Shen Jiutai stirs in the infirmary, consciousness eluding her, she drifts away again.
Rae Overholt: How's she doing?
Rae Overholt nods to Xiao Li and Brina.
Xiao Li shrugs. "She ain't bleedin’, an' she's still breathin'. I ain't a doctor."
Shen Jiutai makes a small moan, her eyes fluttering
Rae Overholt nods and steps into the room to get a closer look.
Xiao Li leans over and whispers to Sabrina. "No luck trackin' that opera bitch yet."
Rae Overholt leans over and takes Shay's hand in her own, not sure what else to do at this point.
Vertigo Hawks: No real change Cap'n, she drifts in and out some...
Rae Overholt: Well, what do we know?
Sabrina McGee 's face is grim, her mouth set in a hard straight line.. very quiet and intent.
Vertigo Hawks: Well, there was this woman came lookin' for Shen, Jenna was her name.
Ariel Liveoak rests a hand on Sabrina's shoulder and gives a squeeze.
Vertigo Hawks: She was askin' for Shen, and wouldn't say why.
Rae Overholt: That I know. Reckon she's the one that was with Shen when she killed her lover.
Vertigo Hawks: Bad business, this.
Rae Overholt: Always is.
Ariel Liveoak: I've been trying to see if I can learn anything from that sword. There's something about the design and markings that seems like it should be familiar.
Xiao Li: Thought it was Shen's sword.
Sabrina McGee: Any luck trying to find our Doc or another Doc to come look at her?
Rae Overholt: None on my end. Anyone else?
Vertigo Hawks: I patched her best I could, based on my Basic trainin'.
Sabrina McGee: I doubt basic trainin's much for sword-piercing, though.
Vertigo Hawks: Well, the whole issue with stomach wounds is the risk of infection when the intestine is pierced.
Rae Overholt: Did you give her antibiotics?
Vertigo Hawks: I ain't no saw bones, and yeah, what we had.
Rae Overholt: Did you give her a transfusion?
Vertigo Hawks: That's a little out of my league...
Rae Overholt: Can you hook up an IV?
Vertigo Hawks: I just looked inside, and stitched her up best as I could.
Rae Overholt nods.
Sabrina McGee reaches out and places a hand on Shen's arm
Vertigo Hawks: I can find a vein, but I don't know her blood-type
Shen Jiutai mummers a little at Rae's touch.
Rae Overholt: Don't they have universal? What's that? *wishes someone with more knowledge was here* Anyone know which one that is? Universal?
Xiao Li: That's O-negative, ain't it?
Ariel Liveoak: Isn't it... O? Positive?
Sabrina McGee: Dunno if we'd be able to type anyone even if we wanted to try it, besides.
Rae Overholt sighs, getting two answers and not knowing which one was proper. Leaning down she speaks to Shen. "you hear me in there girl? Got anything for us?"
Shen Jiutai stirs a little, her eyes darting behind the lids, then she slows and is still.
Sabrina McGee sighs and gives Shen's hand a little squeeze
Xiao Li starts pacing back and forth in front of the infirmary door
Rae Overholt: Maybe we should fly out to a medical facility?
Ariel Liveoak starts opening drawers and cabinets, looking to see what there is.
Sabrina McGee: We gonna drop her off on an Alliance fed boat? ::more to herself than anyone else:: S'pose it's better than dyin'..
Xiao Li abruptly blurts out "Just tell me where to point the gorram boat already!"
Sabrina McGee: Nearest fed outpost or boat, Cap'n? Can't be any worse than me trying to figure out how to put her back together with some phase couplers and some duct tape
Ariel Liveoak: Perhaps... if I speak with the Alliance officers... It might help. I don't know.
Sabrina McGee: I mean, we gotta try.. it's Shen. I'll stay with her, even if it means gettin' arrested.
Rae Overholt: How 'bout a planet with some medical help? Surely we got one of those near enough? Folks around here gota get medical help somehow.
Sabrina McGee: Could try the main rock we're orbiting..
Jenna Kasei approaches the boat wearily, "Hello?" she shouts into the cavernous hold.
Vertigo Hawks turns his head, "What was that?"
Xiao Li freezes in place.
Sabrina McGee: I'll be right back. Keep her here 'til I'm back with my wrench and gun.
Ariel Liveoak surprises everyone by suddenly producing a finely-crafted katana and a steely expression.
Rae Overholt turns at the voice and takes her gun out.
Vertigo Hawks approaches Jenna, weapons drawn.
