Sabrina McGee: Don't know..
Jenna Kasei approaches the group with a mild look of disgust on her face, as though she can shield her clothes and skin from the grime here simply by sheer force of will.
Vertigo Hawks: Do we still have those drugs to run?
Gabriel Keats: "Well well well..."
Vertigo Hawks looks at Jenny sideways.
Xiao Li raises an eyebrow at the newcomer, who's clearly fresh from the Core.
Sabrina McGee fiddles with the tools on her belt
Jenna Kasei picks the least threatening looking individual to speak to. "Excuse me... I'm looking for the Raven."
Sabrina McGee: And you've found her.
Vertigo Hawks starts mumbeling about clinics...
Xiao Li: Y'know, in case the big bird painted on the side of the ship wasn't a tip-off.
Gabriel Keats looks at Vertigo. "Shenme? Didn't catch that."
Vertigo Hawks: "for the drugs we are going to deliver.... you know"
Jenna Kasei forces a smile. "Well, then maybe you can help me! I'm looking for Shen. She's a member of the crew."
Vertigo Hawks coughs.
Gabriel Keats: "Well'n, you'll have to be more specific. . .you sayin' you got work to do?"
Vertigo Hawks looks from Gabe to Xaio Li, "Who did you say miss?"
Sabrina McGee blinks
Sabrina McGee eyes the stranger warily..
Jenna Kasei blinks, and decides to speak more slowly in case they don't understand Core grammar here. "I am looking for Shen."
Sabrina McGee mumbles something about touching up some welds
Jenna Kasei points at the ship. "She is on the crew of the Raven."
Xiao Li: An' who are you exactly?
Vertigo Hawks surveys the stranger closely
Gabriel Keats: "You got some kind of business with her, I take it?"
Jenna Kasei: Yes, you could say that. Shen and I are... good friends.
Vertigo Hawks coughs.
Sabrina McGee pulls out a sparker and lights the torch
Jenna Kasei eyes Vertigo and edges away from him, wary of catching whatever backwater disease is making him cough so much.
Gabriel Keats: "She know you're coming? 'Cause, I have to say, ain't like she told anyone she was expectin' company."
Xiao Li eyes Vertigo. "Y'know, if you didn't smoke those gorram cigars, you might not cough so much."
Vertigo Hawks coughs significantly.
Jenna Kasei grins. "No, she doesn't know I'm coming. It will be quite a surprise to her."
Jenny Kasei laughs. "She'll just die when she sees me!"
Gabriel Keats: "Now, that aint at all creepifying.'
Sabrina McGee mutters under her breath.. "surprise to HER?"
Gabriel Keats: "Sabrina?"
Xiao Li murmurs under her breath, "Yeah, I bet she will..."
Sabrina McGee: Well, she's not been around much lately. Don't know what to tell ya, stranger. May as well keep looking..
Gabriel Keats coughs, repeats himself a mite louder. "'Brina."
Xiao Li: "I could see about contactin' her, if ya want." A significant glance to Sabrina.
Jenna Kasei frowns. "But... aren't you her crewmates? How can you have lost her? I came a long way to see her!"
Xiao Li: She's kind of a part-timer.
Sabrina McGee: Well, back to work I guess.. welds won't fix themselves.
Sabrina McGee flips her welding mask down
Gabriel Keats looks a little peevish. "Yeah, you get to doin' that."
Jenna Kasei sighs. "Is there some... clean place where I can wait for her?"
Ariel Liveoak approaches the group.
Gabriel Keats: "Nowhere clean."
Xiao Li: This IS a clean place. Relatively.
Vertigo Hawks smiles at the stranger, "Who should we say was askin' for her Miss?"
Jenna Kasei: Oh, my name is Jenna, but don't mention my visit to Shen! I do want to surprise her.
Gabriel Keats: "Jenna?"
Vertigo Hawks coughs.
Gabriel Keats: "Cut the go se."
Jenna Kasei blinks. "Shenme?"
Vertigo Hawks: "Now now, no reason to be rude!"
Xiao Li: Why the hell not?
Ariel Liveoak: Is there some problem?
Xiao Li: Some jian huo shows up an' starts askin' after our crew and won't tell us why?
Jenna Kasei narrows her eyes. "I came here to see one person. If you don't know where she is, I'll find her myself, and if I want to keep my visit a surprise, that's -my- business. I don't see any reason to start hurling insults about.”
Gabriel Keats: "You ain't just good friends. Now, I'm gonna ask you this, 'cause the people on the crew are my family--why are you here. I saw the look on your face. It ain't a pleasure trip."
Vertigo Hawks: Now let's just let the lady go about her business...
Ariel Liveoak raises an eyebrow.
Xiao Li: Nobody comes to the Rim for a 'surprise visit.' 'Specially not someone as fancified as you. Now what's this really about?
Jenna Kasei: I don't have to like this place to want to see Shen, do I, mister?
Gabriel Keats: "And if you've got romantic business. . ." He very much has the look of a big brother about him.
Vertigo Hawks: Look, Miss, Jenna was it? Perhaps if you gave me a place where you could be contacted, if Shen shows up we can let you know. Where are you staying?
Jenna Kasei shrugs. "I hadn't given it much thought, really. I didn't expect to have to stay anywhere and wait for Shen. I expected to arrive and find her and then... well, I was going to play it by ear."
Xiao Li shakes her head. This girl is either a rotten liar or the greenest Core girl Xiao's ever met.
Vertigo Hawks: Can anyone think of a clean establishment that this young lady might be comfortable in? Ariel, perhaps you can escort her to Miss Ana's place?
Ariel Liveoak smiles. "Of course, I'd be happy to."
