Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Saturday RP 02/10 -- OOC NOTICE
Due to circumstances beyond my control, I may not be able to devote my full attention to RP this week. Because of this, I may not be able to run the game this week. However, I have spoken to Gabe and he is willing to assist me with running this week's session. I may be in-world, and may even be participating, however I may have to leave early as well. I do apologize for this, and if anyone has any objections, please IM me ASAP to let me know. Otherwise, we'll be running on Saturday at our usual time.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Sabrina McGee: Well, why don't we head to the galley and talk what we've come up with for next week's run?
Rae Overholt: Sounds good to me
Kevin Cliffe: I'm game.
Xiao Li finds a convenient corner to lurk in
Rae Overholt plops her butt on the table and looks at Gabe.
Gabriel Keats looks up. "What's goin' on, Cap?"
Rae Overholt: Nothing. What are you up to?
Gabriel Keats: "Hoping this'll make me look like a respectable client. Ain't like I'm respectable, mind. . ."
Rae Overholt: Respectable enough.
Sabrina McGee: Xiao Li, everything getting set up with the surveillance?
Rae Overholt: Guess I should continue practicing on my slave girl stuff. Brina, you sure you are up for this? Shen could do it.
Xiao Li: Much as it can be without bein' on the premises.
Sabrina McGee: I can do this, Cap.. besides, where would Shen keep her sword?
Sabrina McGee: or her guns?
Rae Overholt: That's true.
Sabrina McGee: Better she be able to come running in to defend me than the other way around
Rae Overholt: Okay.
Eaddi Lorenz shouts: OW!
Tach Hathaway shouts: Good night Eaddi!
Gabriel Keats: "Ai ya. . ."
Gabriel Keats: "Reckon I better invest in a set of earplugs. Or stronger drugs from the doc."
Xiao Li: How the hell can this hull be bulletproof an' not *soundproof*?
Gabriel Keats: "Ain't any sound in space. S'pose they didn't think of it."
Lexi Vargas: why do i have a feeling i don't want to know what the topic is?
Sabrina McGee: Lexi, how we looking at for firepower? We got enough guns and hands to fire 'em for backup?
Gabriel Keats: "It isn't as bad as y'think."
Gabriel Keats putzes around in the kitchen, looking for a snack
Kevin Cliffe rolls his eyes at the they have guns...honestly...
Sabrina McGee: I ain't talkin' bout the ones on the ship, Kev.. :P
Xiao Li just stands in the corner, rubbing her arm
Kevin Cliffe: Boy, do we have guns. The gun locker is full.
Billie: HI
Kevin Cliffe: We've got a minigun, some shotguns, lots of pistols, whatever I built when I was bored...
Rae Overholt: Ok, so we've got guns. Brina and I are merchandise. Gabe is a Client, Mont is a seller. That leaves Kevin, Shen, Rio who will be hiding from the client, and billie to come rescue us.
Rae Overholt: and lexi
Rae Overholt bops her forhead
Xiao Li: An' me. Somebody's gotta fly this boat.
Rae Overholt: Yeah...xiao li and rio will stay on the boat. Lexi, shen and Kevin are the rescue party. The odds are rather...daunting.
Kevin Cliffe: I've been looking through the records to see if we could get any edge over our opponents.
Gabriel Keats: "Let me guess--he's a real sumbitch?"
Rio Starr: "What sort of information do we have on them?"
Kevin Cliffe: A location.
Xiao Li: I've been combing the Cortex for whatever I can find... there ain't much. This Lo Pan covers his tracks *really* well.
Rae Overholt: if its there, you'll find it.
Rio Starr rubs his hand over the back of his neck. "Great..." he replies wryly.
Kevin Cliffe: You're not kidding, Xiao. I've been going through those logs from the pirate...
Xiao Li nods, his face grim. "I will."
Kevin Cliffe: And what I have been able to piece together has been incomplete.
Kevin Cliffe: I think our special tools MIGHT be able to give us a bit of an edge in getting up to his front door. Beyond that...
exi Vargas: You don;t have to add me. I am just the spare.
Kevin Cliffe: Xiao, we're going to need you to figure out what you can beyond that.
Rae Overholt looks at lexi, "What?"
