Shen Jiutai looks to Xiao Li, “Buy ya a drink?” she asks.
Xiao Li Marshall: You even have to ask?
Rae Overholt: Wore a coat this time.
Shen: Damn! I need a drink!
Xiao Li Marshall: Don’t we all...
Rae Overholt: Why do I have a feeling this wont go well? What am I supposed to report back to that guy Locum anyway? We went to Paquin and sat in a bar? I don’t understand why he wants our whereabouts anyhow.
Shen: Well, we did tell him we are here, didn’t we?
Rae Overholt: Yeah, but that can’t be all.
Shen: We’re on retainer! He’s paying our bills, we work for him.
Rae Overholt: He basically wants a copy of our logs then? Yeah, that retainer’s going to get us killed. And I’ll never be able to dress comfortable again.
Xiao Li Marshall snorts. “Try wearin’ long sleeves for *twelve years,* Cap’n.”
Gabriel Keats stands behind one of the short pillars, listens quietly. Fidgets in place.
Shen: Gabe, why are you standing there acting funny?
Rae Overholt: “Gabe?” She spins, looking.
Gabriel Keats realizes that he is *not* as good at covert operations as he should be. Curses under his breath in Mandarin.
Rae Overholt curses right along with him, Xiao Li’s comment completely out of her mind.
A large and well dressed man, with the obvious bulges of concealed weapons, enters the room and starts a conversation with a shady character at the end of the bar, who points at our heros. The man crosses the crowded room and approaches Rae, “Are you the Captain of the cargo ship Raven?”
Xiao Li Marshall eyes the man warily.
Rae Overholt spares him half a glance as she is still glaring at Gabe, “Yeah, that’d be me.”
Gabriel Keats looks at the door, then hears the man and steps back. Nothing to see here. Just a wandering performer. His hand stays at his hip.
Bodyguard: “My employer would like to have a chat with you, follow me, please.”
Roland Josephus ignores most of the talk, and turns back to the bar, nodding to the bartender, and pushing his glass forward.
Rae Overholt looks at him, “Who’s your employer?”
The stranger says nothing more, but leads Rae to the scene outside the Paquin Grand Opera House, where the crowd is milling after a performance, slowly drifting towards the End of Season’s Ball across the street.
Shen: I better follow Cap’n, Rol? Guys?
Gabriel Keats: “I’d take it as a kindness if you did. . .” He sounds exceedingly sheepish.
Xiao Li Marshall: Mm?
Roland Josephus looks over to Shen, “Figure if they wanted us dead.. they’d have done it before now. Sounds like Cap’n business.”
Shen: “I think she may needs some back up.” Shen hurries after the Cap’n.
Roland Josephus shrugs, and turns his attention back to his drink.
Xiao Li: ...what the hell, Gabe?
Gabriel Keats looks at Xiao Li. Looks at Roland. Says, simply, “Wei.”
Roland Josephus glances from the pilot to man and back.
Gabriel Keats: “Ta ma de, I’m still wearin’. . .” He takes off the stupid mask, shoves it in a pocket.
Xiao Li Marshall raises an eyebrow. “Nice disguise, Zorro.”
Roland Josephus empties his glass and sets it back on the bar.
Gabriel Keats: “Wasn’t a disguise. Was a statement of fashion. I was buskin’; can’t do if you look like every other guy out there. ‘sides, I figured there was less chance Rae’d shoot me if she didn’t recognize me.”
Xiao Li Marshall: Then you oughta, I dunno, get a haircut or something?
Roland Josephus just shakes his head, and reaches across the bar for a bottle.
Gabriel Keats: “laotian ye, y’think there’s a decent barber anywhere ‘round these parts? Say the closest one’s three planets away.” He coughs. “Also, I didn’t think of it.”
Xiao Li Marshall chuckles and shakes her head. “You’re *really* bad at this, y’know that?”
Gabriel Keats: “Weren’t like I was tryin’ that hard t’hide. That what’s goin’ out there’. . .that ain’t somethin’ I want to know about, is it?”
Xiao Li Marshall: How the tian xiao de should I know?
Rae Overholt stomps up to the bar and glares.
Xiao Li Marshall: Trouble, Cap’n?