Jenna Kasei looks around Vertigo to Ariel. "Excuse me, miss... but you look... uh... clean. No offense to the rest of you. Is this Miss Ana's place a clean establishment? I do want to look my best when I meet Shen."
Ariel Liveoak smiles reassuringly. "It is, miss. Very nicely kept."
Jenna Kasei grins. "Excellent! Lead on!"
Ariel Liveoak: This way...
Xiao Li stares long and hard at Jenna as she leaves
Vertigo Hawks watches them go, "What in the hell was all that about?"
Xiao Li: Dunno. Wish she'd at least give a full name... I ain't got the tech to do a search from a face scan.
Vertigo Hawks frowns
Xiao Li: You guys don't happen ta know where Shen really is right now, wouldja? She deserves some advance notice that this Jenna's gonna show.
Vertigo Hawks looks closely at the first mate, "I know folks around here are lookin' for a fresh start an’ all, but why were you so rude to her?"
Shen Jiutai walks up to the group, wearing her sword and Katana, with a satchel of illicit drugs flung over her shoulder.
Xiao Li spots Shen approaching and heads to intercept
Shen Jiutai: Hi Guys!
Xiao Li: Shen, you know anyone named "Jenna"?
Shen Jiutai 's face goes white, "Jenna?… here?”
Gabriel Keats: "Obviously this isn't a happy visit..."
Shen Jiutai looks to Gabe, "What was Xiao Li saying about a Jenna?"
Gabriel Keats: "She came to visit. Pretty girl. You know her?"
Ariel Liveoak returns from showing Jenna to Ana’s house.
Shen Jiutai looks cautiously from Keats to Vertigo, "We've had dealings..."
Ariel Liveoak: Hello Shen, how are you today?
Ariel Liveoak looks a bit distracted and pensive.
Shen Jiutai: Well, honestly, I've been a whole lot better, if you'll excuse me, I think I'd better continue with getting this bag of drugs to our client.
Shen Jiutai looks like she's in shock and runs off down the street.
Ariel Liveoak: Of course.
Ariel Liveoak blinks.
Ariel Liveoak: Hmm. Do I gather that you mentioned her visitor?
Vertigo Hawks nods, “Xiao Li did... Shen looked pretty shook up."
Sabrina McGee wanders up and mutters.. "No more welds to fix.."
Gabriel Keats forces a smile. "Hey, Brina."
Vertigo Hawks smiles, “That's good to hear.”
Sabrina McGee: Wei
Vertigo Hawks: Is anybody going to tell me why we didn't just tell that woman where Shen was?
Ariel Liveoak: I'm not sure...
Ariel Liveoak looks pensive.
Ariel Liveoak: There's something I can't quite put my finger on.
Sabrina McGee: Because it's none of her gorram business?
Vertigo Hawks nods
Sabrina McGee: If Shen wanted her to know, she'd know..
Gabriel Keats: " 'Cause I honestly didn't know where in the heck Shen *was*. I ain't the captain."
Ariel Liveoak: She told me she is a singer... Opera. She ...
Anna Newall comes running as fast as her little legs will carry her with a look of absolute terror in her eyes.
Anna Newall bumps into Vertigo
Vertigo Hawks looks down
Ariel Liveoak blinks
Vertigo Hawks: Yes little lady?
Ariel Liveoak kneels and reaches out to Anna. "What's wrong, child?"
Anna Newall is babbling. "She's over there and I didn't do nothin, but I asked her if she was okay an' she just made some noise but I don't think she's okay and I shouldna been there but my dad told me not to bother him and I thought it'd be neat to see what was in there, but she ain't talkin!"
Sabrina McGee: Umm, what?
Gabriel Keats: "Who made a noise?"
Vertigo Hawks: Now, calm down... where?
Anna Newall points. "She's over there! I don't know her, but she's laying down and I think she's hurt!"
Sabrina McGee: This can't be good.
Anna Newall starts trembling hard. "I didn't do nothin..."
Ariel Liveoak: Of course you didn't, sweetie. Don't worry.
Vertigo Hawks: Why don't you show us?
Anna Newall blinks as tears start to well up. "Don't tell my papa I was over here... He says I gotta stay away from the ships cuz it's not a place for kids.
Gabriel Keats: "It ain't like we know your papa."
Vertigo Hawks: We won't tell your papa.... now why don't you take a deep breath and show us what you're talking 'bout.
Ariel Liveoak: Hush sweetie, it's alright. You did a good thing by telling us.
Anna Newall bites her lip. "I ain't in trouble?"
Vertigo Hawks: no darlin'
Sabrina McGee: Well, if someone's hurt.. mightn't we best make a hurry instead of standing here yapping?
Gabriel Keats: "Just show us."
Anna Newall nods. "Yeah... yeah, she's hurt. We gotta go... right..."
Vertigo Hawks: Please
Anna Newall: Come on! Why you just standing there?
Sabrina McGee: And where's that new kuangzhe de doctor of ours?
The crew of Raven follows the little girl down the street towards the Fruity Oaty Bar
Anna Newall points. "She's in there..."
Sabrina McGee: In the Oaty?
Anna Newall: Not inside! In the back!
Anna Newall is afraid to actually take you around there.
As the crew rounds the corner of the building, they find Shen, laying in a pool of blood with a katana firmly driven through her gut.

Ariel Liveoak: oh my gods Shen!
Vertigo Hawks 's jaw drops open, "Oh my gods!"
Sabrina McGee rounds the corner.. sees Shen.. and runs over
Gabriel Keats: "Ta ma--"
Gabriel Keats kneels down, immediately trying to stem the bleeding, find a pulse
Sabrina McGee falls down next to Shen, crying.. "Shen!! Shen, baby! C'mon!
Anna Newall peeks around the corner. "Is she... dead?"
Sabrina McGee sobs uncontrollably
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