Gabriel Keats finally roots out something that isn't a protein pack. It might've been a granola bar once. "You ain't a spare," he says, ripping the foil pack open.
Kevin Cliffe: I've plotted a few approaches for differing strategies.'s not going to be easy.
Kevin Cliffe unrolls the map
Kevin Cliffe: Xiao, can you fly Raven through the eye of a needle if you had to?
Rae Overholt looks at Kevin's map, deciding that since lexi isnt answering it must not have been a big deal.
Xiao Li: Did it once before, didn't I?
Kevin Cliffe: Gorram right.
Sabrina McGee: What's this about spare?
Lexi Vargas: is being darn qiuet tonight.
Sabrina McGee: I'm counting on Lexi and Shen to pull my ass out of there alive!
Kevin Cliffe: We'll need to take a re-entry that's steep and hard, then kick in the and then we pop the shuttles.
Gabriel Keats makes a face as he bites into the brown bar. It's awful. He takes another bite. "Shen might not be able to make it."
Rae Overholt: You and me both.
Rae Overholt: What?
Xiao Li: Will the thermoptics hold in atmo? We ain't tested 'em there...
Kevin Cliffe: Shuttle A will carry our intel team. That's our undercover team.
Kevin Cliffe: Oh they will.
Kevin Cliffe: There will be some shimmer from the speed, but we'll lose that quickly once we drop the shuttles.
Gabriel Keats: "She's got a job that might could take a while."
Kevin Cliffe: The thermoptics don't draw that much juice, and I built them to last.
Rio Starr remains fairly quiet, just listening to the plan. He already knows his part, but it's good to know what else is going on.
Sabrina McGee: Okay, then.. I guess we can send Billie in first, with you, Lexi, in the rear..
Xiao Li: "A job?" Xiao Li cocks an eyebrow. "Who's she workin' for, anyway?"
Kevin Cliffe: Shuttle B will carry the extraction team.
Kevin Cliffe: Xiao will then need to take Raven down this canyon and park here...that's as close as she can get.
Rae Overholt gives Gabe a "we'll talk later" look.
Kevin Cliffe: All in's the best I could come up with. I'm hoping someone can find a better idea.
Gabriel Keats: "Didn't ask, Xiao Li. Just threatened to kill me if anything happened to her girl."
Sabrina McGee blushes
Kevin Cliffe: you want me on Raven or with the extraction team?
Lexi Vargas: So....I get to follow Billie in with a loaded gun? I like this plan.
Sabrina McGee: Lexi, you got any ideas?
Rio Starr grins at Lexi's comment.
Gabriel Keats nods at the captain faintly.
Rae Overholt: Extraction Team Kevin. Xiao Li and Rio will have to worry about the ship. Rio's good with blowing things up if need be I hear.
Billie looks at Lexi nervously
Kevin Cliffe: Rio...I think I ought to take you through the Tac console if we need that.
Rio Starr nods to Kevin. "Good idea."
Lexi Vargas: "As long as we can try for steath and not the...charge in with a hail of bullets plan this time...i am inclined to go along.
Rio Starr: "What? No grenades?"
Gabriel Keats laughs slightly at the mention of grenades.
Rae Overholt: I say you make the rescue team look like clients there for a good time...until the last second.
Sabrina McGee: Well, I think there's too many innocent folk there to try for the "hail of gunfire" idea
Kevin Cliffe: My best idea was a charge-in-with-a-hail-of-bullets...take the shuttle in for a blitz.
Kevin Cliffe: If we can manage stealth...
Rae Overholt: Too bad we dont have anything like a knockout gas we can slip in to their airsystem and just deal with them that way.
Kevin Cliffe had one idea but it'd kill anyone within earshot...
Gabriel Keats: "That go se never works like it does in stories."
Rae Overholt: course that'd put the three of us out too.
Xiao Li: And all the brothel girls.
Gabriel Keats: "Four. I'd be out with you two and Mont."
Rae Overholt: ah
Rae Overholt pops her forehead again
Kevin Cliffe: how many brothel girls?
Rio Starr nods to Sabrina, smiling a little, though it's a tense and wry smile. "I know. I was teasing...." He looks to Rae, his brows rising. "I could come up with a knockout spray for you...but even that might get blown back into someone's face."
Rae Overholt: Xiao? You know?
