Sabrina McGee: dancing?
Shay Jiutai: yeah dancin'!
Chung Jung: No, I ain't no mathematician... but it seems like there needs to be more mens for all ya'll ladies.
Gabriel Keats coughs
Shay Jiutai giggles
Chung Jung: Unless Keats pulls an extra shift.
Sabrina McGee: I think us womenfolk got it handled just fine, sir.
Sabrina McGee: Shen?
Chung Jung: I can't tell when you sit on those womanly bar stools.
Gabriel Keats: Well, then, Cap'n, shall we?
Shay Jiutai: we women folk can take care of ourselves...
Merasu Acropolis: Yes we shall
Gabriel Keats: Ladie's choice of dance. ::gestures::
Merasu Acropolis: well, you KNOW my choice
Chung Jung: The Lambada?
Shay Jiutai: not this dance again!!!
Sabrina McGee: We can waltz, then..
Merasu Acropolis: (to Gabe) Is that your gun poking me?
Sabrina McGee: Or you can pick..
Jadi Goodliffe: Looks to be about -that- time of night, then.
Gabriel Keats: you want me to remove it?
Merasu Acropolis: As long as it doesnt go off accidentally its fine.
Gabriel Keats: I'm always in control of my weapon
Merasu Acropolis: That's a good quality in a mercenary.
Sabrina McGee: So.. Shen..
Shay Jiutai: (to Sabrina) you like holdin' me like this... don't ya... yes?
Sabrina McGee: Yes, I do.. do you like dancing with me?
Gabriel Keats: So. . .
Shay Jiutai: always...
Gabriel Keats grins. "This is getting to be a bit of a tradition"
Shay Jiutai giggles
Sabrina McGee: So.. how's about we make this official then?
Shay Jiutai: what's that?
Gabriel Keats: Can't say I mind.
Sabrina McGee: Well.. you flirt.. and you dance.. I dunno.. thought.. maybe.. you might like to be my girlfriend..
Sabrina McGee looks down and blushes..
Shay Jiutai steps closer...
Shay Jiutai takes Sabrina's hand
Shay Jiutai puts a hand on Sabrina's chin and pulls her face closer...
Sabrina McGee whispers quietly.. "I've never had a girlfriend before..nobody here is like that.."
Shay Jiutai gently kisses Sabrina...
Shay Jiutai grins at Sabrina
Sabrina McGee puts her arms around Shen..
Shay Jiutai kisses Sabrina again...
Shay Jiutai giggles
Sabrina gives Shay a big hug.
Sabrina McGee: Is that a yes?
Cabridges Fanwood shouts: Stop breaking into my warehouse!

Shay Jiutai: I guess so...
Sabrina McGee: You -guess- so??
Sabrina McGee mock glares..
Shay Jiutai: What do you think?
Shay Jiutai kisses Sabrina again
Sabrina McGee: I'd say you'd be crazy to say no..
Shay Jiutai: Capt'n What do you think about shipboard romances?
Shay Jiutai: Captn?
Shay Jiutai: we gonna get flack from you?
Sabrina McGee takes Shen's hand lightly
Shay Jiutai: c'mon S... let's go sit by the fire...
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