Shen Jiutai stumbles forward, “Now I really need that drink!!!”
Rae Overholt: More threats, I”m getting used to it by now.
Roland Josephus looks up from the bar, and over to the Captain without saying anything.
Rae Overholt glances back at him, “Yeah?”
Roland Josephus shrugs, and turns his attention back to the bar, and his drink.
Gabriel Keats blinks. He’s taken off the mask and put his glasses back on. “Threats?” He looks at Shen, at the floor, pretty much everywhere except directly at Rae.”
Rae Overholt: One praised us and one threatened us. Neither would I care to have as my friends.
Gabriel Keats: “hm.” He doesn’t elaborate further.
Rae Overholt: Miss Small and Wallace themselves are here. And Shen’s old flame Jenna. Oh and Locum, who figures we don’t fit in with the fancies.
Xiao Li Marshall: “Please tell me we’re at least--” Xiao Li stops abruptly, going pale. “Wallace is *here*?!”
Rae Overholt: Yeah, so you don’t leave this bar.
Xiao Li Marshall: Fine by me.
Shen: “It sounded like we own you fair and square now Xiao Li, we did pay Niska for you...” She diverts her eyes, “I didn’t mean...”
Gabriel Keats blinks.
Roland Josephus glances over to Shen, and back to the pilot, “Meanin you ain’t an escapee anymore.....”
Xiao Li Marshall: Only technic’ly th’ deed of ownership still belongs to that hun dan Wallace. I wasn’t bought from *him.*
Shen: Yeah, I guess Niska paid him for Fan, afterall... so we own her... for what that’s worth
Xiao Li Marshall rolls her eyes. “Lucky me.”
Shen Jiutai walks up to the bar, and knocks back a shot, thinking of Jenna...
Rae Overholt glares at Shen, “Stop it. We got bigger problems.”
Roland Josephus pauses before he empties his glass and turns it upside down on the bar. He lights the end of a cigarette, and turns around to lean back against the bar.
Gabriel Keats: “How big?” He looks directly at Rae.
Rae Overholt: “Soon as this shindig is over, we’re out of here. Course...How big what?” She asks him with an icy tone.
Gabriel Keats: “‘re the problems?”
Rae Overholt: Not that it matters to you, but big. Dragons setting up shop in Washtown big, Jadi aligning with every crook this side of the core big and using us for her dirty work big.
Dominance Paine walks in, glances at the bar, and walks over, placing His back to a short pillar, eyeing the crew in silence for a moment, sizing them up individually
Rae Overholt spots the stranger and quiets , crossing her arms and waiting for more trouble to start.
Gabriel Keats: “The Dragons?” His eyebrows raise above his glasses. “I’d say that matters just a mite. . .” He trails off as she quiets.
Dominance Paine chuckles softly. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t the crew of the Raven. I might have work, if you are interested...”
Rae Overholt: Well if you know our name you know what we can do. What work do you have?
Shen Jiutai pushes her empty glass away and turns to watch the stranger.
Dominance Paine smiles, His eyes glinting softly. “I know only your reputations... I have three... employees... which I need transferred to a small planet on the outer rim..”
Rae Overholt: What can you tell me about these employees and who might you be?
Roland Josephus: “Passengers... Oh goody.” He turns back to the bar, and flips his glass over, nodding to the bartender.
Xiao Li Marshall stares levelly at Paine.
Dominance Paine smiles. “Me? Merely a businessman. These three employees of Mine are rather... shall we say, delicate. I am offering 750 cred, for a simple transport. No questions...”
Gabriel Keats crosses his arms and watches them talk.
Rae Overholt: Delicate as in sick with plague? Or as in sensitive to sunlight and must be kept out of everyone’s view.
Xiao Li Marshall: Seems like every “no questions” job we take ends with a lot of people wantin’ to question *us*.
Dominance Paine chuckles softly. “Certainly no. They are, in truth, rather lovely. But I would ask that they arrive without so much as a blemish upon their beautiful skin...”
Gabriel Keats: “Oh. . .” He murmurs to himself, and his jaw sets a little.
Rae Overholt: We’re not so much into slaving.