Gabriel Keats: "And y'guys're gonna need gun hands."
Rae Overholt: I dont want to think of where I'd hide it Doc. In slave silks. *turns bright red*
Kevin Cliffe: Well I did have one idea...but you'd have to hide it in a rather...personal spot.
Rio Starr suddenly blushes, his eyes going wide. He makes a strange noise---his best attempt at a sound of agreement.
Sabrina McGee suddenly realizes something..
Sabrina McGee: "What about my wrench? Awwww, go se.."
Kevin Cliffe: wouldn't believe the designs I've come up with.
Gabriel Keats: "That's why I'd be there. I ain't gotta wear slave silks if I'm a client. And that's why you've got the calvalry outside." He nods at Lexi, then looks at Kevin. "Lay 'em on me."
Kevin Cliffe: But how many brothel girls are we talking about?
Kevin Cliffe: How many slaves?
Rae Overholt: I don't have that information.
Sabrina McGee: As bag as Lo Pan is? Who knows? Could be 50, could be 100..
Sabrina McGee: *big
Kevin Cliffe: We can't fit 50 on two shuttles...
Sabrina McGee: We weren't hired for 50
Gabriel Keats: "Kev, I'll wanna take a look at those. We can do this quiet-like, maybe?"
Kevin Cliffe: Gabe, you're a client, you may be expected to be carrying.
Lexi Vargas: grins...
Gabriel Keats: "I can hide a gun."
Kevin Cliffe: Hoo boy...
Gabriel Keats's face is unreadable.
Rio Starr: "If we can disrupt the management enough to let the slaves take over on their own...all the better."
Rae Overholt: maybe you can hide something disguised as your own personal...pleasure box?
Kevin Cliffe: Incite a revolt?
Lexi Vargas: :slides a hand over his face.
Rae Overholt shrugs, turns and walks out.
Gabriel Keats manages to look uncomfortable for the first time ever.
Sabrina McGee: Open the doors.. that should be enough to incite them to freedom
Rio Starr nods. "Just give them the chance. Might be enough of a distraction. Though that's putting them in the line of fire."
Kevin Cliffe traces a line on the map with his finger...
Kevin Cliffe: Xiao...
Kevin Cliffe: Can you drop Raven in here and fly this street?
Gabriel Keats looks at the maps quickly, memorizing them, and then promptly stops listening to anyone's advice.
Rae Overholt: Sounds good to me
Kevin Cliffe: I'm game.
Xiao Li finds a convenient corner to lurk in
Rae Overholt plops her butt on the table and looks at Gabe.
Gabriel Keats looks up. "What's goin' on, Cap?"
Rae Overholt: Nothing. What are you up to?
Gabriel Keats: "Hoping this'll make me look like a respectable client. Ain't like I'm respectable, mind. . ."
Rae Overholt: Respectable enough.
Sabrina McGee: Xiao Li, everything getting set up with the surveillance?
Rae Overholt: Guess I should continue practicing on my slave girl stuff. Brina, you sure you are up for this? Shen could do it.
Xiao Li: Much as it can be without bein' on the premises.
Sabrina McGee: I can do this, Cap.. besides, where would Shen keep her sword?
Sabrina McGee: or her guns?
Rae Overholt: That's true.
Sabrina McGee: Better she be able to come running in to defend me than the other way around
Rae Overholt: Okay.
Eaddi Lorenz shouts: OW!
Tach Hathaway shouts: Good night Eaddi!
Gabriel Keats: "Ai ya. . ."
Gabriel Keats: "Reckon I better invest in a set of earplugs. Or stronger drugs from the doc."
Xiao Li: How the hell can this hull be bulletproof an' not *soundproof*?
Gabriel Keats: "Ain't any sound in space. S'pose they didn't think of it."
Lexi Vargas: why do i have a feeling i don't want to know what the topic is?
Sabrina McGee: Lexi, how we looking at for firepower? We got enough guns and hands to fire 'em for backup?
Gabriel Keats: "It isn't as bad as y'think."
Gabriel Keats putzes around in the kitchen, looking for a snack
Kevin Cliffe rolls his eyes at the they have guns...honestly...