Jenna Kasei looks apprehensively at the aggressive Raven crew approaching
Rae Overholt: You the one I've been hearing about? *Gives Jenna a cool glare*
Jenny Kasei looks confused, "Wha?... I asked you not to tell..."
Rae Overholt: And I'd ask you not to attack any more of my crew.
Ariel Liveoak: You had me fooled. I owe you for that.
Jenna Kasei is startled and confused, "What's going on?"
Sabrina McGee comes down from the galley onto the catwalk, gun drawn.
Xiao Li hangs back and just watches.
Jenna Kasei: "What? why are you treating me like this?"
Ariel Liveoak raises an eyebrow. “Give it up, Miss. Perhaps you'd like to try to take MY sword?”
Jenna Kasei 's eyes go wide, "Take your sword? But you were so civil when we last met. What's going on? I only came to see Shen."
Sabrina McGee: ::crying and shouting:: 'Cos you left Shen bleeding with a sword in her! Now tell me why I shouldn't just put a bullet in your brain right here and now. Just one word. That's it. One word and it's all done.
Vertigo Hawks: Want I should tie her up Cap'n?
Rae Overholt: Tie her up. Get the information from her. I dont care if she's dead.
Xiao Li: Yeah, you musta wanted to see her *real* bad.
Ariel Liveoak: One moment.
Rae Overholt: See, you forget as the captain of this ship. I'm privy to some knowledge you might not think I know. You came searchin’ for someone under a ...alias we shall say. Ain't no way you'd have known it.
Vertigo Hawks ties Jenna up to the cargo hold cat walk.
Jenna Kasei looks frightened and afraid, "Alias? Shen with a sword in her? what's going on?"
Rae Overholt: Now, how's about you spit it out. "Jenna".
Ariel Liveoak watches intently.
Jenna Kasei is blubering, "What's this about Shen being hurt? Why are you people treating me like this?"
Xiao Li rolls her eyes. "Quit playin' dumb already!"
Sabrina McGee: Because you showed up, disappeared, and the next thing we know, she's left bleeding for dead. Seems like you might know about that.
Rae Overholt: Not to mention, the name.
Jenna Kasei is going crazy, bawling, "Bleeding for dead? Shen?"
Jenna Kasei looks at the Captain, "What's going on?"
Sabrina McGee keeps her gun drawn on Jenna...
Ariel Liveoak looks thoughtful.
Rae Overholt: What's goin’ on is you'd better start spilling or by Buddha, I'll start spillin’ you.
Sabrina McGee: She's mine, Cap'n.
Jenna Kasei looks at the mechanic with wide eyes, "What are you people DOING? Can't I see her if she's hurt?"
Sabrina McGee spits the words out.. "What, so you can finish what you started? I think not."
Rae Overholt notices Brina's wrench for the first time, her eyes widen and she whistles.
Ariel Liveoak: Hold on. She's either not lying, or she's even better than I thought.
Sabrina McGee: You got one chance here. So you better start talking.
Jenna Kasei, with tears running down her cheeks, looks to the mechanic, "What is there to say?"
Ariel Liveoak: Wait. Let's bring her to see Shen. Carefully.
Sabrina McGee: You can either admit your hand in this, or you can explain just exactly what you DID do the last time you were here. If your hands are clean, then you should have no troubles telling just exactly what did happen.
Jenna Kasei, confused, "What I did? I asked you not to tell Shen that I came for a surprise visit is what I did, and now she's hurt!"
Sabrina McGee: I believe you didn't do it, you live. Shen lives, we're fine. Shen dies, and the folks who did it don't have a prayer in this 'verse. Simple as that.
Xiao Li: Where the gorram hell have you BEEN if you were so eager to see Shen? That's what I wanna know.
Sabrina McGee: Exactly.
Jenna Kasei looks to the pilot, "I... I just couldn't sleep in that room, there was a roach... I know you people out here on the rim handle things like that a little differently..."
Ariel Liveoak: Captain... I don't think she's lying.
Rae Overholt: What makes you think that Ariel?
Ariel Liveoak: Training. Instinct.
Xiao Li: An' you took Shen's bag, because, what, you had cramps?
Jenna Kasei: I never even saw Shen!
Ariel Liveoak: I can see through false sincerity... And she isn't lying. I believe her.
Sabrina McGee: You have any medical training?
Jenna Kasei: Me? I'm an opera singer? Why would I have medical training? Can I please see Shen?