Dominance Paine chuckles softly. “Whoever said anything about slaving...? These are... employees... Not Companions, per se, but under My care, nonetheless...”
Rae Overholt: They under your care by their choice?
Dominance Paine smiles, leveling His gaze towards the woman. “For 750 cred, does it matter...?”
Xiao Li Marshall: YES.
Rae Overholt turns her back on him and looks at each of her crew.
Shen Jiutai shakes her head slightly.
Gabriel Keats: “Apparently he ain’t heard enough about our reputation.” He murmurs this under his breath, loud enough for only Xiao Li to hear.
Roland Josephus: Mister... If’n they’s slaves... These gals here will set them free.. If they are slaves.. and ain’t goin’ willin’.. You’d be best to find you another transport...
Dominance Paine ponders the crew for a moment, at last looking at the Raven’s Captain, His smile gentle, His eyes cold. “Take it or leave it. If you refuse the offer, I am sure there are other ships who need the creds...”
Rae Overholt: ‘Fraid we’re going to have to refuse. I’m sure you’ll find another ship.
Dominance Paine shrugs. “Fair enough, Captain. Shake on it? I have to say, your reputation holds true...”
Rae Overholt: Shake on it? We ain’t made no deal.
Dominance Paine: This is true. Still, no harm in it, and besides, I have heard about you and your crew. Honorable, and all...
Rae Overholt: “Alright.” She approaches him with her hand held out.
Xiao Li Marshall: Cap’n? I wouldn’t--
Rae Overholt looks back to Xiao Li. “I figure you all can drop him cold if he tries anything.”
Shen Jiutai nods to herself.
Gabriel Keats hand is already at his hip.
Dominance Paine smiles, offering his hand, clasping hers gently, firmly, taking advantage of her distraction to discreetly slip something into her pocket. With a firm shake, he at last opens His hand, releasing hers. “One hell of a rep you have there, Cap’n...”
Rae Overholt: “I’ll have to take your word for it.” She releases his hand after a firm shake and steps back, turning to Dione, the Bartender.
Xiao Li Marshall frowns. She could have sworn she saw something there...
Dominance Paine: Well, you can’t blame me for trying. I’ll be on my way then...
Rae Overholt nods at him and turns back to the crew.
Gabriel Keats gives him a long, piercing look
A few shady characters and dancing girls drift in and out of the bar.
Rez Gray: c’mere!
Roshelle Gustafson: hahaha Ohh baby
Rez Gray: ‘Allo all! Hey Di, can I get a whiskey and a beer for my astrogator here?
Dominance Paine raises his hands slowly, chuckling softly, as he walks slowly out of the bar.
Morganna Wynnitfrye: Captain Overholt. I am Morganna Wynnitfrye. I am the regional director of a “Business Consortium”. We have a need for some reliable, and discrete transportation.
Rae Overholt: SCUSE ME?
Morganna Wynnitfrye: Mr Tenens informed us that you would be able to transport some discrete cargo to Beaumonde. We are in no hurry, anytime in the next month is fine.
Dione Bingyi nods to rez, “Comin’ right up.”
Morganna Wynnitfrye: If you reach Beaumonde, without any “Allied” entanglements, our brothers and sisters there will probably pay you a 200 credit “tip,” for your “good service”. All we ask is that you not ask any questions, Dong Ma?
Roland Josephus: Is it just me or are jobs fallin’ off trees around here?
Shen: Why haven’t we come to Paquin before?
Xiao Li Marshall mutters to Rae, “Thinkin’ maybe we should try an’ change our ‘reputation,’ given the kind o’ clientele we’ve been attractin’....”
Morganna Wynnitfrye: I wouldn’t know, but I find Mr. Tenenes to be reliable if pliable.
Rae Overholt wonders suddenly why jobs are falling out of the black on them. “Maybe so pilot. Is the cargo living?”
Morganna Wynnitfrye: The cargo is three crates that I shall have delivered to the spaceport first thing tomorrow morning.
Xiao Li Marshall: Oh, an’ check yer coat pocket.
Roland Josephus turns back to the bar, “Just once I want a job that they say.... Ask all the questions you want.”
Gabriel Keats: “Those jobs don’t pay so well.”