Sabrina McGee: I ain't talkin' bout the ones on the ship, Kev.. :P
Xiao Li just stands in the corner, rubbing her arm
Kevin Cliffe: Boy, do we have guns. The gun locker is full.
Billie: HI
Kevin Cliffe: We've got a minigun, some shotguns, lots of pistols, whatever I built when I was bored...
Rae Overholt: Ok, so we've got guns. Brina and I are merchandise. Gabe is a Client, Mont is a seller. That leaves Kevin, Shen, Rio who will be hiding from the client, and billie to come rescue us.
Rae Overholt: and lexi
Rae Overholt bops her forhead
Xiao Li: An' me. Somebody's gotta fly this boat.
Rae Overholt: Yeah...xiao li and rio will stay on the boat. Lexi, shen and Kevin are the rescue party. The odds are rather...daunting.
Kevin Cliffe: I've been looking through the records to see if we could get any edge over our opponents.
Gabriel Keats: "Let me guess--he's a real sumbitch?"
Rio Starr: "What sort of information do we have on them?"
Kevin Cliffe: A location.
Xiao Li: I've been combing the Cortex for whatever I can find... there ain't much. This Lo Pan covers his tracks *really* well.
Rae Overholt: if its there, you'll find it.
Rio Starr rubs his hand over the back of his neck. "Great..." he replies wryly.
Kevin Cliffe: You're not kidding, Xiao. I've been going through those logs from the pirate...
Xiao Li nods, his face grim. "I will."
Kevin Cliffe: And what I have been able to piece together has been incomplete.
Kevin Cliffe: I think our special tools MIGHT be able to give us a bit of an edge in getting up to his front door. Beyond that...
exi Vargas: You don;t have to add me. I am just the spare.
Kevin Cliffe: Xiao, we're going to need you to figure out what you can beyond that.
Rae Overholt looks at lexi, "What?"
Gabriel Keats finally roots out something that isn't a protein pack. It might've been a granola bar once. "You ain't a spare," he says, ripping the foil pack open.
Kevin Cliffe: I've plotted a few approaches for differing strategies.'s not going to be easy.
Kevin Cliffe unrolls the map
Kevin Cliffe: Xiao, can you fly Raven through the eye of a needle if you had to?
Rae Overholt looks at Kevin's map, deciding that since lexi isnt answering it must not have been a big deal.
Xiao Li: Did it once before, didn't I?
Kevin Cliffe: Gorram right.
Sabrina McGee: What's this about spare?
Lexi Vargas: is being darn qiuet tonight.
Sabrina McGee: I'm counting on Lexi and Shen to pull my ass out of there alive!
Kevin Cliffe: We'll need to take a re-entry that's steep and hard, then kick in the and then we pop the shuttles.
Gabriel Keats makes a face as he bites into the brown bar. It's awful. He takes another bite. "Shen might not be able to make it."
Rae Overholt: You and me both.
Rae Overholt: What?
Xiao Li: Will the thermoptics hold in atmo? We ain't tested 'em there...
Kevin Cliffe: Shuttle A will carry our intel team. That's our undercover team.
Kevin Cliffe: Oh they will.
Kevin Cliffe: There will be some shimmer from the speed, but we'll lose that quickly once we drop the shuttles.
Gabriel Keats: "She's got a job that might could take a while."
Kevin Cliffe: The thermoptics don't draw that much juice, and I built them to last.
Rio Starr remains fairly quiet, just listening to the plan. He already knows his part, but it's good to know what else is going on.
Sabrina McGee: Okay, then.. I guess we can send Billie in first, with you, Lexi, in the rear..
Xiao Li: "A job?" Xiao Li cocks an eyebrow. "Who's she workin' for, anyway?"
Kevin Cliffe: Shuttle B will carry the extraction team.
Kevin Cliffe: Xiao will then need to take Raven down this canyon and park here...that's as close as she can get.
Rae Overholt gives Gabe a "we'll talk later" look.
Kevin Cliffe: All in's the best I could come up with. I'm hoping someone can find a better idea.
Gabriel Keats: "Didn't ask, Xiao Li. Just threatened to kill me if anything happened to her girl."
Sabrina McGee blushes
Kevin Cliffe: you want me on Raven or with the extraction team?
Lexi Vargas: So....I get to follow Billie in with a loaded gun? I like this plan.
