Rae Overholt grabs his legs and helps move him to the cargo bay. "Cargo." She walks backwards holding his legs and trying not to trip.
Xiao Li Marshal drops the comm and accepts the hail from the other ship.
Sean M. Writer lugs his "patient" to the cargo bay with Rae.
Tristan Pennell: Such a bad idea...let them think we're dead!!!
Xiao Li Marshal: We don't get parts from somebody, we *will* be dead. You wanna take a chance that somebody else will stumble onto us?
Rae Overholt drops his legs and turns to pop a grate off, showing a small area that Anton can JUST fit in if he's shoved...just right.
Sean M. Writer: Lovely. Hang on... He pulls a sedative out of a med pack pocket and injects Anton
Gabriel Keats uses his foot to open a panel at the bottom of one of the walls. "Here. Get in. The panels got vents, so you ain't gonna suffocate."
Lena Lei mutters, "This is just great" She climbs in.
Tristan Pennell: ah....gods
Sean M. Writer: That'll keep him down for sure. Let's shove him in.
Rae Overholt leans to help shove and arrange his limbs so he fits. She then pops the grate back on and shoves some cargo boxes in front of it. "Let's not forget where we put him eh Doc? Don't want it to start smellin’."
Sean M. Writer laughs darkly. "I've never lost a patient...that way"
Lena Lei shouts, "You best not forget me either!"
Gabriel Keats hands her a sheaf of papers. "Put those behind ya, and, for the love of God, be quiet." He kneels down to close the vent. "I ain't gonna forget ya, kid." He grins. "Promise."
Lena Lei grabs the papers, looking more than a little scared.
Gabriel Keats: "It'll be okay." He slides the panel shut.
Lena Lei mouths silently to Gabriel, "Thanks you"
Tristan Pennell: Maybe I’d best go help them hide things...
Xiao Li Marshal: You do that.
Tristan Pennell: “And do not touch the throttle.” He moves out of the bridge unsteadily.
Xiao Li Marshal: “I'm NOT TOUCHING THE GORRAM THROTTLE. Ta ma de...” She waits for the wave to pick up, practically vibrating with nervousness.
Tristan Pennell stops at the bridge hatch and turns to watch her, quietly.
Gabriel Keats , into the internal comm. "Rae, where do you need me?"
Rae Overholt: *coms back* Somewhere inconspicuous, gathering supplies as if you're worried we'll need them, make it look good.
Sean M. Writer heads back to clean up the mess in the sickbay. Medical waste might not be easily explained...with no patient. He starts feeding dressings and used supplies into the med-waste incinerator.
Gabriel Keats heads back into the Galley, starts taking out some of the non-perishables, starts splitting them into rations. He musses up his hair a bit.
Tristan Pennell holds his breath.
Rae Overholt: *coms* Tristan, you better look greasy and frazzled.
Tristan Pennell: *coms back* “Always Sir!” He heads for the engine room.
The Comm signal reverberates throughout the boat: “FireFly Transport Raven, this is Osprey 312, Come in!”
Gabriel Keats: "Got it." He pauses, and speaks quietly into the comm. "Be careful, bao-be."
Rae Overholt smiles to herself, "Always" and releases the com. “Doc, whats say you head up to galley, with some first aid supplies and heated blankets or heat packs?”
Sean M. Writer: Roger that. He breaks out the first aid kits.
Tristan Pennell can be heard whacking on things and hurting his hands a bit...
Gabriel Keats has already got most of the energy bars sorted into rations, two sets, one for each shuttle. The piles are neat, perfect, a picture of Alliance order. He hopes it'll help.
Rae Overholt stands at the cargo bay doors, trying to stay calm. "Everyone set?"
* * *
Shran3 Yoshikawa: Firefly class ship Raven, we have picked up your distress call. Do you need assistance?
Xiao Li Marshal: This is the Firefly class transport "Raven." Our thrusters are offline due to engine damage, we need replacement parts. We are currently running on minimal life support, but we can't keep it up for much longer...
Shran3 Yoshikawa: We are locking on to your signal. Stand by.
Xiao Li Marshal: Your help is appreciated, sir. *cuts off the transmission*
Shran3 Yoshikawa: Raven, open your main door and prepare for docking
* * *
Xiao Li Marshal cuts off the transmission and grabs the internal comm. "They're comin'!"
Sean M. Writer drops some medkits down on the table. “ OK, lovely...”
Gabriel Keats: "Those actually got supplies in 'em?"
Sean M. Writer looks at him cross-eyed. "What do you take me for?"
Gabriel Keats grins. He is quite obviously having fun with the deception. "Can you lie?" He looks up as he sorts the piles, tilts his head.
Xiao Li Marshal pulls her jacket back on to cover her brand, stuffs her gum and glasses in her back pocket, and tries to look somewhat respectable.
Tristan Pennell sits and remembers his last run in with the alliance.
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