Sabrina McGee: Lady, I don't know you from the King of Londinum. All I know is you showed up, unannounced, to see Shen, and now she's dying. So forgive me, as I'm watching the woman I love die, powerless to help her, if I'm just a bit apprehensive.
Jenna Kasei stops cold at the last words out of Sabrina's mouth...
Ariel Liveoak: Captain, I mean it. She's telling the truth. Please untie her.
Rae Overholt looks to Ariel and swears, "Check her good for dangerous items then let her look through the window at her."
Sabrina McGee: Ariel, let her. But she'll do it at the end of my gun.
Jenna Kasei: "the woman you love..."
Ariel Liveoak moves to loosen the bonds.
Sabrina McGee looks grim, tears at the sides of her eyes
Ariel Liveoak checks for weapons of any kind... and she knows lots of possible hiding places.
Jenna Kasei squirms at the pat-down but is relieved that it is Ariel doing it and not Vertigo. “Thank you, where is she?”
Ariel Liveoak doesn't find anything, and unties the ropes. “ Alright, Miss. Let's go.”
Jenna Kasei runs up to the unconscious Shen, grabbing her hand, "Oh Buddha!!!!"
Rae Overholt: Back out, you can look in through the window. We don’t need no more contamination near her than necessary.
Sabrina McGee: Back. Off. Now.
Ariel Liveoak watches Jenny's reactions intently.
Jenna Kasei: What?
Sabrina McGee cocks the hammer on her gun. “You heard me. Back. Off. My captain said for you to wait outside. You do it.”
Jenna Kasei looks to the others and back to Sabrina... resigned, she withdraws. “Is this the best medical facility you have on this Moon?”
Sabrina McGee: We don't have much in the way of med facilities here. If we did, we wouldn't be here. We were about to leave for better when you showed up.
Xiao Li pipes up, "So if you really wanna help your girlfriend here you'll tell us where we can find a medic fast."
Rae Overholt: Now, how about you start by telling us how you know Shen. How you found her, and who you led to her.
Jenna Kasei looks to the Captain, "Is the woman with the wrench gonna hit me?"
Ariel Liveoak: If I might suggest... Finding competent medical care might have a higher priority.
Sabrina McGee: It's a distinct possibility. Cap'n, we can do this while flyin'. I agree with Ariel. Let's get movin.
Xiao Li: "That's what I said." Xiao Li looks annoyed.
Jenna Kasei: Yes, we can take her to the planet below, money is no object. I can get my personal pilot, Tach to fly her there, his shuttle is fast.
Ariel Liveoak relaxes some and a small smile plays on her lips.
Rae Overholt nods, "nothing sayin’ she can't talk as we go though."
Sabrina McGee: Xiao Li, think a shuttle's faster than the Raven can get her there?
Ariel Liveoak gestures to Jenna. "Come with me, let's go sit and talk some."
Xiao Li: Depends on the shuttle, I'd say.
Jenna Kasei 's eyes glance back to the woman with the wrench, "Um, yeah, perhaps we should..."
Xiao Li: What model has he got?
Sabrina McGee: It'd take time to move her anyways.. let's just go.
Vertigo Hawks: Tach is Flying one a those alliance XP51s...
Xiao Li's eyebrows go up. "Yeah, that'd do it."
Shen Jiutai stirs, her eyes opening...
Rae Overholt looks down at her. "Shen? Who did it?"
Shen Jiutai looks up and sees Sabrina standing nearby and a small smile forms on her lips, when she hears the Captain's question tears begin to pour from her eyes.
Sabrina McGee reaches down and puts a hand over Shen's..
Shen Jiutai rolls over and starts crying harder, "Why..... why did you save me?"
Ariel Liveoak blinks, her mouth opens in shock as a light begins to dawn.
Sabrina McGee whispers.. "We.. I.. couldn't let you go."
Rae Overholt shakes her head, "Shen, why?"
Shen Jiutai looks to Sabrina, tears flooding down her face, "You don't deserve me... you're too kind..."
Xiao Li is just staring in disbelief. “ … you have got to be rutting kidding me.”
Rae Overholt doesn't look any happier about this than Xiao li. "Why?"
Sabrina McGee continues, softly.."Were they coming for you?"
Shen Jiutai looks to the Captain, then back to Sabrina, "Jenna?"
Sabrina McGee bristles
Shen Jiutai: "you met Jenna?"
Rae Overholt: She bring too much back for you, or was she gonna get you caught Shen?