Sabrina McGee: Lexi, you got any ideas?
Rio Starr grins at Lexi's comment.
Gabriel Keats nods at the captain faintly.
Rae Overholt: Extraction Team Kevin. Xiao Li and Rio will have to worry about the ship. Rio's good with blowing things up if need be I hear.
Billie looks at Lexi nervously
Kevin Cliffe: Rio...I think I ought to take you through the Tac console if we need that.
Rio Starr nods to Kevin. "Good idea."
Lexi Vargas: "As long as we can try for steath and not the...charge in with a hail of bullets plan this time...i am inclined to go along.
Rio Starr: "What? No grenades?"
Gabriel Keats laughs slightly at the mention of grenades.
Rae Overholt: I say you make the rescue team look like clients there for a good time...until the last second.
Sabrina McGee: Well, I think there's too many innocent folk there to try for the "hail of gunfire" idea
Kevin Cliffe: My best idea was a charge-in-with-a-hail-of-bullets...take the shuttle in for a blitz.
Kevin Cliffe: If we can manage stealth...
Rae Overholt: Too bad we dont have anything like a knockout gas we can slip in to their airsystem and just deal with them that way.
Kevin Cliffe had one idea but it'd kill anyone within earshot...
Gabriel Keats: "That go se never works like it does in stories."
Rae Overholt: course that'd put the three of us out too.
Xiao Li: And all the brothel girls.
Gabriel Keats: "Four. I'd be out with you two and Mont."
Rae Overholt: ah
Rae Overholt pops her forehead again
Kevin Cliffe: how many brothel girls?
Rio Starr nods to Sabrina, smiling a little, though it's a tense and wry smile. "I know. I was teasing...." He looks to Rae, his brows rising. "I could come up with a knockout spray for you...but even that might get blown back into someone's face."
Rae Overholt: Xiao? You know?
Gabriel Keats: "And y'guys're gonna need gun hands."
Rae Overholt: I dont want to think of where I'd hide it Doc. In slave silks. *turns bright red*
Kevin Cliffe: Well I did have one idea...but you'd have to hide it in a rather...personal spot.
Rio Starr suddenly blushes, his eyes going wide. He makes a strange noise---his best attempt at a sound of agreement.
Sabrina McGee suddenly realizes something..
Sabrina McGee: "What about my wrench? Awwww, go se.."
Kevin Cliffe: wouldn't believe the designs I've come up with.
Gabriel Keats: "That's why I'd be there. I ain't gotta wear slave silks if I'm a client. And that's why you've got the calvalry outside." He nods at Lexi, then looks at Kevin. "Lay 'em on me."
Kevin Cliffe: But how many brothel girls are we talking about?
Kevin Cliffe: How many slaves?
Rae Overholt: I don't have that information.
Sabrina McGee: As bag as Lo Pan is? Who knows? Could be 50, could be 100..
Sabrina McGee: *big
Kevin Cliffe: We can't fit 50 on two shuttles...
Sabrina McGee: We weren't hired for 50
Gabriel Keats: "Kev, I'll wanna take a look at those. We can do this quiet-like, maybe?"
Kevin Cliffe: Gabe, you're a client, you may be expected to be carrying.
Lexi Vargas: grins...
Gabriel Keats: "I can hide a gun."
Kevin Cliffe: Hoo boy...
Gabriel Keats's face is unreadable.
Rio Starr: "If we can disrupt the management enough to let the slaves take over on their own...all the better."
Rae Overholt: maybe you can hide something disguised as your own personal...pleasure box?
Kevin Cliffe: Incite a revolt?
Lexi Vargas: :slides a hand over his face.
Rae Overholt shrugs, turns and walks out.
Gabriel Keats manages to look uncomfortable for the first time ever.
Sabrina McGee: Open the doors.. that should be enough to incite them to freedom
Rio Starr nods. "Just give them the chance. Might be enough of a distraction. Though that's putting them in the line of fire."
Kevin Cliffe traces a line on the map with his finger...
Kevin Cliffe: Xiao...
Kevin Cliffe: Can you drop Raven in here and fly this street?
Gabriel Keats looks at the maps quickly, memorizing them, and then promptly stops listening to anyone's advice.