Morganna Wynnitfrye: It is not living, and that is all you ned to know about it.
Dione Bingyi pops the top off a cold bottle of beer for Rez, and pours a shot of whiskey placing it on the bar. “There you go.”
Rez Gray: woot!
Rae Overholt: “Alright. Guess we dont have an option on this job,” she mumbles almost inaudibly. “Guess we’ll take it.”
Morganna Wynnitfrye: Shiny. My associates will deliver it to your hold, sealed, in the morning.
Rae Overholt reaches into her pocket and blinks. “Fine.”
Xiao Li Marshall gets up to go drink in a different corner. Getting too crowded hereabouts.
Morganna Wynnitfrye: “We’ll be awaiting it’s arrival on Beaumonde. I thank you Captain.” She nods stiffly.
Shiro Takaaki: Evenin’ Folks
Rae Overholt: Evening.
Shiro Takaaki: Couldn’t help but overhear you might be looking to take on some work.
Rae Overholt: Seems we got some. What might you be needin’?
Shiro Takaaki: I’m looking for someone trustworthy who can handle a job I need to bail on. There isn’t any pay upfront, but there should be a big payoff when the job is done.
Rae Overholt: We supposed to trust your word on that?
Shiro Takaaki: Fair enough I suppose. My ship is in a bit of a pickle, and I need to take another job that can provide me with money right away. Word is that Raven will do the right thing, even if you’re kinda clumsy about it.
Rae Overholt: “We’re not clumsy!” She looks rather annoyed at this statement. “I’d say we’re right graceful under the circumstances.”
Roland Josephus: Well... Kevin.....
Shiro Takaaki: Well, rumors is rumors.
Gabriel Keats: “Ai ya. . .”
Rae Overholt: Yeah Kevin... but I ain’t Kevin. You’re askin’ for us to take on a pretty risky venture there fella. What was the deal you took?
Shiro Takaaki: This one apparently needs to be very :discrete:, so let’s try not to screw this one up. An old and trusted friend of mine is transporting a passenger carrying a valuable cargo, if you can, I’d like to entrust the final leg of the trip to Raven.
Rae Overholt: What do you get out of it?
Shiro Takaaki: Its a favor for an old friend. I save face and you make some scratch. It really is an easy job, just pick up this girl, and take her to Newhall, :quietly:.
Gabriel Keats: “Least objectionable offer we’ve had tonight...”
Rae Overholt: I can’t make a decision like that without my crews vote, you might be taking food out of their mouth to do it. What was the final pay out to be?
Shiro Takaaki: Well, since its ‘quiet transport’ I think 60 creds per day ought to be fair.
Rae Overholt looks to Shen, “What’s that bring us up to Shen if we take it? Will we break even?” She motions to Xiao Li.
Shen: That will help alot, Newhall is about 10 days out right now...
Rae Overholt: You folks object we do this?
Shen: Sounds legit to me, Cap.
Rae Overholt reaches into her pocket and then holds her hand out to Xiao Li, something hidden in it and waiting for her to take it. “Alright, we’ll take your cargo.”
Xiao Li Marshall plucks the ‘something’ out of her hand, tucking it inside her glove.
Shiro Takaaki: An old war buddy of mine, Captain Xavier Pendragon Able, a good man, flying Ophelia is supposed to meet me in the asteroid belt near Paquin at 2300 hours on the 30th, the coordinates are: X1138, Y1701, and Z2001. I will send him a wave to let him know the change of plan.
Rae Overholt: “Captain Xavier Pendragon Able eh?’ She gives Xiao li a ‘look’. “Right kind of you.”
Xiao Li Marshall nods knowingly back at Rae.
Rae Overholt: Get those coords Pilot?
Shiro Takaaki: Much obliged for you takin’ this job for me and saving me face in his eyes.
Rae Overholt: Good luck with your troubles.
Xiao Li Marshall: X1138, Y1701, Z2001. Got it.
Shiro Takaaki: Ok, take care o’ her Cap’n and I hope we can do business again.
Rae Overholt: Well, we going to be able to eat steak tonight Shen?
Shen: We could, but I’d like to actually see the creds in the account, still... things are looking good, why not? Steak it is!