Ariel Liveoak whispers "wo de tian..."
Sabrina McGee: You could say that.
Shen Jiutai: "I couldn't live with those two parts of my life coming together, I.... I can't show my face. I had to save face..."
Rae Overholt: Don't make no sense Shen. You can live with killin’ a man for a crazy, but you can't handle two women meeting?
Shen Jiutai: I'm not good enough for either of you.
Rae Overholt: Well on my ship you save face by confronting things, not half-assed sepuku. Either way. It's gonna be fine, we're getting you to a doctor.
Shen Jiutai: "too good, both you and her... and what I did to her... I can't..."
Rae Overholt: Stay still. It'll iron out Shen. You just hang in there.
Sabrina McGee leans down and places her forhead on the bed next to Shen's body
Shen Jiutai: "I've lied, I've lived a life full of lies... you wouldn't want to be with me if you knew..."
Rae Overholt: I'm still your captain and you're still to follow my orders. You ain't dead yet.
Sabrina McGee sighs
Shen Jiutai: "This whole time, whenever I could... I would meet her, we've been together for two years. I was never in Jail, I was on Sihnon..."
Ariel Liveoak moves to the table and rests a hand on Shen's forehead, trying to impart calm and peacefulness with all her energy.
Rae Overholt: Not the first time someone's cheated Shen. Won't be the last.
Shen Jiutai: "...with Jenna... she...she asked me to marry her.... I ran away... that neckless I gave you..."
Sabrina McGee lifts her head up from the table, standing up and stepping backwards... "What?"
Shen Jiutai: "You don't deserve me..." Shen Jiutai breaks down into tears.
Ariel Liveoak gasps. "Oh dear." she says quietly, looking quickly at Sabrina.
Shen Jiutai: "I love both you and her so much, but I can't face the thought that something would happen... Something always happens..."
Sabrina McGee: "You mean to say.." pulling the necklace out from under her top..
Rae Overholt stands there, stone faced and silent. She's torn between helping a member of her crew live and keeping another from being hurt so bad.
Sabrina McGee breaks down in tears.. "Maybe I was ready to shoot the wrong one, then.. "
Shen Jiutai nods, "It's hers, I stole it... I don't know why, I guess I wanted at least to have you."
Ariel Liveoak reaches to Sabrina with her other hand, offering.
Sabrina McGee: "I.. I can't keep it then. It's not mine. It was never really mine to begin with. I was just holding onto it for a while.”
Shen Jiutai looks into Sabrina's eyes pleadingly. "Shoot me, please, I'd welcome it."
Rae Overholt: That's just nonsense talk.
Sabrina McGee: ::barely audible:: No. I couldn't do that to you.
Shen Jiutai: I deserve it, all you've known is a pack of lies...
Sabrina McGee: ::softly:: No free pass for you.
Rae Overholt: Shen, you just get well, we'll deal with the aftermath later.
Ariel Liveoak nods, agreeing with the Captain.
Shen Jiutai rolls over and hides her face
Ariel Liveoak: All things in their season...
Sabrina McGee unclasps the necklace and hands it to Ariel.. "Here. see that Jenna gets this back."
Ariel Liveoak slowly takes the necklace, looking at Sabrina with profound sympathy. She nods.
Sabrina McGee looks down at the floor and pinches the bridge of her nose between index finger and thumb
Ariel Liveoak puts her hands on Sabrina's shoulders and draws her in.
Rae Overholt watches, uncertain what to say in a time like this. "You wanna head out to the galley Brina?"
Sabrina McGee goes pliant and lets herself get pulled away
Shen Jiutai sobs
Rae Overholt puts a soft hand on Shen's head. “Mistakes aren't worth dyin for Shen, then you can't learn from them.”
Ariel Liveoak says quietly "Let out what needs to flow, dear heart. Don't hide it."
Sabrina McGee relaxes her grip on her wrench and lets it hit the floor... “Shen... I...” ::weeping::
Sabrina McGee turns and runs out of the medbay..
Rae Overholt looks at Brina as she runs out. "Brina.." She turns to Ariel, "What do you recommend I do? I think this is more your area of specialty than mine."
Ariel Liveoak: We have two wounded crew members, Captain. We need to care for both of them. I'll go sit with Bri... I think we should get proper medical care for Shen.
Ariel Liveoak goes looking for Sabrina.
Rae Overholt nods, hoping that Xiao Li gets them up in the air soon. She decides she'd better stay with Shen and let Ariel handle the emotional wounds.