Friday, February 2, 2007
A Call Home
Shen Jiutai places a Vid Call from a public booth on another part of the small moon that is the closest thing she can call a home. Hoping to catch Sabrina onboard the Raven, she instead finds Gabrial Keats who explains the plan to rescue the daughter of Senator McCoy from Lo Pan, to whom she has been sold into slavery at a brothel.
Shen Jiutai: “So, ya'll are plannin’ on bustin' a girl out of a whorehouse without me? Like I don't know who this Lo Pan is?”
Gabriel Keats: "Ain't planning on doing it without you. Just hadn't gotten a chance to talk to you. I might need your help, tell you the truth."
Shen Jiutai: “My bad, ain't been around for some time...”
Gabriel Keats: "You've been busy. Happens to the best of us, Shen."
Shen Jiutai: "I've got all these deals that pay, been keeping me away from the Raven...”
Gabriel Keats: "Can't say I complained, seeing as it kept you from beating my pigu from here to Osiris and back again." Gabriel Keats smiles ruefully.
Shen Jiutai: "Well as long as you don't try to mess with my girl, we're OK. By the way, if’n you see her tell her, and the Cap’n for that matter, that this guy Lo Pan is a son of a bitch. My family was part of a rival clan, and if the job gets done without me, I’ll be happy to see him dead.”
Gabriel Keats is suddenly more serious. "How bad is he?"
Shen Jiutai: "Don't under estimate him, this job WILL NOT be a cakewalk!"
Gabriel Keats: "Didn't expect it to be. Ain't ever had a job go smooth."
Shen Jiutai: "I wish I could be there... this kind of op is right up my alley..."
Shen thinks that perhaps it would be better if she wasn’t there, her presence would only inflame the dormant fued.
Gabriel Keats: "It'd be good if you were. Cap wants me to scout out the place, but you'd be able to do it quicker and quieter. Though it ain't like I don't have any experience…"
Shen Jiutai suppresses a giggle
Gabriel Keats raises his eyebrows. "Amused?"
Shen Jiutai: "the best advise I can give is to cover all the exits, have multiple escape routes, don't bite off more than you can chew... like just get the one girl out, don't try to storm the Bastille... These guys are well armed and BASTARDS... they won't take kindly to someone messing with their merchandise.”
Gabriel Keats: "See, this is the line I tried to use…'course, everyone's idealistic.”
Shen Jiutai: "Hell, Ya ought to tell 'um, hell I should, but I'm calling from across the moon right now, this deal might take a few days to wrap up..."
Gabriel Keats: "Well, we'll miss you if you aren't there… but Mont and I'll be undercover there when your girl goes in." Gabriel Keats seems unduly worried.
Shen Jiutai: "You keep a close eye on S... if'n something happens to her, you'll have to answer to me... oh yeah, and the Cap'n too..."
Gabriel Keats: "We won't let either of 'em get hurt."
Shen Jiutai: "better not, and you watch your back as well... like I said DON'T Underestimate these jerks!"
Gabriel Keats: "I don't underestimate anyone. That kinda thinking leads to gettin' shot."
Shen Jiutai: "If they shoot you it will only be so that they can catch you, then they'll have fun, for them, not for you..."
Gabriel Keats: "Question between you, me, and God's creation?"
Shen Jiutai: "yes?"
Gabriel Keats: "Going undercover… you think 'Brina can pull it off? I ain't questioning her skills, but she seems an innocent sort."
Shen Jiutai pauses for a moment, "God I hope so... she has to play as much of herself as possible, she'll be scared, in unfamiliar circumstances... she should just play it as if she, not anyone else, had just been abducted and found herself where she is... prolly ought ta rough her up some too, I hate to say it, but her life depends on it..."
Gabriel Keats considers Shen’s advise and wonders if she is as cold to her lover as she appears.
Shen Jiutai: "Listen Gabe, I gotta go, please tell the others what I said, and tell S. that I love her..."
Gabriel Keats: "Will do. Come back soon. We all miss ya. Be safe." He gives the vidscreen a knowing look.”
Shen Jiutai: “Oh, and Gabe, one more thing…”
Gabriel Keats: “Yes?”
Shen Jiutai: “Don’t Fuck up!”
Gabriel Keats laughs. "I'll do my best, ma'am."