Gabriel Keats quietly, “Got an extra seat, or. . .”
Shana Meads looks more than a bit flustered and rumpled as she makes a beeline for the bar.
Rae Overholt walks up to Gabe, stares him square in the eye and aims a left hook at his jaw.
Gabriel Keats takes the blow, staggering backwards a couple of steps.
Roland Josephus blinks in a bit in surprise, and shakes his head, “Pa always said.. Son.. if’n you’re gonna be stupid... Expect pain.” He looks over to Shana a moment, and lifts his glass to drink.
Gabriel Keats doesn’t look like he wasn’t expecting this. “An apology would be a gross understatement, wouldn’t it?”
Shana Meads gasps out to the bartender- Did she just -run- here? Flushed face, out of breath... “R-rum!”
Rae Overholt glances at Shana, “Run? What’s goin on?”
Roland Josephus shakes his head, ‘Rum.. Cap’n.. She’s thirsty...”
Rae Overholt: Oh.
Shana Meads shakes her head, stammering. “Nonono- rum! Need rum. Hands... everywhere.” She looks a bit in shock.
Xiao Li Marshall blinks and pulls up her goggles to look at the girl.
Rae Overholt turns back to Gabe, “I’ll deal with you later. ” ::turning back to Shana she asks:: “Hands everywhere? What you talking about woman?”
Roland Josephus nods over to Dione, “Rum.. better make it a double.”
Dione Bingyi: Comin’ right up. She puts a double shot glass on the bar and pours in a two fingers of Rum.
Shana Meads makes a vague gesture in the direction of the other party in town tonight. “Some, some-” She shakes her head- And hey, booze! Grab, chug, gasp.
Rae Overholt raises an eyebrow and then shrugs. “Alright. Nevermind then.”
Dione Bingyi glances up at Roland and slides the shot his way. “There ya go.”
Anastasia Christensen smiles as she walks in the door with Deacon, “I bet this place knows how to serve a drink.”
Roland Josephus nods to Dione, and picks up the glass handing it to Shana, “Here.. When you get done with that other one.… Now what’s got you all out of breath?”
Dione Bingyi looks up at Roland, and smiles...“Thank you for the tip.”
Shana Meads seems to calm down after draining half of it in one go- Then most of that promptly decorates Roland’s shirt as she does a spit-take. “Her!” Of course, her face flushes bright red as she stares at Ana.
Deacon Korhonen: “Well, I’ll let you two continue your evening. Thanks again for the dance, Ms. Christensen.”
Anastasia Christensen looks over towards the bar as she wraps her arm around Deacon’s, “Why don’t you get me something nice and -stiff-”
Roland Josephus just shakes his head, “Good waste of booze....” He looks over to Ana without comment.
Rae Overholt glances at Roland, glad she wasn’t standing there. “What? she try to wrangle you into working for her brothel?”
Roland Josephus looks over to the Captain, and shrugs.
Shana Meads shoots Deacon a ‘PleaseNo!’ look, followed by a rapid shaking of her head- Which Rae’s comment stops cold. “Bro-what?” She’s wearing a perfect ‘duh’ expression.
Deacon Korhonen: *with a wry grin* “Ms. Meads, I sure hope you’ve got on comfortable shoes. You might need to move pretty quick later.”
Rae Overholt shrugs, not unaccustomed to brothels herself what with being a dock rat and all.
Dione Bingyi looks over to Shen...“Thank you for the tip!”
Anastasia Christensen laughs as she looks at the end of the bar and the woman sitting on it, “Have no fear Miss Shana. I don’t mean it in a rude way but you are not brothel material.” She tilts her head a bit, “Though with a little work.... hmmmm”
Shen Jiutai nods and sets her empty glass in front of the tarbender.
Dione Bingyi: What’ll ya have?
Deacon Korhonen: “Well, folks, enjoy your evening. My boat should be good to go now, and I’ve got to run hard burn to get back to Persephone. Gotta keep a tight rein on my employees, or they’ll steal me blind.”
Shen Jiutai looks Dione in the eye, “anything that ain’t that Blue Sun Grain piss!”
Rae Overholt: “Who works for you?” She looks to Deacon at the mention of Persephone.