Shen Jiutai: “Out”
The vidscreen goes dark and Shen stares for a second at her face in the reflection, wondering if her crew is up to the challenge before them.
Shen Jiutai: “So, ya'll are plannin’ on bustin' a girl out of a whorehouse without me? Like I don't know who this Lo Pan is?”
Gabriel Keats: "Ain't planning on doing it without you. Just hadn't gotten a chance to talk to you. I might need your help, tell you the truth."
Shen Jiutai: “My bad, ain't been around for some time...”
Gabriel Keats: "You've been busy. Happens to the best of us, Shen."
Shen Jiutai: "I've got all these deals that pay, been keeping me away from the Raven...”
Gabriel Keats: "Can't say I complained, seeing as it kept you from beating my pigu from here to Osiris and back again." Gabriel Keats smiles ruefully.
Shen Jiutai: "Well as long as you don't try to mess with my girl, we're OK. By the way, if’n you see her tell her, and the Cap’n for that matter, that this guy Lo Pan is a son of a bitch. My family was part of a rival clan, and if the job gets done without me, I’ll be happy to see him dead.”
Gabriel Keats is suddenly more serious. "How bad is he?"
Shen Jiutai: "Don't under estimate him, this job WILL NOT be a cakewalk!"
Gabriel Keats: "Didn't expect it to be. Ain't ever had a job go smooth."
Shen Jiutai: "I wish I could be there... this kind of op is right up my alley..."
Shen thinks that perhaps it would be better if she wasn’t there, her presence would only inflame the dormant fued.
Gabriel Keats: "It'd be good if you were. Cap wants me to scout out the place, but you'd be able to do it quicker and quieter. Though it ain't like I don't have any experience…"
Shen Jiutai suppresses a giggle
Gabriel Keats raises his eyebrows. "Amused?"
Shen Jiutai: "the best advise I can give is to cover all the exits, have multiple escape routes, don't bite off more than you can chew... like just get the one girl out, don't try to storm the Bastille... These guys are well armed and BASTARDS... they won't take kindly to someone messing with their merchandise.”
Gabriel Keats: "See, this is the line I tried to use…'course, everyone's idealistic.”
Shen Jiutai: "Hell, Ya ought to tell 'um, hell I should, but I'm calling from across the moon right now, this deal might take a few days to wrap up..."
Gabriel Keats: "Well, we'll miss you if you aren't there… but Mont and I'll be undercover there when your girl goes in." Gabriel Keats seems unduly worried.
Shen Jiutai: "You keep a close eye on S... if'n something happens to her, you'll have to answer to me... oh yeah, and the Cap'n too..."
Gabriel Keats: "We won't let either of 'em get hurt."
Shen Jiutai: "better not, and you watch your back as well... like I said DON'T Underestimate these jerks!"
Gabriel Keats: "I don't underestimate anyone. That kinda thinking leads to gettin' shot."
Shen Jiutai: "If they shoot you it will only be so that they can catch you, then they'll have fun, for them, not for you..."
Gabriel Keats: "Question between you, me, and God's creation?"
Shen Jiutai: "yes?"
Gabriel Keats: "Going undercover… you think 'Brina can pull it off? I ain't questioning her skills, but she seems an innocent sort."
Shen Jiutai pauses for a moment, "God I hope so... she has to play as much of herself as possible, she'll be scared, in unfamiliar circumstances... she should just play it as if she, not anyone else, had just been abducted and found herself where she is... prolly ought ta rough her up some too, I hate to say it, but her life depends on it..."
Gabriel Keats considers Shen’s advise and wonders if she is as cold to her lover as she appears.
Shen Jiutai: "Listen Gabe, I gotta go, please tell the others what I said, and tell S. that I love her..."
Gabriel Keats: "Will do. Come back soon. We all miss ya. Be safe." He gives the vidscreen a knowing look.”
Shen Jiutai: “Oh, and Gabe, one more thing…”
Gabriel Keats: “Yes?”
Shen Jiutai: “Don’t Fuck up!”
Gabriel Keats laughs. "I'll do my best, ma'am."
Shen Jiutai: “Out”
The vidscreen goes dark and Shen stares for a second at her face in the reflection, wondering if her crew is up to the challenge before them.
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