Dione Bingyi nods and reaches for the bottle of Wiskey.
Deacon Korhonen: “Oh, and barkeep...” another grin. “A drink for Ms. Meads’ friend here.”
Dione Bingyi nods at Deacon, “comin’ up sir”
Anastasia Christensen chuckles, “I’d like a wine please... and if you don’t have a good wine just give me whiskey.”
Shen: Make mine whiskey too.
Dione Bingyi smiles at Deacon, “Thank you for the tip.”
Shana Meads finishes off her drink in another long chug, and shakes her head. “Nono, notatall- Sittingataconsole’sfine-” Then the blush spreads as the Predatory Ana gets labeled her friend. Ack!
Dione Bingyi: two whiskeys and a wine comin’ up.
Deacon Korhonen: ‘Nite, all. good to see you. we’ll have to do this again.
Dione Bingyi sets two shot glasses on the bar and pours two shots of Whiskey for the ladies. She slides them down the bar. She picks out a wine Glass and uncorks a bottle...Pouring the deep dark liquid into the glass.
Anastasia Christensen reaches down the bar for her glass and swigs it down in one quick motion.
Shana Meads reflexively throws back the new drink, too, though this one shuts her up for a bit and leaves her looking a bit fish-like. Stronger than she’s used to!
Dione Bingyi refills Ms. Christensens Glass and slides it back.
Roland Josephus listens quietly looking to each as they speak.
Anastasia Christensen puts her empty glass down on the bar and smiles at Shana, “So I see you found a place you were a bit more comfortable at?”
Shana Meads: “Well, it was-” She claps her hands to her mouth as the words tumble on out unbidden. Whoops!
Xiao Li Marshall sits back in a corner, nursing a strong drink.
Rae Overholt: So, think thats all of them? The job offers I mean?
Shen: God, I hope so...
Rae Overholt: “Guess we head out tomorrow then. I think I need to have a few private minutes with someone if the excitement is over.” She nods at Dione and turns to level a cold stare at Gabe.
Shen: Well, did Li Mei say how many days she was booked for? When is that Rendezvous?
Gabriel Keats returns the stare, though, as his glasses are dark, it’s impossible to say what his expression is behind them
Anastasia Christensen chuckles, “Why Miss Shana, are you saying I make you uncomfortable? Why I am the most harmless person in this joint.”
Rae Overholt: Well then, guess I wasn’t thinking. Looks like we’re here a week or so. Hope you can all entertain yourselves without going destitute.
Xiao Li Marshall: ...and, what, I’m s’posed to stay here in the bar all week to keep off the radar?
Rae Overholt: Nope, you got some work to do on a few projects.
Gabriel Keats says something in Mandarin like, “as though you’d be that lucky.”
Shana Meads shakes her head, then nods, then shakes her head again. Her left hand is groping for -something- at her hip, that, apparently, isn’t there. She stares down at it, her face a mask of comic dismay.
Shen Jiutai stands, rather unsteadly, “I’m goin’ back and crash, anyone else goin’ to the spaceport?”
Gabriel Keats: “Don’t think so.”
Xiao Li Marshall: I’ll come with ya, Shen. Gettin’ too crowded in here for my tastes.
Anastasia Christensen laughs at the woman,“Well believe me you have nothing to worry about with me.”
Rae Overholt stalks past Gabe knowing he’ll follow.
Gabriel Keats does. So whipped
Shen Jiutai saunters over to Xiao Li, nods, and gestures to the door, then follows her out into the night.
Shana Meads pointedly crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m not all certain ‘bout that...” And what was probably -supposed- to be under her breath follows. “Where’s the gorram Marines when you -need- them?”
Anastasia Christensen laughs as she drinks the last sip of her drink, “She places the empty glass on the bar.” She stands up from her stool, “Not thanks needed.” She smiles at Shana as she turns to leave.
Shana Meads starts to slide off her stool- But when Ana does, she re-settles herself, watching the woman with an ‘I’m on to you’ expression. Flustered, she pays out probably well more than her tab. Oh well!
Dione Bingyi nods and glances over at Shana “Thank you so much for the tip”
Roshelle Gustafson smiles at Shauna “Thank you hun, your a doll”